Reel-to-reel audio tape recording Essays

  • How The Tape Recorder And Their Impact On Society

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    not agree that the tape recorder is one of the most important, I believe that is has had one of the most impacts on our society. The rise of the tape recorder made its mark in 1898 when Danish inventor, Valdemar Poulsen, manufactured a device called the “Telegraphon” that recorded phone calls when the person being called was absent (“The Tape Recorder”). And since then it has grown into a much more complex and has grown in the sense of

  • Theme expressed in Tape by Jose Rivera

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    “Tape” is a short ten minute play by Jose Rivera. It’s a play that only has two characters, a Person and an Attendant. It takes place in a small dark room with no windows and only one door. Inside the room are a chair and a table with a reel-to-reel tape recorder and a glass and pitcher of water. This play is about a Person who is brought to the small room by the Attendant to listen to every lie the Person has told in life. Every single lie was recorded and now it’s time that the Person gets to listen

  • Audio Cassette (MC)

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    An audio Cassette also known as Music cassette (MC) uses a magnetic tape recording format to record audio. Audio cassettes come in two forms, either pre-recorded or blank and empty. The word cassette is a French word, which itself means a little box, rectangular in shape. A famous company known as Phillips was the first one to come up with the music cassette idea, but as time passed, its huge mass production was done all over the world. In order to listen to the music stored in these cassettes, one

  • A Brief History of Music technology and Its Effect on Popular Music

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    instruments, composition and mainly the recording and transmission technique. Nowadays, music is more accessible to people which has more effect on people nowadays than our great-grandparents. We can listen to popular music through iPod, iPhone, computer, internet and etc. However, these things would have been impossible to do back in 19th century because music can only be heard through live performance. This phenomena continue until the idea of recording music pop up back in late 1890s. In the late

  • Technology And Change: The Effects On Music And The Artists Who Create It

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    distribution and manufacturing, and selective promotion of music based on their judgement of their audience. An artist’s only feasible option was to go through this system. To obtain music of high quality, people had to buy vinyl singles or albums or tape, and later, only CDs. There was no practical way to listen to music before buying it without listening to or taping off the radio. Music was very restricted by several different record companies. The record labels in the industry select what music

  • Is Music Downloading A Good Idea?

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    be unrestricted. Through the Internet, people can find many materials and download them as references or for general interest, and some of these files are cheap or even free. Therefore, music downloading has become a popular way for people to get audio files. As downloading becomes a prevailing way to share information, the government decides to develop copyright laws to limit people. It can protect a creator’s rights and prevent other people from stealing original products. According to Wicknick

  • Digital Cinematography

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    emergence of digital or "electronic" cinematography, began in the late 1980's. Sony came up with an idea for a HDTV camera but there was little interest in this concept. Most all television shows and commercials are shot using some form of digital video tape, but now films are leaning in the same direction. Low budget filmmakers have been utilizing the MiniDV format for years with it's quality being considerably greater than other prior formats. In May 2002 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones became

  • DVD Vs. VCR

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    to the purchase price of both systems, as well as the cost of movies and maintenance. A second consideration of consumers when choosing between VCR and DVD should be the video and audio quality. Various technical factors can alter the quality of both picture and sound in both of these systems, making picture and audio quality a major consideration when shopping for home entertainment components.A final consideration that consumers should give special attention is the accessibility of the systems

  • Daniel Ellsberg And The Pentagon Papers

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    simply false. Even McNamara himself agreed with Ellsberg that the war could not be won, just before making a statement to the press asserting his confidence in ou... ... middle of paper ... ...el-to-reel tape recorder. Nixon’s speech is highly censored, as only the most objectionable recordings are used in the film. It is a very effective technique, as it is shocking to hear Nixon casually suggest to Henry Kissinger that we simply drop a nuclear bomb on Hanoi. While Daniel Ellsberg’s story is

  • Napster: The Destruction Of The Music Industry

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    It’s 1960, and the Beatles are recording their newest album, with no technology. Fast forward 50 years from now. Almost all of the new and existing musicians are involved with technology in their music, whether it be instrumental or vocal. Edgar Bronfman Jr, an American businessman, once said, “The history of the music industry is inevitably also the story of the development of technology. From the player piano to the vinyl disc, from reel-to-reel tape to the cassette, from the CD to the digital

  • The Use of Electronic Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music

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    theory of the synthesiser and the various pioneers of electronic technology, including Dr. Robert Moog and Les Paul. Also within the essay, I have discussed the increasing use of computers in the recording studio. The computer has become an indispensable tool in ensuring that both recording and playback sound quality is kept at the maximum possible level. Many positive ideas have come from the continued onslaught of computerisation. For example, music is becoming more widely available to

  • Maylasia's National Archives is Our Nation's Heritage Treasures

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    consist of Films, Audio, video and multimedia, Photograph and Support Services. The main function of this section is to enhance the ability of tracking, retrieval and documentation audiovisual archives that have been received by any sources such government agencies, private, NGO’s, individual and others either local or international II. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Our society nowadays have less exposed with the existence of information sources besides in paper format. Information in audio visual is able

  • Jimi Hendrix Are You Experience Meaning

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    The Jimi Hendrix Experience’s first album, Are You Experienced, is undeniably one of the most influential albums of all time. For a debut record, it achieved many milestones and influenced many artists, fans, and consumers alike. Are You Experienced changed music in many ways, including the way it was artistically presented and how the band used technology at that time. The record is extremely creative. Most agree that the record is timeless and will never grow old. Are You Experienced is truly the

  • The Use of Sound in Coppola’s The Conversation

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    is a character study of Harry Caul (Gene Hackman); Caul is a socially inept man who is a gifted sound surveillance expert working independently for private clients. He approaches his work in a military type fashion, hunting for the best quality recording he can get, while at all times maintaining a mantra to never get personal involved in his assignments. (Cowie, 1989) (Hilditch, 2002) (Ondaatje, 2004) The opening title sequence is arguably one of the most interesting sequences of the entire film;

  • The Compiled Sync List of The Wizard of Oz

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    The Compiled Sync List of The Wizard of Oz 001-Echoes 1) The first indicator that everything is going right is the change from "Speak to Me" to "Breathe" which coincides exactly with the fade-in appearance of the name of producer Mervyn LeRoy *Note: In the prologue the word "Time" (one of the songs on the CD) is written with a capital letter even though it isn't at the start of the sentence. Also you will find the word "Heart" capitalized in the middle of a sentence (a sound particular to "The