Richard Stallman Essays

  • The History of Gnu/Linux

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    consumers. Works Cited Moody, Glen. Rebel Code. New York: Perseus Publishing, 2001. Patrizio, Andy. "Unix: Not Just For Geeks Anymore." InformationWeek 5 Mar. 2001: 63-6. Peterson, Richard. Linux: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2002. Stallman, Richard. "The GNU Project." Free Software Foundation (FSF). 2001. <>.

  • The Advantages of Free Software

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    Stallman conceives a movement about the defense of the free software and it is an interesting topic to discuss and it has been converted in a stimulus for all computers users and developers to create free software that can be modified, and distributed freely. Private software does not benefit the humanity and the informatics. On the contrary, it induces to have more insecure, expensive, and inaccessible systems applications. I do not pretend to cross out the private software as obsolete and inefficient

  • History of Freeware

    1098 Words  | 3 Pages R.W.Bemer. (n.d.). A view of the history of cobol. Honeywell computer journal , 130-135. Rachna Kapur, M. B. (July 2010). Open Source Development. (F. edition, Ed.) Markhan.on, canada: IBM develoment workers. Stallman, R. M. (2010). Free Software, Free Society (2nd Edition ed.). (2. J. Feller and others (Cambridge: MIT Press, Ed.) Boston: Free Software Foundation. Weber Steven, 1. (2004). The success of open source . London: Havard university press.

  • Open Source Software vs. Microsoft Empire

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    wouldn’t do that sort of thing except perhaps if he would otherwise die.” -- Richard Stallman[1] Richard Stallman, the best-known figure of free software movement professes an absolute refusal of any notion of commercial software. His idea is revolutionary but straightforward: software should be free, period. Background Information In 1970s, the software was firstly subjected as intellectual property. Stallman felt if the software-based computing idea was treated as an intellectual property

  • Franchise Fatigue In Film Industry

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    Now I’m gonna be focusing of the franchises within the film industry.Where does the concept of "franchise fatigue" come from? Nobody seems to know who coined the term. As we know, franchises have been around for years. For some their about how we fall in love with a story or character over a period of time for example harry potter or star wars, you know we all grew up with these movies. So we tend to feel more connected to this franchises, you know it’s a part of our childhood. But For others these

  • The Pros and Cons of Open Source

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    Open Source: Good and Bad Introduction: In the following paper I will be discussing the use of open source software as part of a larger project. Example uses of this include incorporating existing publicly available source code within another piece of software. Because the term open source has such broad implications, I will attempt to explain it within the context of this paper. Open source code comes with many different licenses such as GPL, BSD, and MIT. I will describe the most popular licensing

  • Richard Stallman Argument Analysis: Should Software Be Free?

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    profit). Richard Stallman has been fighting the idea of proprietary software, and specifically software ownership, for decades. Stallman holds the stance that software ownership is a detriment to society, and stifles innovation, education, and social cohesion. Stallman presents an argument for free software that is supported with an abstracted view of the harm the

  • John Fowles

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    John Fowles It's A Boy! Robert and Gladys Richards Fowles give birth to a baby boy on March 31, 1926, in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex County, England. The proud parents have high hopes for their son and send him to two prestigious schools, Alleyn Court School (1934-1939) and Bedford School (1939-1944), where he excels in scholarship and sports. After his primary education is complete, the family moves from London to the Devon countryside, to avoid the invasion of troops in World War II. After serving

  • Essay on Character Movement in James Joyce's Dubliners

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    Character Movement in Dubliners In a letter to his publisher, Grant Richards, concerning his collection of stories called Dubliners, James Joyce wrote: My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to me the centre of paralysis. I have tried to present it to the indifferent public under four of its aspects: childhood, adolescence, maturity, and public life. The stories are arranged in this order. I have written

  • Proper Meaning Superstition

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    "Proper Meaning Superstition" Ivor Armstrong Richards, co-author of The Meaning of Meaning, a great communication theorist and rhetorician, could not effectively communicate. Richards never completely understood and he was never completely understood by others. I. A. Richards believed that there was a "proper meaning superstition," or a false belief that there was one, precise meaning for each word (Craig, 1998, internet). He argued that meaning did not exist in words, but in people as a result

  • Ancient Calendars

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    modern day Iraq can be found) is attributed with having some of the earliest surviving records of astronomical observations. It is believed, ‘…Babylonian astronomical knowledge spread far and wide – to the East, to Persia, and to the Mediterranean.” (Richards p. 38) However, the knowledge that was disbursed was not treasured by all that received it, in the Mediterranean the Greeks improved upon the theories of the Babylonians. The Greek’s theories were recorded; however, when Rome over-took most of Europe

  • Poor Richards Almanac

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    First published by Benjamin Franklin in 1732, “Poor Richard’s Almanack” was a guide to both weather forecasts and wise sayings. Franklin used the pseudonym Richard Saunders in writing the text, which became an annual publication up until 1757. Response to the almanac was tremendous, and it sold as many as 10,000 issues a year. Second only to the bible, “Poor Richard’s Almanack” was one of the most popular and purchased publications in colonial America. The almanac stressed the two qualities Franklin

  • the beach

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    The beach 1.     people - Richard: a british traveller, who comes to Bangkok and gets a map to a secret hidden beach. He has seen every movie about Vietnam, and he sometimes believes being there. He also is addicted to video games. - Daffy Duck: the man who gives Rich the map; he had been on the beach before and had left it for some reason. After his death, he often appears in Richs daydreams. He always speaks about Vietnam, and he knows everything before it happens. - Etienne and Françoise: a french

  • Irony in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour

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    characters in this story, but they all play an important part. The characters are Mrs. Mallard, Josephine, Richards, and Brently Mallard. Mrs. Mallard and Brently Mallard are married and live together in the house that the story takes place in. Josephine is Mrs. Mallard’s sister and she is the one who would break the news to her about Brently Mallards death in the railroad accident. Finally Richards who is Brently Mallards good friend, and he is the one who found out about Brently Mallards death. The

  • Feminist Foundations

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    movement has progressed through several generations it has shifted quite a bit in its general approach and theory. Contemporary writers such as Baumgardner and Richards, and Henry have illustrated a generational shift away from structurally aimed actions, and towards individual acts of subversion and small political actions (Baumgardner and Richards 126-202). This current course is very similar to the direction of other highly organic movements such as sustained dialogue. Feminism though, is particularly

  • Discrimination against Black and Whites

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    that describes how the author, Richard Wright, suffered in the South of the United States during the time when there was still a lot of discrimination throughout the country. Since the author explained many of his horrible experiences in the past, this book cannot be written in a thin book. This thick book is full of his great experiences that wanted to be read by many people in the world in order to let everybody know the disasters of racism. This racism affected Richard Write a lot and he had to adapt

  • Doctors? Listening Skills

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    Doctors’ Listening Skills When people go to the doctor’s office they want the doctor to listen. Competency and a correct diagnosis are appreciated too, but more than anything, patients value doctors’ silence (Richards, 1407). In addition, patients want “more and better information about their problem and the outcome, more openness about the side effects of treatment, relief of pain and emotional distress, and advice on what they can do for themselves” (Meryn, 1922). Doctors’ technical role is in


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    ART CRITICISM PAPER “The Grafin von Schonfeld with her Daughter” by Elizabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun In the University Of Arizona Museum Of Art, the Pfeiffer Gallery is displaying many art pieces of oil on canvas paintings. These paintings are mostly portraits of people, both famous and not. They are painted by a variety of artists of European decent and American decent between the mid 1700’s and the early 1900’s. The painting by Elizabeth Louise Vigee-Lebrun caught my eye and drew me in to look closely

  • Ah, Wilderness - Significance of the play's title

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    by Eugene O'Neill, plays a significant role in the understanding of the play. The "wilderness" is used as a metaphor for the period in a male's life when he is no longer a boy, but not yet a man. This play tells the story of the coming-of-age of Richard, and the evolution he undergoes while becoming a man. The "wilderness" used in the title is a metaphor for the years between childhood and manhood. Life, for a man, is like the woods. When one is a boy, he is in a clearing. Everything told by adults

  • Social Anxiety

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    inside front of the ceiling. Now, she has to talk to the person who's checking out her groceries. She tries to smile, but her voice comes out weakly. She's sure she's making a fool of herself. Her self-consciousness and anxiety rise to the roof...(Richards 1) (1). A student won't attend her university classes on the first day because she knows that in some classes the professor will instruct them to go around the room and introduce themselves. Just thinking about sitting there, waiting to introduce