Serial communication Essays

  • I2c

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    Inter IC Communication:- Inter IC Communication bus, often abbreviated as I2C bus, is a multi-master bi directional 2 wire serial bus for Inter IC communication, developed by Philips Semiconductor. The I2C bus consists of only two lines; one is called SDA (Serial Data line) carries the data bits and the other is called SCL (Serial Clock Line) is used as a clock signal. The messages sent over the I2C bus contain addresses to define which device should reply to them. All I2C-bus compatible devices

  • Soap Opera Genre

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    opera genre originated in American radio serials of the 1930s, and owes the name to the sponsorship of some of these programs by major soap powder companies. Proctor and Gamble and other soap companies were the most common sponsors, and soon the genre of 'soap opera' had been labeled. Like many television genres (e.g. news and quiz shows), the soap opera is a genre originally drawn from radio rather than film. Television soap operas are long-running serials traditionally based on the close study of

  • Jeffery Dahmer Research Paper

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    Recent research proves that the serial killer brain is underdeveloped in the section in which ethical and moral decisions are made. Abnormalities in the brain can be discovered at a young age. Research in the UK by Graeme Fairchild, a lecturer in clinical psychology at Southampton University, has shown that adolescents with aggressive conduct disorders often had a shrunken amygdala - the

  • Female Serial Killers Methods and Motives

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    Female serial killers have long careers, and it is often hard to interview them because they are rare (Johnston, 2012). There are different types of female serial killers, and different things motivate them. This leads one to ask: What are the different types and causes of female serial killers, and how do they target their victims? Background There have been many different definitions of a serial killer, but the FBI’s official definition of a serial killer as of 2010 is “the unlawful killing of

  • Serial Killers Modus Operandi

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    Serial Killers' Modus Operandi A plethora of serial killers, dead and undead, have been most horrifying in their methods. There are several types of serial killers, some have been caught while others continue to haunt their surroundings. There are several approaches in categorizing serial killers. One method requires examination of the crime scene, the other requires counseling with the serial killer. In profiling a serial killer, law enforcers realize that serial killers are not unlike regular

  • The Making of a Serial Killer, An Annotated Bibliography

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    Annotated Bibliography: Brogaard, Berit. "The Making of a Serial Killer." Psychology Today. Sussex Directories, Inc., 7 Dec. 2012. Web. 03 May 2014. Berit Brogaard, D.M.Sci., Ph.D., is a Professor of Philosophy and the Director of the Brogaard Lab for Multisensory Research at the University of Miami. She earned a medical degree in neuroscience and a doctorate in philosophy. This article explained the traits of a psychopath, such as their callous, manipulative, and cunning behavior, along with

  • David Berkowitz: A True Psychopath

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    is believed to be a true psychopath. Berkowitz is known as the “Son of Sam”, a thrill seeking serial killer who terrorized the city of New York for over a year. Information about David Berkowitz’s background, personality traits and lifestyle and his serial killer profile help to prove that he is in fact a psychopath. In conclusion, this essay will prove to readers that David Berkowitz is a notorious serial killer that is also a psychopath. David Berkowitz was born David Falco, the son of Betty Broder

  • The Serial Killer: The Case Of Lemuel Smith

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    of serial murders the first thing people think of is that the offender is psychotic, white, abused as a child and experimented with animals. However that is not true, serial killers have different alternatives, motives and desires. Some are sexual sadist, act in necrophilia and are mission base serial killers. However people do not know that African-Americans consist of the largest racial minority group among serial killers, representing approximately 20 percent of the total amount of serial killers

  • Why Did Thiago Kill

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    killings were act-focused kills. With Thiago performing act-focused kills he can either fall into the category of the missionary serial killer, the comfort serial killer or the visionary serial killer. Thiago was also a disorganized killer. He went out on his motorcycle and killed random people. Thiago was not making specific plans before each killings like the organized serial killer would. He disorganized

  • Aileen Wuornos: Serial Killer

    671 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aileen Wuornos is well known to be one of the most notorious serial killers ever in America. Without reading or coming across the knowledge about her life and how she became a serial killer, it would be hard to judge why she decided to do all that. Aileen was executed in Florida in 2002 but what fooled after her death is fame about her killings of men. Every time we think of a serial killer, a picture of a violent, egotistical and manipulative male comes to mind but she proved all these ideologies

  • BIOS Research Paper

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System and is a small chip located on all motherboards. BIOS contains the information to It manages the data between the computer's operating system and attached devices such as the hard disk, keyboard , mouse , and printer . When BIOS boots up your computer, it first determines whether all of the attachments are in place and operational, then it loads the operating system into your computer's RAM from your hard disk The motherboard is the main circuit board

  • Selling Of A Serial Killer Analysis

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    Selling of a Serial Killer is a documentary directed by Nick Broomfield. The documentary film was an interview of Aileen with many interesting twists in the story. The film is about Aileen Wuornos who is a prostitute, in her twenties, who admitted that she killed seven men. Aileen was labeled by the FBI as the first female serial killer. Although, it took Aileen months to plead no contest of the murders she was sentenced six life sentences. Her girlfriend/lover of over five years Tyria Moore was

  • Serial Killers: Nature Vs. Nurture

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    The question of whether a serial killer’s actions and psychology is predetermined at birth is up for contention. It may be impossible to believe that one’s brain has been genetically brewed to murder. However, it is difficult to contemplate how society, through environmental variables, can cultivate a vengeful, revenge seeking monster. Through a thorough examination of the inner anatomy of the serial killer and the social context, one can also tackle the emergence of a new trend of mass shooters

  • Jeffrey Dahmer As A Serial Killer

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    it is serial killers are everywhere, maybe not in our neighborhood, but they aren’t fiction as many people think they are. These people are vicious and have the abnormal urge to kill. What gives them this urge to kill and kill again? How are they different from normal people? What circumstances pushed them to commit such acts? What goes on in their minds? These are just some of the questions that revolve in peoples head when they shockingly learn that their neighbor or coworker is a serial killer

  • The Zodiac Killer

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    Much is unknown about the Zodiac killer, but given what is known about serial killers in general, this man was probably born between 1938 and 1943. That would make his age between 25 and 30 years old at the time of his first murder in Vallejo, California, in 1968. Also, that age estimate works with witness statements and it's supported by Zodiac's references to his victims in younger terms in his letters of 1969. Zodiac wasn't an attractive character from what we know. He may have had to wear glasses

  • The Dangers And Theories On The Identity Of The Zodiac Killer

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    Zodiac Killer Gurrola 1           In the San Francisco Bay Area, many mysterious murders occurred which frightened many people. In the late 1960’s, the Zodiac Killer, was responsible for the victims who were murdered in his attacks. The notorious serial killer was never brought to justice, and his identity is still a mystery. The Zodiac Killer would make threats by phone calls and letters to frighten the community in Northern California. This unknown killer sent coded messages to newspapers in the

  • Characteristics Of A Serial Killer

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    What makes a killer a serial killer? According to the FBI, “the term ‘serial killings’ means a series of three or more killings, not less than one of which was committed within the United States, having common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors” ( This is the definition that I have based my research off of. The three killers that I have chosen are Ed Kemper, Robert Hansen, and Dennis Rader. Before I introduce

  • Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

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    Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer active between 1978 and 1991, during which time he murdered 17 young men. His first crime took place when he was 18 and living with his family in Ohio. Just weeks after graduating high school, he picked up a hitchhiker and took him back to his parents’ house. When the man attempted to leave, Dahmer struck him in the head with a barbell and killed him. This first victim was dismembered and buried in the nearby woods. As Dahmer was driving with the body parts in black

  • The Serial Killers: John Wayne Gacy Murders

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    the United States have earned the infamous title of “Serial Killer”, however there may not be another serial killer more deserving of the title than John Wayne Gacy. Serial Killers are the real life monsters that your mom and dad told you do not exist. John Wayne Gacy was one of the most feared and active serial killers of all time and there is a reason he is one of the most famous. In this paper we will discuss John Wayne Gacy’s career as a serial killer, how he was finally arrested, and how differences

  • Adnan Syed: The Murder Of Hae Min Lee

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    especially when feelings are involved. Parents never will accept that their own child who was raised with comfort, love and support could be capable of murder somebody. Disturbing people could be disguised very well under a charming appearance. Many serial killers were known as decent, brilliant and admired persons. When a teenager is carrying a burden as Adnan was, probably feeling guilty for giving back to his parents, his religion and customs could transform him in another person for a few moments