Schreyer Honors College Essays

  • Academic Counseling

    995 Words  | 2 Pages

    to their university and enabling the student to be as prepared as possible for his or her future endeavors. As Gordon et al. highlight, current trends in economy and workforce demand that college graduates be active managers of their own careers and academic advisors are in the perfect position to help college graduates be the best managers that students can be (2008, p. 113). Gordon agrees that academic advisors cannot only help students identify and develop the knowledge and skills necessary to

  • Motivations for Deliberation

    782 Words  | 2 Pages

    to take part on a deliberation? What makes us want to follow criteria stated by Gastil? In our recent class deliberations, it seems that in order to be motivated to deliberate a topic, we must have true personal stakes in the topic at hand. Being college students, we are living, breathing examples of this discussion. I feel as though if there had been a topic which none of us were interested in, the deliberation would have been a flop. Throughout the course of our deliberation around the National

  • Sexual And Sexual Repression In Bram Stoker's Dracula

    1316 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout decades of cheesy horror movies, the image of vampires have been misconstrued as sparkly, angsty teenage boys or handsome men that lure in girls for the fresh blood of a virgin. Many of these stereotypical vampires are influenced by the story of Dracula, held in the Victorian era. During this period, sexuality is repressed by society, as sexual behaviors from women are viewed as unacceptable. Yet, many of the stories published about vampires diverge from the message that Bram Stoker was