Seed dormancy Essays

  • Radish Seed Germination Essay

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    Optimal pH Levels for Radish Seed Germination Question Do radish seeds germinate best in neutral, acidic or alkaline solutions? Introduction Germination is the reestablishment of metabolic processes in a seed after a period of dormancy. The germination process varies for different seed varieties. Generally, germination begins when water causes the outer covering of the seed to loosen. The uptake of water by the seed triggers the release of hormones needed for respiration, protein synthesis,

  • Seed Germination Essay

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    In order for a seed to germinate, many conditions must be met. Firstly a seed must be viable. If a seed is viable it require a suitable environment with proper levels of moisture, suitable temperatures, oxygen, fertile soil, and proper pH levels to name a few. However, as many of us have experienced, some viable (living) seeds will NOT germinate, even when given the perfect conditions. In the field of botany, this phenomenon is known as “physiological seed dormancy” (will be referred to as PSD from

  • Plants

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    of dormancy in a seed. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed., 2008) Dormancy comes from the Latin word meaning “to sleep.” This period of inaction in the seed is an adaptation to support the seed so it can survive though the harsh growing conditions. (Campbell, Reece, Urry, Cain, Qasserman, Minorsky & Jackson, 2008) Once these poor conditions are absent, the seed can then germinate. The seed will absorb the water, causing it to enlarge. The growing tip of the root will emerge from the seed, and

  • Eucalyptus Globulus' Effect on the Germination of Radish Seeds

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    had an effect on the germination of radish seeds. It was hypothesized that Eucalyptus globulus would have a negative effect on the germination of the seeds and their growth. Before a seed can germinate it must first shed the seed coat, a protective outer layer that protects the seed from parasites, injury, and unfavorable temperatures. Inside the seed coat is the embryo which contains the root and first leaves of the plant, called cotyledons. After the seed coat has been shed the root emerges first

  • Plant hormones

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    (only moves down), embryo of seed, young leaves     •     Control of cell elongation •     apical dominance (prevents lateral buds) •     prevents abscission •     continued growth of fruit •     cell division in vascular and cork cambium --formation of lateral roots from pericycle --formation of adventitious roots from cuttings Gibberellins     Roots and young leaves     •     Cell (stem) elongation (works in stems and leaves, but not roots) •     breaking seed/bud dormancy •     stimulating fruit set

  • Seed Germination

    2362 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction: Seed germination is a process where the quiescence seed imbibed with water, the seed radical elongates and breaks through the seed coat surrounding the embryo. However, most of the plant seeds do not germinate immediately and they under goes period of dormancy. These dormant seeds are normally dehydrated, containing inactive enzymes and resistant to unfavorable condition. These characteristic allowed the seed to be dispersed before germination occur and survive adverse environmental

  • Investigate the Effect of Moisture Content on Wheat Grain Seed's Respiration Rate

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    would not occur and therefore the light-dependent and light-independent reactions would not take place at all. Therefore I would predict that the higher moisture content of wheat grain seeds the higher the respiration rate will be, this is because the seeds will be able to utilise more water than a wheat grain seed with low moisture content. VARIABLES: The independent variable used in this experiment is going to be moisture content, and the dependent variable will be the respiration rate. The other

  • Seed Germination

    762 Words  | 2 Pages

    Seed Germination Seed germination is the process in which seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow after being dormant for a period of time. The length of dormancy varies depending environmental conditions in which the seed is surrounded by. The environmental conditions that determine when a seed will begin to germinate are the temperature, oxygen, the amount of light, and the supply of water (Germination, accessed 23 February 2010, http://www.answers. com/topic/germination). For a seed to begin

  • Seed Determination And Temperature Essay

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    Seed Germination and Temperature Introduction Seed Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed into a plant such as an angiosperm or gymnosperm. Temperature is a factor that can highly effect the germination of a plant. Squash is recognized in the family Cucurbitaceae. Squash come in different varieties, usually distinguished as being “winter” or “summer” squash (Maynard, 2003). It is actually said that summer squash is harvested when the fruits are immature (New World Encyclopedia

  • abscisic acid

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    Abscisic acid is one of the phytohormones present in plants and was firstly discovered in 1963 by Frederick Addicott and his colleagues (Fursule, Kulkarni, & Agarkar, 2006). It plays an important role in regulating the physiological process especially in extreme conditions, besides plant growth and plant development. Under non-stressful conditions, abscisic acid presents in low levels in plants cells. This is because plant cells require just a low level of abscisic acid for normal growth. In

  • Impact of Gibberellic Acid on Seed Germination

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    affect the germination of seeds? INTRODUCTION There are many factors that influence the germination of plant seeds. Adequate warmth and moisture seem to be essential prerequisites but many seeds fail to germinate even under optimal conditions. It has been noted that the gibberellin hormone can break dormancy in seeds, by removing inhibition effects of light (Chen and Chang, 1972). It has been suggested that growth of soil fungi that release gibberellins may be a trigger for seeds to germinate because

  • Cucumber Seeds Lab

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    Root Growth in Cucumber Seeds when Watered with Different Water Sources Introduction: This experiment was to test how different types of water would affect the root growth of cucumber seeds. Plants need the right components in an environment to grow; they need light, oxygen, water, temperature, nutrients and minerals to through germination. Plants will only germinate when they are in the right environment best suited for their needs. Germination is the process, in which plant embryos start to grow

  • Grafting Golden Chain Tree

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    Vossi ' Laburnums are a genus of small deciduous trees and are used for a splash of color in a landscape because of their chains of golden flowers. The plant in this genus are highly poisonous, especially the seeds. The hybrids in this genus are generally less poisonous and produce less seeds. The are only two known species that belong to this genus, Laburnum anagyriodes (Common Laburnum), and Laburnum alpinum (Alpine Laburnum). Laburnum x watereri ' Vossi ' is a common cultivar, and is a hybrid

  • Essay On Sunflower Seeds

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    the germination of plants. As I know that sunflower seeds have a fairly short germination span, they will allow me to carry out this experiment more accurately as germination deviations will be clearly identifiable. For this reason my aim is to determine whether varying concentrations of alcohol and/or tobacco effect or prevent the germination of sunflower seeds. My research question is, “Does alcohol and/or tobacco negatively effect sunflower seed germination?” I hypothesise that both the alcohol

  • Plant Hormones In Wisconsin Fast Plants

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    Gibberellins are also known as gibberellic acid or GA3. Gibberellins are responsible for increasing stem length, fruit growth, and seed germination. This type of hormone is essential for developing plants because it triggers transition from young to adult leaf stage and allows the shoots, or sprouts from the plant, to flourish. Without GA3, plants would not be able to break dormancy. The hormone is also critical for internode elongation because it prompts cell division and expansion in any light condition

  • Purple Loosestrife

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    England seaboard. Purple loosestrife seeds were also found in sheep and livestock feed that was imported from Europe during this period. This new organism was introduced to a new habitat free from traditional parasites, predators and competitors, purple loosestrife thrived in the environmental conditions and by 1880 was rapidly spreading north and west through the canal and marine routes. Purple loosestrife stands also increased due to the importation of seeds and root stalks by horticulturists. It

  • Jamun: The Tropical Species Of The Tropical Fruit

    7508 Words  | 16 Pages

    Introduction India is the country that has large species of the tropical fruit trees. Most of the cultivation is not for the commercial purposes. They provide a source of livelihood and also have cultural and social value. These underutilized fruits have been able to sustain due to their nutritional support and also rural medicinal aspects. Jamun (Syzygium cumini) is also one type of the tropical fruit. It is an underutilized fruit. It has been able to sustain due to its medicinal properties, tasty

  • Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata) and Pulp and Lumber Production

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    Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata) and Pulp and Lumber Production Introduction Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) is commercially one of the four most important conifers in the southeastern United States. In fact, shortleaf pine has the widest range of all southern pines, spreading from Florida to New Jersey and from North Carolina to Oklahoma Sidney Investments, a firm based in Dallas, Texas, is considering the purchase of a 360 acre parcel of forested land located in the Quachita Mountains of eastern

  • 3

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    be given a small space in the garden to plant their own seeds. Jessie, Megan and Jay J each could choose one seed packet from the Pioneer Planters Seed & Garden Company catalogue to grow. Poring over the pages, the siblings tried to decide what to plant. The catalogue passed from Jay J to Megan, from Megan to Jessie and back to Jay J again until the pages were worn and creased. Jay J often fell asleep looking at parsnip, pea or pepper seeds. The rectangular garden ran parallel to the fruit trees

  • Solutions to Poverty: First, End Welfare Fraud

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    “Michigan lottery winner arrested on charges of felony welfare fraud” -- Melissa Anders -- Poverty is an issue in America that has become a growing problem. While it may not necessarily be an issue that gains a lot of attention from people in today’s society, it is still a problem that should be addressed, especially in times of economic hardship like the ones that we are currently experiencing. Money has become tight for a lot of people, but there are still those that have always had a problem