Raster graphics Essays

  • Comparing Raster (Bitmap) And Vector Graphics

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    Introduction: I have decided to compare Raster (bitmap) and Vector graphics & their uses in modern digital multimedia. I will begin by defining what both mean. Then take a brief look into how they were first utilised. Give examples of their pros and cons, their uses now & express my opinion as to which one I believe to be better option and why. Raster (bitmap) graphics definition: “A raster graphic is a digital image composed of a matrix of dots. When viewed at 100%, each dot corresponds

  • Game Engine and Development Structure

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    sufficient to create game items separately and combine them into one. As people start to emphasize on graphics as a crucial element in games, graphic engines or better known as renderers, start to emerge. The most popular one in the early days was Reality Lab which was acquired by Microsoft soon after its birth. It was not until the mid-1990s that other engines start to become as important as the graphics engine. Soon, companies start to compile these various engines and the term ‘game engine’ was coined

  • Image Editing Essay

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    type of unusual merchandise which has a great cultural significance considerably past its precise objective. The famous brand has become synonymous to image editing that it has changed into a verb; most of us generally take a look at 'Photoshopping' graphics no matter the software program that any of us is in fact using on it. Adobe’s recent statement that everything past Photoshop CS6 will need to be hired to protect their Creative Cloud array of programs prompted some users to think of an alternative

  • Macromedia Director

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    Macromedia Director Overview and Introduction What Macromedia is and what can it do for a business. Macromedia Director is the premiere authoring software in the multimedia industry, allowing users to merge and orchestrate text, graphics, animation, video, sound effects, and music into business presentations, entertainment and education CD-ROMs, interactive information kiosks, and other full-featured interactive software. Multimedia-rich programs can be developed with little programming skill

  • Designing and Producing a Logo Graphic

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    Designing and Producing a Logo Graphic I have been asked by a Turkish football company called Galatasaray to design and produce a logo for their website www.galatasaray.co.uk. I must produce the company logo graphic to meet ‘Galatasaray’ design brief: · image must use Colour · image must incorporate text and graphics · image must be no larger than 3 inches square The company is interested in seeing my skills so I should make sure I demonstrate that I can use: · drawing tools

  • Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop: How Are They Similar and Different?

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    But according to the information found online, they are not. Illustrator, which allows me to create my own unique designs, creates vector graphics and vector text. Illustrator invites me to explore more expressive ways to design.To help you b etter understand the terms Vector Graphics and Vector Text, I will give you the definition of both. Vector Graphics are comprised of paths, which are defined by a start and end point, along with other points, curves, and angles along the way. Vector Text is

  • Btec Business Level 3 Unit 30 P3

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    Task 1 Hardware’s Graphics card – This is a computer hardware that makes up what you see on your monitor. It is essential that you have this hardware for the computer as it converts the data from your CPU, to a signal that makes the monitor understand what you want to see. If you were to have a really good graphics card, then the monitor will appear smoother and sharper. The images is created when the CPU receives the data from the software and then it works together with the graphics card to translate

  • Analysis of Virtual Reality

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    World (WoW). This concept traces its lineage back through the entire history of computer graphics. In 1965, Ivan Sutherland laid out a research program for computer graphics in a paper called "The Ultimate Display" that has driven the field for the past nearly thirty years. "One must look at a display screen," he said, "as a window through which one beholds a virtual world. The challenge to computer graphics is to make the picture in the window look real, sound real and the objects act real."

  • Intranets

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    menos en una de ellas, es básicamente diferente. De la misma manera que Internet está teniendo un efecto profundo en la manera en que nos comunicamos, la intranet promete transformar el mundo corporativo. Compañías tan variadas como Ford, Silicon Graphics y Tyson Foods han implementado todas ellas esta tecnología, mejorando la productividad al tiempo que reducen costes. ¿Pero qué es una intranet? Es posible imaginarla como una Internet interna diseñada para ser usada dentro de una compañía, universidad

  • All Quiet On The Western Front: Themes

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    Western Front is a graphic depiction of the horrors of war. In the short note before Chapter One, Remarque lets the reader know exactly what themes he intends. War is a savage and gratuitous evil, war is unnatural, and war is responsible for the destruction of an entire generation. Remarque is very clear on the strength of his themes, and uses graphic imagery to convey to the reader the physical and psychological impact that war has on humanity. But Remarque uses more than graphic description to support

  • Comparing Sources of Research Material

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    was "Digital Literacy," written by Richard Lanham. This article discussed how plain black and white text has become a thing of the past. The article states that reading material is now available on the web that contains a combination of audio and graphics and is the new method of written communication. The second article was "Teaching and Learning Literacy With Technology," written by Philip Molebash and Douglas Fisher. This article discussed the growing interaction of people with technology and writing

  • Less Could be More in Anna Karenina

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    great and important, but they were many, and at times, not appropriate for this book. The book was great, but it could have said much more, and been better, if Tolstoy had said a little less. The language in Anna Karenina was wonderful, although graphic and too descriptive in much of the book. Tolstoy was a great writer, and that is why this book is a classic. However, he should have made choices about what to emphasize, and what not to. Tolstoy had a great writing style. He used some wonderful

  • Craft

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    supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.· The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium. Craft (kr ft)n. · Skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency. · To make by hand. · To make or construct (something) in a manner suggesting great care or ingenuity. Craft, the word has been with

  • Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment

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    conscious of himself, and almost without effort, almost mechanically, brought the blunt side down on her head.” In this violent and graphic scene of murder, Raskolnikov commits murder upon Alyona Ivanova. The result from the blow of the axe was gruesomely detailed Dostoevsky described “The blood gushed as from an overturned glass, the body fell back.”(75) As these graphic violent scenes would contribute to the main theme of the story it also contributed to the theme of poverty. Raskolnikov is living

  • Website Analysis, Williams Principles

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    focal graphics on the homepage begins to lead the audience to a comfort level within the site. The general template remains the same, with the navigation being on the left and the top, maintaining its black color and when you click one of the main focal points on the homepage, one of the four pictures, it takes you to another page that still have that same picture/focal point to a degree. Specifically, the repetition of size (170x142pixels), color (greyscale), and angle variance in the graphics create

  • Virtual Reality Technology

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    serendipity that needs to be experienced firsthand” (Dyril 1). A closer representation of the Metaverse is what is called a virtual world. Dan Costa sums up a virtual world best by describing virtual worlds as having “smooth chat features and realistic graphic environment, and they offer subscribers the ability to create unique avatars and wander freely” (Costa 1). This is very similar to Stephenson’s Metaverse in the sense that it gives users the opportunity to socially interact with other users without

  • The Internet and Technology

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    things that technology has to offer us so that our students do not fall into satin's pitfall. If technology is used in the right ways, it can enhance a student's learning. The internet offers many forms of media that "combine text, audio, visual, graphic and self-motivated elements" (Bates 40). These multiple forms of media present knowledge in several different ways, such as the, "opportunity for deeper levels of understanding, particularly if the presentational qualities are fully and deliberately

  • Eleven 7 vs FIFA2004

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    It is important to know what to look at when evaluating a soccer game. Some criteria commonly used are game play, graphics, sounds and team variety. Game play can be considered the most important one, since most customers who buy a sport video game expect it to be as close as possible to the real game. The graphics are also related to the realism of the game. Great graphics can cover up for a little drawback in other fields. Thirdly, sound effects, crowd noise and commentaries help the players

  • The Swastika in MAUS

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    The Swastika in MAUS The image of the swastika pervades Arthur Spiegelman's graphic novel MAUS. In a work where so much of the Holocaust has been changed in some way - after all, there are no humans in this version, only cats, mice, dogs, and pigs - we must wonder why Spiegelman chooses to retain this well-known emblem. To remove it entirely or replace it with another, invented symbol would completely disorient the reader; but some might claim that this is the effect at which Spiegelman is aiming

  • Applying Author Intent and Influence to James O’Barr’s The Crow

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    every reader and critique before turning the work into a movie or play, causing it to be further analyzed and discussed. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the various concepts of the author’s role, originality, and intent, using the graphic novel The Crow by James O’Barr as an example of a work of literature. The Role of the Author Donald E. Pease, in his article “Author,” suggests that the role of the author was, originally, that of a “cultural attaché” of sorts, defining, exploring