Spoken word Essays

  • The Importance Of Spoken Word

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    Spoken word is a broad term that encompasses many mediums of art and literature. Slam poetry, motivational speeches, rap, and song are all popular ways the world interacts with spoken word. However, despite the large amount of people that participate in spoken word, few see it’s value, and may often look down upon it. Searching it on the internet brings up hundreds of articles titled, “Why I Hate Spoken Word” or “Why Spoken Word Is Bad”. Many don’t even bother listening to it, nor understanding what

  • The Spoken Word Poetry Culture

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    Spoken Word Poetry This research paper will be about the Spoken Word Poetry culture which has been around for many years. Ancient Greeks are said to have recited epic poems aloud just as actors from the days of Shakespeare recited Shakespeare's soliloquies aloud in front of an audience. As a preteen I became a part of the spoken word community because it was a way for me to express myself through words. However it wasn't until I was fifteen or sixteen that I truly traveled over to the Spoken Word

  • The Power of Spoken Word Poetry

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    past year, a plethora of young adults choose to perform spoken word poetry. Some demonstrated issues that multiple people deal with and others expressing who they truly are within themselves. Spoken word poetry is a necessity to openly discuss the issues that affect today’s youth. Spoken word poetry allows young adults to deal with issues of gang violence. Two young men by the names of Nate Marshall and Demetrius Amparan recite a spoken word poem “Lost Count: A love story” because of the death of

  • Argumentative Essay On Spoken Word Poetry

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    up and perform for their peers. This past year, a plethora of young adults choose to perform spoken word poetry. In today’s generations, that has changed. Spoken word poetry is a necessity to openly discuss the issues that affect today’s youth. Spoken word poetry allows young adults to deal with issues of gang violence. Two young men by the names of Nate Marshall and Demetrius Amaparan recite a spoken word poem “Lost Count: A love story” because of several children deaths that occurred in their neighborhood

  • Harrison Ines Spoken Word Examples

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Harrison Ines’ spoken word, “2pm,” is an outcry of the everyday life of the American people who faced the difficult condition of the United States of America’s economic turmoil. Since this spoken word was posted on YouTube in the year 2010, the content refers to a time of post-recession in the United States of America. It was a time when the American economy plummeted, resulted a negative domino affects towards the nation and the world, therefore resulting the closure of banks and businesses

  • Words Never Spoken

    1283 Words  | 3 Pages

    Words Never Spoken Her hand strokes over the stone face as the babe in her belly kicks against her side. She can hear Ned's footsteps behind her, each carefully taken so that he does not startle her and yet he does not announce his presence. "They did well." She says when he stops a few steps behind her, allowing her some space. "Though I wish he were not so serious, it looks so unlike him." Brandon's likeness is cold under her gloved hands with none of the heat that always radiated from his flesh

  • Exams Should Not Determine Your Fate

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    and set on a level base on their education. Therefore, many high school and college students work hard with determination in getting that perfect grade scores and being accepted to the top colleges. As people kept a closed mindset, Suli Break, a spoken word poet with a great mindset, set out to inspire and educate young people about the constant issues that we all face. One of his poems, “I will not let an exam result decide my fate”, had caught my whole attention because he addresses issues about

  • Audiobook Neil Hilborn Analysis

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    Neil Hilborn is a 26 year old slam poet originally from Minnesota. Graduating with an honours degree in creative writing in 2011, Hilborn has written 2 books and ranked high in multiple slam poetry competitions nationwide. He has co-founded a literary magazine and now does workshops and classes in colleges and high schools. Although his is not an extremely popular and has not changed the game for poetry everywhere,he is breathing some much needed life into the art form with his slam poetry. He draws

  • Another Taylor Mali: The Importance Of Proofreading

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    The literary works in which authors pay special attention to feelings, emotions and expressing ideas, are considered as poetry. As a genre of literature, poetry has many types and def poetry is one of them. With the spoken word poetry television series known as Def Poetry or Def Poetry Jam, presented by Russell Simmons, this kind of poetry has become widely known. Def poetry has become heavily associated with the poetry slam movement, which is a competition at which performance artists read or recite

  • Black Girls Be Boxing Poem Analysis

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    As you begin to read my review you will start off by hearing my voice throughout the first couple of lines. The words that I chose to start my review speak for all African American women/girls today who feel exactly the same way that I do. I focused my review on a young poet who talks about the consistent hardships that black women go through in America. By choosing that spoken word poem it really overall explains how it is for a lot of black women and girls. I wanted to focus on this topic because

  • If Seeing is Believing, Then Hearing is Connecting

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    communication of and between human beings, the systems upon which I based my choices. One is made up of visual signs, both verbal and nonverbal­communication based upon writing, pictures and symbols. The other is also verbal and nonverbal, the spoken word and the sounds and intonations of the speech itself, as well as the silence that can be an invaluable component of listening and conversing. Visual sign systems are very important in our culture; so much of the communication in our society is

  • Passion City Church's Ministry Analysis

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    place is all set the next step would be the planning of the actual event. Each event fits into their larger theme which corresponds with their mission statement, “We desire The GROVE to be a place where we as women can...Be { ROOTED } in the unfailing Word of God. Choose to { FLOURISH } where we're planted.

  • Cupid's Open Mic: Poem Analysis

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    display their art and perfect their craft in front of a live audience. What's interesting about Poetry 247 is that they've promoted a plethora of open mics throughout the tristate area & in the DMV, such as Pecola Breedlove & The Freedom Party, Jus' Words, Busboys and Poets, Sounds In A Gallery, & Urban Juke Joint, but it never had an open mic event that was created by Poetry 247 themselves. But that all changed Friday, 3/4, when the first ever "The Poetry 247 Open Mic" was presented to the city of

  • Creative Writing: Meagan-Baked Brownies

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    Last year, Meagan and Kris started their very own book club. They got the idea from Meagan's mom. Once a month, Meagan's mom had met with her friends to talk about a book they all had read. Sometimes people would even bring snacks. Everyone took turns picking the book they would read. When Meagan told her best friend, Kris, that they should start their own Book Club, Kris wasn't sure. "Don't we read enough books in school?" Kris asked. "Sure, but in school we don't get to pick the books," Meagan

  • Words And Spoken Words In Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

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    The ability to convey one’s thoughts eloquently and effectively in the form of a speech or spoken words is extremely important. Translating individual thoughts into a comprehensive collaboration of words allows for clarity in people heeding the message, evoking an expansion in their thoughts. In the novel, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the unnamed protagonist finds his rhetoric, or orator’s voice, and develops this, leading him to his revelation of self-awareness. As time progresses the protagonist

  • Word Meaning in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

    571 Words  | 2 Pages

    Word Meaning in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Throughout Faulkner’s novel, As I Lay Dying, a prominent difference between the characters Anse and Addie appears in his/her contrasting depiction of word meaning. According to the mother, Addie, words are bad and do not signify their designated meaning. In comparison, her husband, Anse, continually stresses and believes in his spoken promise or word to bury Addie in Jefferson. Incidentally, the juxtaposition between the two character’s theories of word

  • Poisoned Through the Ear: The Power of the Spoken Word in Hamlet

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    conversations, catching whispered secrets, and sometimes lies. Such open ears in the court offer easy access for words, truthful or not, to slither into the mind and sake seed inside unsuspecting listeners. In fact, spoken words in Hamlet are apt to find their way into unguarded ears and have great effects upon characters in the play. Shakespeare uses prominent imagery of ears to illustrate words’ powerful influence on the actions and emotions of a person. From early in the play, ears come to attain a

  • How Did Gil Scott Heron Use Spoken Word In Poetry

    990 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gil Scott Heron used spoken word and poetry as means for expressing his views. From political to social issues, Gil Scott-Heron advocated for change. Scott-Heron chose spoken word as his mode for relaying his views because he had a natural talent for it and because it was well received by the people of his time. Spoken word is a form of literary expression which could best be described as a combination between poetry and rap. In his early years of life, Gil Scott-Heron found great inspiration for

  • Body Language

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    Have you ever felt misunderstood, or not taken seriously although your words made perfect sense? I’ve seen this happen to many people and most recently to a friend of mine. She had a perfect CV, she was very accomplished and all those who knew her swore she’d have a great career. She had several job interviews but strangely was never accepted. We all did not know why until one day she asked her mother to interview her as practice for her coming job interview. Her mother told her that she looked

  • The Art of Manipulation in Homer's Odyssey

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    They sit, entranced in the magic of his words. He pauses. On the edge of their seats, they await in silence his next utterance. The one spoken of is not a bard or man refined in the art of song, but rather a warrior scarred and hardened through intense conflict. He has a special mastery of the spoken language that enraptures his audience and a gift that endows him to command and persuade them without physical force. This man is a manipulator of words, a subtle combatant. The proverbial "He" represents