Ropa vieja Essays

  • Cuban Food In Cuba

    963 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cuba is a country that has a cuisine filled with an abundance of flavors and influences of the origins of its citizens and people that came by the island over the centuries. Filled with fruit trees and the perfect land for raising animals and growing vegetables, Cuban cuisine is unique and vast. A staple in a Cuban’s diet is, of course, their coffee. Internationally known for the strength and flavor of Cuban coffee it has made its way into many people’s morning routines. Breakfast, or desayuno, isn’t

  • mega disasters

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    world. Howev... ... middle of paper ... ...ntries ( According to Jucelino, “deaths of people and destruction of property will be immense.” In 1950, Cumbre Vieja on the island of La Palma started to attract attention. Its western side collapsed and sank four meters below the ocean a year earlier (1949) Experts believe that boards of land are still slipping slowly into the sea . And that the next eruption, should

  • A Comparison Of Cuban And Mexican Culture

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    Most people think that all Spanish speakers eat the same foods. This is NOT true since each country and region has its own traditions and recipes. Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Cuba on October 28, 1492, claiming it in honor of Spain. As colonies were established, the Spanish began mistreating the native citizens of the island until they were nearly extinct. The colonists resorted to importing black slaves from Africa to operate mines and plantations. As a result, both Spanish and

  • Cuban Food Research Paper

    643 Words  | 2 Pages

    dishes, like arroz con pollo (chicken and rice) and paella; pork is served in diverse forms, chicken, and rice, and seasoned with sofrito (a mix of spices). Popular main dishes include lechón asado (roast pig), bictec de palomilla (sirloin steak), ropa vieja (shredded beef), and pollo asado (roasted chicken); these are accompanied by arroz blanco y frijoles negros (white rice and black beans), and if it is cooked together congri or moros y cristianos (black beans and rice). Desserts are rich and very

  • Propiedades Mecánicas de los Polímeros

    3385 Words  | 7 Pages

    Propiedades Mecánicas de los Polímeros Resistencia La resistencia es una propiedad mecánica que usted podría relacionar acertadamente, pero no sabría con exactitud qué es lo que queremos significar con la palabra "resistencia" cuando hablamos de polímeros. En primer lugar, existen varios tipos de resistencia. Está la resistencia tensil. Un polímero tiene resistencia tensil si soporta un estiramiento similar a éste: La resistencia tensil es importante para un material que va a ser extendido