Rickettsia Essays

  • Typhus Essay

    1258 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction There are two types of bacteria that cause Typhus, Rickettsia Typhi and Rickettsia Prowazekii. The form of Typhus depends on which type of bacteria has entered the body and caused the infection. Rickettsia Typhi causes Murine or Endemic Typhus. Endemic Typhus is unusual in the United States. When it is found, its usually seen in areas with poor hygiene and where the temperature is cold. Endemic typhus is sometimes called "jail fever." Murine Typhus typically occurs in the southeastern

  • Legionnaire's Disease

    977 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the year 1976, there was a disease epidemic, and no one knew the cause of it. On August 2, reports of legionnaires feeling ill were sent to the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Then, the press named the illness, Legionnaire's disease because many legionnaires who went to the American Legion convention caught the disease. To determine the characteristics and the cause of Legionnaire's disease, the problem was handed over to to epidemiologists and laboratory investigators. To figure out what

  • Essay On Non Infectious Disease

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    A disease is any change that impairs the normal functioning of an organism. Infectious or Noninfectious? An infectious disease is caused by another organism whether bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic or rickettsia. Infectious diseases are transmitted through a direct transfer of bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another. This can happen when someone who has the bacterium or virus touches, kisses, coughs/sneezes on someone who is not infected. Noninfectious disease cannot be passed

  • Overview Of Pandemic

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    People will argue when the first documented case of pandemic actually happened. The Peloponnesian War Pestilence recorded to have taken place in 430 BC during the war between Athens and Sparta, it was documented by a historian Thucydides. This was a great pestilence that wiped out 30,000 of the citizens of Athens (roughly one to two thirds of all Athenians died). It is said that not many days after Attica was invaded by Archidamus, the plague first began to show itself among the Athenians. Since

  • Typhus Disease Research Paper

    849 Words  | 2 Pages

    The main reason diseases spread is due to unsanitary living styles. Also when a disease first begins, it is really hard to find a cure right away. A very deadly, infectious disease known as Typhus spread during the Holocaust. Typhus is caused by rickettsia and is spread by lice and flees. The main cause of Typhus was the lack of medicine and unhygienic environment. When the prisoners were sent to the ghetto, they had nothing to clean with or did not have anything at all to their places with. This

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Research Paper

    953 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by only one thing. Rocky Mountain Spotted fever is caused by a tick bite from a tick that carries the Rickettsia Rickettsii. This organism can be fatal to humans if it is not taken care of quickly. In most cases of RMSF the tick was attached for 6 to10 hours and the person may never find the tick on them. RMSF cannot be spread from person to person (2). RMSF can take 2 to 14 days for any of the symptom to show up. (5). There are many ways to prevent RMSF

  • Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare

    1129 Words  | 3 Pages

    diseases and vaccinating against viruses. But it seems that whenever we have a breakthrough in science, there is an ever-present danger of a form of weapon resulting from the discovery. Biological Warfare is defined as bacteria, viruses, fungi or rickettsia, which are used in wartime to cause disease or death in people (Hay, 1984). It seems like a contradiction. Doctors work hard to find cures and vaccinations for the various diseases and viruses that plague our population. On the other side of

  • CBRNE Warfare Threats

    1689 Words  | 4 Pages

    CBRNE Detection A WMD attack is arguably the single greatest threat to the United States homeland. One of the primary reasons that is so is because CBRNE weapons are difficult to respond to and are even more difficult detect. CBRNE weapons can come in many different shapes, sizes, and consistencies. The weapons can be in a liquid, solid or gaseous state and the technologies needed to detect and respond with are very expensive. Each individual threat that comprises the term CBRNE is very different

  • Bioweapons

    1449 Words  | 3 Pages

    Imagine a terrorist without any guns or bombs. Would he or she be considered a real terrorist? The answer is yes; anyone who threatens or endangers the lives of others are terrorists, even those who utilize bacteria and viruses rather than other usual weapons. When people use biological weapons as terrorism, that act is called a bioterrorism. Unfortunately, this actions have been repeated throughout the history, as well as in modern days. They can in fact be far more dangerous than actual weapons

  • Theories Of Endosymbiosis And Autogenesis

    1431 Words  | 3 Pages

    School of Bioscience 913369293 Alternative Assessment: BI1051 Genetics and Evolution Question 1 I. Introduction The two most advanced and scientifically supported hypotheses of evolution from a prokaryote precursor to a eukaryote are The Theories of Endosymbiosis and Autogenesis. The hypotheses both base their claims on the fact that eukaryotic genomes are chimeric, they don’t have a vertical lineage from one common ancestor, but rather a varying ancestry with diverse lineages of archaea and bacteria

  • Margaret Edson Wit Themes

    1899 Words  | 4 Pages

    for diseases which she doesn’t have. Danielle ofris conversation with Mercedes makes him criticize what the other doctors had done to her and therefore he gave her different diagnosis. Later on Danielle ofri ran some tests to her which were Lyme, Rickettsia, Sarcoid, Cosackievirus, Toxoplasmosis and Lupus tests. This showed that Mercedes had a strong personality but deep within she had some conflicting feeling with the doctors of Bellevue hospital since they never believed in her and she thought they

  • Microorganisms

    1995 Words  | 4 Pages

    atmosphere, lead... ... middle of paper ... ...ate minerals from ores containing low-levels of minerals (Hofkin, 2010). Microorganisms have been beneficial to humans in the past too - the Weil-Felix test for typhus. A patient infected with Rickettsia prosecute will have antibodies to this bacterial species circulating in their blood which can bind to Proteus OX19, harmless soil bacterium. Physicians used to diagnose typhus by mixing patient's blood serum with Proteus OX19, positive test for

  • The Four Gas Chambers And Crematorium: The History Of The Holocaust

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    The word Holocaust comes from the Greek language, and is a word that was used to identify a terrifying event that took place in our history, A time we will never forget. During this time period people were burnt and cast into fire. This word is almost a synonym to “death”. A very shocking moment in people’s lives is when they were children and they live during the Holocaust. Children in the holocaust were beaten, tortured and killed in either a concentration camp or death camp. If they did survive