Project Management Professional Essays

  • Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)

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    1. PMI-ACP • PMI- ACP refers to Project Management Institute -Agile Certified Practitioner sponsored by PMI. It is a certification that is tests the agile practices and knowledge with agile techniques. • PMI-ACP covers different agile techniques like but not limited to Scrum, Kanban, Test driven Development, extreme programming (XP) and Lean. One with PMI-ACP certification can excel into any type of project. • This PMI-ACP certification is good compared to others especially when organization is adapting

  • Project Management Essay

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    would be a dismal failure. Project management enables these entities, and various others, to carefully consider the many variables before, during, and after the project actually takes place. Project management refers to the careful planning, organization, and management through a single one-time activity. Projects are non-routine tasks that are set out to be accomplished for a specific amount of time (Trelles-Duckett & Lonergan , n.d.). Projects have an absolute

  • My Career In Project Management

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    Over the course of my professional life, I have become increasingly involved in project management roles. Doing so has made me aware of the many varied challenges that can face projects and the project managers who are charged with bringing them through to completion. The success or failure of projects, in whatever economic, political or social field, rests not just on the quality of the project’s goals, but also on the abilities of those involved in the project – and above all those who are managing

  • Reflection On Fundamentals Of Project Management

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    Reflective Journal: Fundamentals of Project Management The Fundamentals of Project Management course has been very valuable in my academic and professional training. In fact, this course is also important for every single business both private and public company that provides both goods and services. Also, it is essential for everyone, especially for those who desires to establish a management professional life. The reason for that is very simple, for more simple that can be the development of

  • Should You Invest in Enterprise Project Management?

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    When searching the Internet for the terms project management, project management careers, project portfolio management, and IT project management many hits come up. Utilizing the Google search engine, there were 818,000,000 results for project management, 327,000,000 results for project management careers, 77,800,000 results for project portfolio management, and 949,000,000 results for IT project management. This paper will examine three websites that I found to provide interesting information on

  • Application For Permanent Resident Visa

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    resident visa as an outstanding scientist of an exceptional ability. It is my personal assessment the Mr. Kusuma’s professional qualification and his continuing application of project management, strategic planning and cost engineering skills in the United States will enhance our nation’s competitiveness. Mr. Kusuma is an outstanding scientist with excellent background in project management, strategic planning and cost engineering and has significant achievements in the energy industry including benchmarking

  • Components Of Bim And Project Management

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    in the management of projects. In the view of the limitations, this researcher is of the opinion that certain steps can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of BIM implementation in construction projects. The research results had suggested that BIM is applicable and beneficial to all stakeholders in all phases of construction projects. It is also found that BIM have collaboration, legal and implementation problems of which this researcher recommends as follows; BIM and Project Management

  • Continuing Professional Development Case Study

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    continuous learning and development by professionals and individuals is increasingly being stressed by most organizations and the industry as a whole; as lifetime employment to one particular organization is no longer certain this days. This change is due to the changing business environment and competition among organizations and staff; thus making most organizations

  • Risk Management Reflection

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    I have a sound understanding of project controls fundamentals, which is proven by my accreditations in project controls and project management disciplines as follows: I am among the few cost engineers in Australia, who were granted the globally recognised cost engineering credential of CCP (Certified Cost Professional) by Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) in Canada. This credential proves my extensive understanding of cost engineering, cost estimation, cost controlling, budgeting

  • PMI Benefits Analysis

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    The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an organization which provide a huge amount of resources, knowledge and expertise to everyone who want to build a project. If you are a professional in Project Management, or just someone who want to lead a project in a more efficient way and if you want to differentiate your profile on the job market and improve your career, the PMI can give you great opportunities to do so. First, PMI actually provide you a tremendous quantity of resources that will help

  • Project Management Issues in Construction Sites Environment

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    investigate project management issues in construction sites environment, to recognize which issues are more vital for overall success of any construction project or vice versa and to suggest recommendations for improvement of the performance of all the parties involved in the construction projects. The study is mainly focused on Pakistan, a developing country in South Asia and the research seems to be focused on construction projects management, however, it can be helpful for other sectors of project management

  • Project Management Career Summary

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    Project Management Career Summary Definition, Vision and Scope With today's businesses constantly embracing the technological advances that are made on a daily basis there becomes an increasing need for someone to supply the foresight, ability and commitment to ensure that these new technologies are implemented as seamlessly and successfully as possible. The Project Manager is just the person for the job. This paper will examine this career and explore the benefits of working in this profession

  • Public Liability Insurance

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    you are a project manager, you might be wondering if you need to purchase insurance. Project managers need to purchase insurance. At the very least, all project managers should have liability insurance. If you do not have liability insurance, a lawsuit could take a large portion of your income. Several insurance agencies have policies that are suitable for project managers. Before you contact an insurance company, you should be knowledgeable of your coverage options. project management protective

  • Business Engineering: What Is Engineering Management?

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    • What is Engineering Management? Engineering Management is a specialized form of management that applies engineering principles to business practice. It combines the technical problem-solving skills that an engineer develops early in his career with the organizational, operational, and administrative abilities of business management in order to effectively and efficiently manage complex projects and problems from conception to completion. The discipline provides engineers the tools to systematically

  • Personal Reflection In Project Management

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    1. Introduction Project managers have to improve their skills every day to deal with the organizational change and especially the world’s Megatrends. However, it can be a challenge for a project manager to comprehend what skills they should be improved, what sections of project management knowledge that should be tried to perceive, and how to measure and enhance their performance. Developing a PDP is a major method to allow individuals to understand and reflect their own performance and accomplishment

  • IT study Of London Ambulance Service

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    several phases and parts of the project, and when looking back at it today the period is characterized by chaos and problems. Starting in the early 1980’s with LAS realizing their manual system had to change because of inefficiency, too high level of human dependence and problems with managing the national three minute activation standard. The proposal was a computer-aided dispatch system with a computer map display and automatic vehicle location system. The project and development started in 1987

  • Sociocultural Dimensions Of Project Management Essay

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    GuinnM_ENVM625_M1_GradedAssign Projects defined A project is a defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result (Larson, 2014). The characteristics of a project in the context of project management include an established objective, a defined life span with a start and finish, the involvement of a collection of different departments and other professionals, non-static with innovations of new ideas/processes, a clearly defined budget and specified requirements

  • Becoming A Masters Of Business Administration Degree

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    Furthering my education by earning a Masters of Business Administration degree, will satisfy one of my personal and professional goals. The focal point will be in Information Technology. This degree will allow me to enhance my technology, leadership, money management, employee relations, and marketing skills. I will gain vital planning, organization and communication skills. The degree will also allow me to obtain additional knowledge about hardware and software technologies that will be used

  • Exploring Key Concepts in Operations Management

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    submission three important concepts related to Operations Management and Business models will be explored. Areas of total quality management (TQM), six sigma, and the project triangle are important concepts for leaders to maintain and improve their operations management. In the submission relations to leadership, strategies of implementation, and biblical integration will be drawn for these three concepts. Group Consensus Operations management is concerned with effectiveness and efficiency within

  • Management of Field Construction Projects

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    is to present and discuss the management of field construction projects. These projects involve a great deal of time and expense, so close control and management is paramount if they are to be completed within the established time and cost limitations. The term construction management is applied to the provision of professional management services to the owner of a construction project with the objective of achieving high quality with low costs. A specialist project manager organises, schedules,