Red Scarf Girl Essays

  • Red Scarf Girl, by Ji-Li lang

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    Red Scarf Girl by Ji-Li Jiang is an inspiring true story about a young girl who is forced to make an agonizing decision of country versus family. In her story of joy, sorrow, lament, resentment, and countless other perplexing experiences, she must decide whether she is her family's child or Chairman Mao's. In Red Scarf Girl, Ji-li is faced with the heart-breaking decision of her future, and finally after years of confounding peer and family pressure, she resolves to love her family. Throughout the

  • Analysis Of The Red Scarf Girl

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    The Red Scarf Girl take place during the Cultural Revolution, Ji-li and her family got caught in the savage change in china of the year 1966. Ji-li went through many hard struggles, as in losing and gaining friends, tough times with family, and because of her family, Ji-li was not allowed to do a lot of actives she wanted to do for examples; being a Red Successor and then a Red Guard. The reason there was a Cultural Revolution was because of Chairman Mao Ze-dong. The citizens trusted Mao with all

  • Red Scarf Girl Analysis

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    to choose between family and future; Watch yourself only watching unable to help. Unfortunate, that was the reality for Ji-Li Jiang. Red Scarf Girl is a memoir written by Ji-Li Jiang, regarding the China cultural revolution between 1966-1976. Throughout the book,Family is important in defining who people are in Red Scarf Girl. Family is important in red scarf girl because people judge each other based on their family. People are constantly judged by their ancestors' deeds. For example, if someone

  • Red Scarf Girl Sparknotes

    1630 Words  | 4 Pages

    The book Red Scarf Girl by Ji-li Jiang takes place during the Cultural Revolution in Shanghai, China. The main character of the book, Ji-li, lives with her mother, father, grandmother, housekeeper Song Po-Po, and two younger siblings Ji-yong and Ji-yun. Ji-li always thought her life was perfect until one day she was taken out of class and asked to audition for the Liberation Army’s dance class. She became very excited, until her parents they told her she couldn’t try out because they will check her

  • Red Scarf Girl Sparknotes

    1057 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Ji-Li Jiang’s Red Scarf Girl, the story is set in Shanghai, China. In 1966, Ji-Li Jiang is a happy little girl of twelve years. She looks forward to a future working for Chairman Mao's New China and his Communist Party. However, her happy life is suddenly interrupted by the horrors of the Cultural Revolution, a movement led by Chairman Mao, to remove all parts of capitalism in Chinese society. Her family becomes the target of government persecution, since her parents and grandparents are labeled

  • Red Scarf Girl Essay

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    children’s books such as The Magical Monkey King and Lotus and Feather. But one auto-biography has touched the hearts of many with its inspiring, melodramatic memoirs of a girl’s life during the Cultural Revolution. The Red Scarf Girl tells the story of Jiang as a twelve-year old girl in 1960s China through a central theme of having courage, even in the darkest times. While the Cultural Revolution struck terror into the souls of many people who were condemned “black”, Jiang and her family kept courage

  • Character Analysis: Red Scarf Girl

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    What motivates art? Out of times of societal conflict, art arises like a phoenix from the ashes left in the wake of injustice. A piece of literary art entitled Red Scarf Girl, is a memoir of author Ji-Li Jiang’s life during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The novel details her youth during the rise of communist China and is directly inspired by events that transpired in Jiang’s life. As evidenced by Jiang’s, Meeropol’s, and my art, one can see that art is often motivated by the creator’s desire

  • Red Scarf Girl Book Report

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    In fact, in many cases, it led to such extreme measures that the victim would die. In the book “Red Scarf Girl” by Ji-li Jiang, we see many examples of the kinds of physical abuse used. Physical abuse was used on all ages of men and women, but a quote that stood out to me describes physical abuse to children. In this case, the author describes the labor-intensive

  • family

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    whole new meaning. People think that family consists of a group who love and live together whether that group is the traditional family of mother, father and children, or other groups that wish to co-exist together. “Maus”, “A Long Way Gone” and “Red Scarf Girl” explore the purpose of a family in the years when extreme hardships happened around the world. Family is presented in all three memoirs as someone’s support and burden, especially when difficult situations come across their way. In Art Spiegleman’s

  • The Role Of Marxism In 'Red Scarf Girl'

    1391 Words  | 3 Pages

    Destruction from Within In the novel “Red Scarf Girl” by Ji Li Jiang, the theory of Marxism is at play as Ji Li strives to help the reader understand the impact that the Cultural Revolution in China had on her family and on her country. By using the struggle between the social classes, Ji Li helps the reader gain a greater understanding of the negative impact that a corrupt government can have and often times does have on the lives of its people. As the reader moves throughout the novel, it makes

  • Is It Useful for Students to Attend Tutorial Class Outside School

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    Enquiry title: Is it useful for students to attend tutorial class outside school? Description of the enquiry title: Nowadays, students always attend tutorial class outside school after school to improve their academic results. The tutorial school always use their star teachers to attract students to study in their school. However, is tutorial class really helping student to improve their academic results? Students are spending a lot of money to attend those classes, but can they receive improvements

  • Red Scarf Girl Character Analysis

    1368 Words  | 3 Pages

    yet most can have the strength to resist it. However, occasionally the temptation is so strong that it corrupts the brain. All the person can think about is achieving that power, no matter the cost. Ji-Li Jiang’s memoir, Red Scarf Girl, tells the personal narrative of a young girl growing up during the Cultural Revolution in China. Despite being a black whelp, the child of a family belonging to any of the “Five Black Categories”, Ji-Li Jiang is able to overcome the countless tribulations brought upon

  • Red Scarf Girl Major Works Paper

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    Red Scarf Girl, A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution by Ji-li Jiang, is the personal narrative of a teenage girl from a “black family”. A bourgeois life of a family in Shanghai, China would soon come to a halt when the Chinese Cultural Revolution, led under the influence of Emperor Mao Zedong would change their lives forever. Red Scarf Girl was written when Ji Li Jiang moved to The United States of America. The book itself is was published in 1997 but, the story is set in 1966-1969 during the Cultural

  • Red Scarf Girl: The Chinese Cultural Revolution

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    alleviate China from its dark past with things such as the Four Olds, or a bourgeois lifestyle. The effects of the revolution were perceived by many citizens as the necessary phase that would lead China into prosperity. As perceived in the novel, Red Scarf Girl by Ji Li Jiang, the revolution was by no means a peaceful movement in the eyes of Ji Li. The Cultural Revolution affected citizens in many different ways. Not only would it lead to the major shift in Chinese society, it would change the history

  • Red Scarf Girl By Mao Zedong Chapter Summary

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Evolution of China In 1966, Mao ZeDong (leader of the Cultural Revolution) mobilized the Chinese youth to commence the Cultural Revolution, an attempt to change China, and an event in Chinese history. Mao used teenagers called Red Guards to complete orders during this event. His goal was to get rid of the Four Olds and make China a Communist country. However, over 11 million students were pulled away from education into the farm work that Mao that was necessary. Education and social structure

  • Questions and Answers Forming a Summary of Red Scarf Girl

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    Prologue The prolog of the Red Scarf Girl is about Ji Li's life before the Cultural Revolution started. Before this time, her family was very stable. Ji Li was a respectable girl, who wore her red scarf around her neck, received very high marks in school, and was the top of her class. When Ji Li was twelve-year-old when the Cultural Revolution started. Ji Li does very well in school and is very successful. One day she gets called down to the principles office. A liberation army recruiter came

  • Analysis of Ji-Li Jiang´s The Red Scarf Girl

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    memoir/auto-biography/non-fiction,Red Scarf Girl.No it's ok,yeah I know,book reports are boring,and the title and genre of this book makes it even sound more boring,but WAIT,before you throw this in the fire,remember the phrase: "Don't judge a book by it's cover" The Book,Red Scarf Girl contains 272 pages of words that build up suspense and excitement.It was published in 1997 by Harper Collins Publisher and has won many awards,such as the ALA award.The book also contains a forward by David Henry Hwang.The Red Scarf Girl will

  • A Streetcar Named Desire and Twelfth Night: Comparative task

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    Blanche is Stella’s eccentric sister, she comes to Elysian Fields for help because she has gone through a traumatic period and is struggling with who she is. Malvolio is is a typical brown nose, he will do anything to gain favor of Countess Olivia. However those opposite characters explore the same themes.Through their roles in Twelfth Night and A Streetcar named Desire, Malvolio and Blanche both undergo unrequited love and downfall but because sympathy is created for Blanche both characters have

  • Charles Schulz Biography

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    Have you ever wondered who created the “Peanuts” comics, that appear in your local newspaper? At the age of twenty-five, and in seven newspapers Charles Monroe Schulz debuted “Peanuts” in 1950. Many people have never heard the name Charles Schulz, but his comics are well known. All through Charles’s childhood he enjoyed reading comics, and later in life he became a successful comic writer. On November 22, 1922 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Charles Monroe Schulz was born. Charles had no siblings

  • Brown Girl Listening 3 Analysis

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    After a careful overview of these two texts, Red Scarf Girl, and “How to listen #3” (102) from Brown Girl Dreaming, a deplorable tone shows up. Both texts are about different people and different events. Yet both of them create the same tone. After examining the poem “How to listen #3” by Jacqueline Woodson from the book Brown Girl Dreaming the worrying and anxious tone shows up. Jacqueline's grandfather is sick and it's not getting any better. He continually feels unwell and is constantly up