Rambo III Essays

  • Race And Masculinity In Rambo III

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    Jennifer Mekhail Mon/Wed 2-3:15 03/09/2014 Race and Masculinity in Rambo III A significant time throughout the history of United States was during the first wave of feminism, which began in the early1900s and ended with the third wave during the 90s. The feminist movement was created to better the lives for all women in this country. The movement was meant to create empowerment for women, higher opportunities to receive an education, and the ability to have a career that offers the same positions

  • Movie Review: What Rambo Means

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    Movie Review: What Rambo Means In his modern installment of the Rambo series, Sylvester Stallone brings a new twist on a familiar story. John Rambo is caught up in a struggle between both an easily identifiable enemy and himself. The Burmese military proves easy to vanquish while the battle with his own morals seem far more formidable. His prior experiences have led him to believe that war will always cause trouble and that trying to eradicate it is futile. When he observes the efforts of the

  • John Rambo and Jack Ryan: Men America Can Count On?

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    John Rambo and Jack Ryan are two amazing men. They are honest, trustworthy, heroic, never crack under pressure, and stand for truth, justice, and the American way. Sylvester Stallone and Harrison Ford do their best attempting to make the audience believe that men such as Rambo and Ryan actually exist. Try as they might, not even Stallone or Ford can convince me that men of this caliber actually live. Rambo is able to not only foil his corrupt, superior American officer trying to sabotage his mission

  • Rambo

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    Rambo: First Blood is a 1982 action film that follows John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) as he deals with life after the Vietnam War and the difficulties he must deal with. John Rambo was a war hero who had even received a medal of honor for his acts of heroism during the war. When wandering the highways of America, he reaches the town of Hope, Washington. Once he arrives he meets the town sheriff named Will Teasel who insults him. Upset, Rambo continues to head into town to get something to eat

  • Betrayal Of Soldiers Analysis

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    people for the worse” and “People in power sacrifice others for personal gain” to connect two texts to each theme.These themes are present in the songs Hero of War, by Rise Against and War Pigs, by Black Sabbath. They are also present in the films Rambo: First Blood, by Ted Kotcheff and Siege of Jadotville, by Richie Smyth. The song Hero of War shows the theme “War changes people for the worse” through the main character while he tells his story of what he did while he was a soldier in the military

  • John Papa I Father

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    After becoming literate, John Papa ‘I’i assisted the missionaries in the translation of several texts from english to hawaiian. When Liholiho died, John Papa ‘I’i became a kahu for Victoria Kamamalu. He also served as a member in the King Kamehameha III

  • Research Paper On Rocky Balboa

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    The ultimate movie thrill is the sight of an underdog coming through on top after facing what seems like the world. While that description is a little stretched to apply to Rocky, I do not know if there is a more iconic underdog story. The film tells the story of the neighborhood club boxer, from 1975 Philadelphia, Rocky Balboa who is given a long shot against the world heavy-weight champion Apollo Creed. The film Rocky is an accurate representation of the times in every aspect; not only is it

  • The Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt: Hatshepsut

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    great power, yet some did... specifically Hatshepsut. Few pharaohs of the 18Th Dynasty have aroused as much controversy as Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut was the sixth pharaoh of the New Kingdom and set up co-regency with her nephew and stepson, Thutmose III. (J. Lawless, Hatshepsut, a Personal Study, 2010) Hatshepsut created many junctions in history through politics, building programmes and military. This makes her so recognised in modern day studies, though almost all evidence of her existence has been

  • Hamlet: Zeffirelli vs. Branagh

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    To play one of Shakespeare’s most complex roles successfully on stage or on screen has been the aspiration of many actors. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet has been the focus on various accounts throughout the 20th Century, each actor attempting to bring something unique and unmarked to the focal character. Franco Zeffirelli and Kenneth Branagh, both film directors, introduce varying levels of success on the screen through downright differences in ways of translation and original ideas. Zeffirelli’s

  • Psycho: The character of Norman Bates

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    Norman Bates is arguably the most unforgettable character in the horror genre. His movements, voice and aura at first radiate a shy young man but transform into something more sinister as the movie Psycho (Hitchcock, USA, 1960) progresses. How has the director, Alfred Hitchcock, achieved this? Norman Bates was a careful construct: the casting, body language, lighting and even the subtle use of sound and mise-en-scène created the character. Anthony ‘Tony’ Perkins was well known for his roles in romantic

  • Rocky Movie Racism

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    Race is and always has been an important topic in the history of the United States. The focus on race and how it affects society came to prominence during the slave trade. Clearly when you have one race claiming superiority over another race, especially to the extent of establishing ownership over one another, it is quite obvious how significant the concept of race really is in American society. Progress was made when the US abolished slavery. The problem is, however, that racism didn’t die when

  • Hatshepsut’s Struggles in Power

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    made by an Egyptian, or any other woman” (Wells 185). The move to follow her dreams were filled with lots of struggles, and the major struggle that was in her way was being a woman when most Pharaohs are men. Another struggle was her stepson Tuthmosis III, and his journey to become the next Pharaoh. The last struggle was to keep her legacy known after her death to show the Pharaoh she really was. Through all the battles to become Pharaoh, Hatshepsut stayed strong to become a person many women could

  • The Challenges Of Queen Hatshepsut

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    After Hatshepsut 's death, Thutmose III destroyed or defaced her monuments, erased many of her inscriptions and constructed a wall around her obelisks. Thutmose III did that to take the credit for all of Queen Hatshepsut’s work in 22 year period that she reigned. It was unlikely, for women to be king and Thutmose III took all her work as his own work. Though past Egyptologists held that it was merely the queen’s ambition that

  • Richard III: The Tragedy of Isolation

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    The real tragedy of Richard III lies in the progressive isolation of its protagonist.   From the very opening of the play when Richard III enters "solus", the protagonist's isolation is made clear. Richard's isolation progresses as he separates himself from the other characters and breaks the natural bonds between Man and nature through his efforts to gain power. The first scene of the play begins with a soliloquy, which emphasizes Richard's physical isolation as he appears alone as he speaks

  • The Evil King in Shakespeare's Richard III

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    The Evil King in Shakespeare's Richard III Richard is an actor, a fully evil actor, who through his mastery of the stage has come to appreciate his skill. Richard Moulton, in his Shakespeare as a Dramatic Thinker, proclaims Richard's wonder at his own command of the stage: "Richard has become an artist in evil: the natural emotions attending crime-whether of passionate longing, or horror and remorse-have given place to artistic appreciation of masterpieces" (40). And Robert Weimann, comparing

  • The Relationship Between Katherine and Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew

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    The Relationship Between Katherine and Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright of all time.  His gift for developing characters is one major aspect that accounts for this lofty acknowledgement.  Shakespeare created various characters from drunks and fools to kings and generals.  The characters are so human and so real that the audience can see aspects of their own personalities represented on stage for better or worse.  Inadvertently

  • kamehameha the third

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    king at age 11 when his older brother Liholiho died, who ruled as Kamehameha II. For 14 years of his reign Kauikeaouli was guided by Kaahumanu and Kinau. At age 25, he took on the responsibilities of kingship by himself as Kamehameha III. (The Reign of Kamehameha III Website) Kauikeaouli’s reign of thirty years was filled with change and accomplishment. Kamehameha III’s reign would be a desirable time to live in because of the small population, religious freedom, and the equality for all Hawaiians

  • The Opening Speech of Richard III in William Shakespeare's Play

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    The Opening Speech of Richard III in William Shakespeare's Play Richard III is a historical play and we are drawn to this factor from Richard's speech at the opening of the play. Shakespeare uses Richard's character as his main device for setting the scene. As it is a play the audience would see Richard entering on a bare stage and this alone would leave an effect of them which would soon be reinforced by the speech he is about to give. The speech itself is delivered in a soliloquy, a

  • Comparison Of Shakespeare A Man Ahead Of His Time

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    Shakespeare: A Man Ahead of His Time In today's culture there are mind readers and psychics: people who claim to see the future. While shakespeare, by no means, possessed the ability to look into the future or anything of that nature, he was by no doubt, truly a writer way ahead of his time. In both of Shakespeare's plays Hamlet and Othello, the women possess a common personality trait. The women act like that of a common elizabethan women, while also having the traits of a woman in todays society

  • Shakespeare, Loncraine, Donaldson, Richard, and Me

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    Shakespeare, Loncraine, Donaldson, Richard, and Me Act 2.4 of Loncraine’s Richard III is where I started furiously scribbling notes in the margins of notes. After Rivers is shockingly murdered, Loncraine films a still shot of the countryside. A farmer leads an ox in the foreground, while a train noisily passes in the background. There is a quick cut to the train, smoke billowing from its engines, entering a dark tunnel and then another cut to a toy train in the palace. The young Yorks are playing