Principles and Standards for School Mathematics Essays

  • Math in Special Education

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    and teachers are stepping up to the plate. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has led the movement for education reform in mathematics. The NCTM began in the mid-1970’s and was a public voice of mathematics education that supported teachers, and tried to ensure learning of the highest quality for all students. This council set in motion a much needed discussion and debate about math in America’s school system. The NCTM set criteria for excellence rather than singular prescriptions

  • Mathematics Curriculum Research for K-6 Students

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    Mathematics Curriculum Research for K-6 Students An effective curriculum uses essential mathematical ideas in a way that students can understand how new concepts build on existing knowledge of concepts to learn to solve problems. Students must be taught a variety of concepts that are important to success in future grades without wasting their time. Curriculum issues discussed in this paper are (a) influence on mathematics content in the past 25 years, (b) development of mathematics curriculum

  • Science Curriculum in New York

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    US National Standards of Science Education and the New York State Science Standards gave our group valuable information about any science curriculum in New York State. We searched the Web and the New York State Standards for Mathematics, Science, and Technology booklet. Conducting an interview with both Ethanie Holl, kindergarten teacher, and Dr. LaChance, professor, were also very helpful. To start with here is a list of principles that guided the National Science Education Standards (NSES).

  • Computers in the Mathematics Classroom

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    ?Calculators and computers are reshaping the mathematical landscape, and school mathematics should reflect those changes? (NCTM 24). My view of mathematics and geometry is that they go hand in hand. You have to know some algebraic procedures in order to be able to perform geometry problems. I never enjoyed Geometry in high school but now that I see it in a different prospective using GSP I really understand and enjoy it. I think that Geometry should be taught with software so the students

  • Introducing Primary School Standard Curriculum

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    Mathematics is a powerful learning tool for all the people in this world. This is because all the people will be used it to identify the situations in their life. They are also requiring have an ability to use mathematics to apply into different fields based on what they have learned such as science, language and other curriculum areas. The main aim in introducing Primary School Standard Curriculum (KSSR) is to improve and restructure the current curriculum (KBSR) to make sure the students can excel

  • Issues in Math Pedagogy

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    similar, “I do not like it because it is too hard.” Mathematics has a negative image by people of all different ages because many people think of it as making a simple thing complicated, but the reality of the situation is mathematics makes life much easier. Negative thoughts about math can also come from poor math teachers, weak curriculum, or one bad experience ruining the fun of mathematics for many individuals. Being that the subject of mathematics is so complicated it takes an efficient teacher


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    more productive in society. “The Common Core State Standards offer a foundation for the development of more rigorous, focused, and coherent mathematics curricula, instruction, and assessments that promote conceptual understanding and reasoning as well as skill fluency” (Supporting the Common Core). The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is linked to the Common Core State Standards because they help educators clarify and comprehend the standards. The Councils main objective is to develop a main

  • Drawing Conclusions: Ethics and Mathematics

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    When I was in my 1st year of high school, I decided to join the Debate Team of my school because it was one of the extra-curricular activities that really intrigued me. Being a new member, a lot of the methods the veterans of the team used in their speeches surprised me. Before, I thought that debate mostly involved insulting one’s opponent and making him seem stupid. However, I was proven very wrong as that not only fail to provide any substantial argument that would prove any point, but was also

  • Argumentative Essay On Common Core

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    Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards focused mainly on mathematics and English language arts and literacy (ELA), according to These learning goals are the outlines of what a student should know and should be able to achieve at the end of each grade level (Common Core States Standards Initiative, 2016). Although strides for equality in teaching and learning were made, many schools around the country were not achieving the same level of academic success. For decades

  • Concept Attainment Strategy And Concept Attainment Strategies

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    THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Background of the Study Mathematics is considered as a difficult school subject by majority of the students around the world. In a survey conducted by Gallup in 2005 as cited by Fleming (2014) in her article Why Math is Difficult, 41% of girls and 31% of boys said that mathematics is the most difficult subject. Mathematics can be difficult especially if someone lacks conceptual understanding. Likewise in mathematics education, there are issues where student teachers in

  • Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

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    examined the retention rates and low standardized test scores on Students taking Middle School Math. This follows the purpose of the conceptual framework, the Keller’s ARCS model(1987). Here, there will be literature related to inform the study that is related to the research design, intervention design, and measurement instruments. Lastly there will be a section on the Conceptual Framework. Retention of Middle School Mathematical Students President Barack Obama (2008) started his term by saying The

  • Assessing Mathematical Standards in Grades K-12

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    Introduction The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has developed detailed academic standards to direct learning goals for K-12 students. This paper will address the importance of having standards included in mathematics and how these standards can improve mathematics instruction in the classroom. This paper will also examine traditional mathematics programs versus constructivist-type programs and discuss how they address these standards and address limitations of both types of programs

  • Mathematics in the Primary School

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    “A successful learner in mathematics involves constructing understanding through exploration, problem solving, discussion and practical experience and evidentially through a teacher who has a clear grasp of the underlying structure of the mathematics being taught” (Haylock 2010:3). Analysing my personal journey through mathematics will allow me to explore if my experiences have influenced my attitudes towards mathematics. Beginning by exploring the ways in which I was taught as a child, examining

  • Pre-Service Secondary Mathematics

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    Training All the mathematics community has discussed a lot on the course work required for the pre-service secondary school mathematics teachers(Cox et al.,2013). Pre-service training programs require especially secondary school mathematics teachers to complete the subject content or the equivalent (Artzt et al., 2011; Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS), 2001). These trainings provide the necessary mathematics content and pedagogy required for the teaching of mathematics (Miller & Davidson

  • Morris Kline's Why Johnny Can T Add

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    Problem-solving is used as a means to build new mathematical knowledge, typically by building on students' prior understandings. New Math: a method of teaching mathematics which focuses on abstract concepts such as set theory, functions, and bases other than ten. Adopted in the US as a response to the challenge of early Soviet technical superiority in space, it was challenged in the late 1960s. One of the most influential critiques of the New Math was Morris Kline's 1973 book Why Johnny Can't Add

  • Assessment of Mathematical Understanding Especially as it Relates to CMP

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    on their students’ performance, based on assessment scores. It is the assessment by which we are judged. The reauthorization of ESEA and the ‘No Child Left Behind’ act shows the public’s (or is it the politician’s?) faith in standardized tests as a school improvement instrument. But I also know that the once-a-year test can not provide continuous information about student achievement. The traditional assessments of computation exercises, short answer questions, and word problems will not suffice any

  • The Death And Life Of The Great American School System By Diane Ravitch

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    In the text, The Death and Life of the Great American School System, author Diane Ravitch explores her ideological shift on school reform and the empirical evidence that caused this shift. Once a proponent and contributor of testing, accountability, choice, and market reforms, Ravitch’s support began to diminish as she realized that these current reforms were not viable options. She came to realize that the new school reforms focused entirely on structural and managerial adjustments and that no focus

  • Peter Dirichlet

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    class and predominantly fascinated by history and mathematics. His parents ultimately believed that Jesuit College would be a better suit for their son than his current school, the Gymnasium, to which he had attended for two years, beginning his enrollment in 1817 at age twelve. Of the people to influence Dirichlet, Ohm, the mathematician known for Ohm’s law, was Dirichlet’s teacher and influenced him greatly in inspiring Dirichlet to pursue mathematic developments and studies. Not only did Ohm have

  • National Curriculum Reform

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    Thus, in July 2014, a new national curriculum in England was introduced. Compared to the principle of entitlement that underpins England’s national curriculum since 1988, which gives all children educated in state-maintained schools a curriculum that is broad, balanced and relevant (Education Reform Act 1988), the new curriculum ensures that it ‘properly reflects the body of essential knowledge which all pupils

  • English Language as a Medium of Instruction for Science and Mathematics in Malaysia

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    for teaching science and mathematics (Tan, 2005, p. 50). Before this announcement was made, the Education Art 1996 stipulate the national language (Malay language) shall be the main medium of instruction in all educational institutions under the National Education System except for national-type school or any other educational institution exempted by the Minister from this subsection (2006, p. 23). After this announcement was made, students from primary and secondary schools are expected to learn Science