Precognition Essays

  • Stimulation or Tranquility?: Personality Traits and Environmental Influences on Precognition

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    evidence for their existence. The term psi refers to any abnormal energy or information transfer that cannot be explained through biological or physical mechanisms. Examples of psi include psychokinesis, telepathy, and extra sensory perception or precognition (Bem & Honorton, Does Psi Exist? Replicable Evidence for an Anomalous Process of Information Transfer, 1994). Parapsychologists such as Joseph Rhine of Duke University conducted early experiments on extra sensory perception. Rhine began by asking

  • Psychic ability

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    Psychic ability Abstract The purpose of this study was to prove that the human mind has telepathic ability. To prove this, the subjects were asked to guess the suit of each card from a standard playing deck. The subjects were tested in a cozy, quiet environment inside their house. The first data recorded were the percentage of cards the subjects would randomly guess right. There are 52 cards in a deck and thirteen of each suit, so that would give someone a 13 out of 52 chance of merely

  • Does ESP Exist?

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    But what exactly is ESP? Let’s first answer that question. ESP is a sensory process that is separated from the senses of sight, sound, taste, hearing and touch (Carroll, Robert T., 1994-2010). It delves into the realms of clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, and clairaudience (Carroll, Robert T., 1994-2010). What does this exactly mean? Well let’s first look at these individually and then move to the both sides of the debate. On one side of the debate there are those who claim that ESP does not exist

  • Dreams and Déjá Vu

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    middle of paper ... ...e to them. No matter how much evidence science provides, there will never be enough to answer one simple question: Why? So it is now left up to each individual to discover and form their own theory for themselves, making precognition and déjà vu a mysterious and complex, yet quite an intriguing and eccentric idea for the world to ponder. Works Cited Hill, Beverly. “Understanding Precognitive Dreams.” Suite101. 27 Apr 2008. Web. 18 Nov 2009. . Foleide, Lars. “Can dreams

  • Classification of Psychic Experiences

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    Classification of Psychic Experiences Generally speaking, psychic experiences which deal with receiving information from an outside source, either living or passed on can be classified into the following categories: psychometry, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, automatic writing and channeling. Two more psychic techniques, assumption and projection, deal with transferring the personality to a remote location. Psychometry is the art of receiving information about someone by touching

  • Ghostbusters Movie Analysis

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    The movie: Ghostbusters From the very beginning of the classic film, Ghostbusters, we can see that ghosts wander the halls of the library as the books are levitating across the aisles and drawers are being opened without the help of anyone or anything, so we think. In the movie, Professor Venkman and two students were conducting the experiments about ESP abilities. He purposely marked the girl as correct when she was guessing the figures even when she was incorrect, while the professor still electrically

  • Psychic Abilities Are Real

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    Whether or not psychic abilities are in fact real or not, they are with no doubt, fascinating. Being able to predict what is going to happen or being able to know what someone is thinking would be absolutely incredible. Powers like these have been talked about for hundreds of years. Proving whether or not abilities like these are real can be so difficult because there are so many different types of abilities. No single experiment has yet been able to prove psychic abilities to be factual, so there

  • Mind Over Science: An Exploration into the World of Psi

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    Mind Over Science: An Exploration into the World of Psi That our perception of the world is predominantly governed by the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell is not disputed. However, scientists and amateur academics alike have historically disagreed about the existence of any additional senses, with the most contentious debate surrounding the phenomenon generally referred to as ESP, or "psi." Despite the vast number of people who claim to have or to have witnessed psychic abilities

  • Argumentative Essay On Telekinesis

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    There are three types of telekinesis. Telekinesis is also known as psychokinesis. “The word is derived from the Greek words for mind and motion” (Radford, 2017) First, there is the ordinary being able to move objects with the mind. Then there is precognition, which is to know the future. Thirdly, there is telepathy. When a person has telepathy, they can describe things at a remote location. It is important to remember that there is more than one kind, because they are still tied to telekinesis,

  • Bad Astronomy: Myths And Misconceptions

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    With a lack of information, “Even the ordinary can seem extraordinary” (Plait). Phil Plait is an astronomer dedicated to increasing our understanding of the ordinary when it comes to astronomical phenomena. In Bad Astronomy: Myths and Misconceptions, Plait attempts to debunk some common astronomical misperceptions with plain science—thus, turning extraordinary beliefs back into the ordinary. For instance, it is highly unlikely that we will encounter extraterrestrial UFOs, that NASA faked the moon

  • Reinsel's Parapsychological Argument

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    Parapsychology is a field of study that is concerned with unique experiences such as physic phenomena which can be described as paranormal. Parapsychology suggests that the human mind is capable of interacting, by receiving messages, with the non physical world such as non physical energy. Parapsychologists such as Ruth Reinsel argue from experiments that non physical energy must exist because of the above average results in experiments. However in my essay I will analyse his argument, to eventually

  • Parapsychology

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    "If I had my life to live over again, I should devote myself to psychical research rather than to psychoanalysis," wrote Sigmund Freud to associate Hereward Carrington. Freud had this late-in-life wish, but alas -- time would not grant its fulfilment. Such testimony by the eminent father of psychoanalysis bears witness to the fact that psychical experiences are indeed central to our lives. Parapsychology is the branch of psychology concerned with study of extrasensory perception and psychical experiences

  • Premonitions

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    Gracie lives in Washington State with her Aunt Shay and cousin Diego. Her father deserted her when she was a young girl, and her mother was killed a year and a half ago. She makes no effort to listen to her “best friend” Emily, and that’s one of the reasons Gracie feels bad when Emily disappears. Another reason is because Gracie has premonitions. They’ve been with her since before her mother died. She never knows if she is seeing the past, the present, or the future. But she did see Emily. Gracie

  • Lithic Privacy Essay

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    Who else is interested in experimenting with a personal psychic reading? Are you curious about psychic abilities? Skeptical? Open minded but not yet convinced? Or do you simply have a major life decision coming up... and need some help making sure you make the right choice? If you are anything like I once was, your mind is probably OPEN... but not so much so that your brains are ready to fall out, right? The truth is, it wasn't until I had an amazing experience with a psychic medium about 20 years

  • What Does Being A Clairvoyant Means?

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    Have you ever thought about what being a clairvoyant means, and what it could mean to you? Have you thought about the possibility that you can develop your own clairvoyant abilities, even if you don't think you have them now? In fact you can, likely, even if you don't have these abilities just yet. In fact, you can, because clairvoyance is really just an ability, one that almost anyone can develop if they spend enough time on it and work hard enough at it. And so, it's a very good bet that you can

  • What Are The Three Types Of Dreams Essay

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    Have you woken up from an unusual or scary dream thanking god it was only a dream but then wondering why you had a dream like that anyway? Every night as we lay down to sleep our brains stay awake causing us to dream every night even if we do not remember. Researchers have studied dreams and their meanings for years and some believe they mean nothing and others believe there is reasons behind your dreams. Dreams are basically images or little movies our brain actively puts together while the rest

  • Materialism versus Non-Materialism in Western Science

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    in parapsychology where this provides an empirical case for non-materialism and a counter-example to physicalism. Similarly to how physicalism says that everything that exists is a subset of a physical domain, the non-spatialtemporal nature of precognition, and other psychic phenomena, would imply that the physical world is actually a subset of a non-physical domain where entities in that domain have causal properties where things. While physicalism is taken for granted within Western science and

  • Vision And Vision Essay

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    emotional realm of the person, giving them guidance by forewarning before the event actually occurs ( It is not entirely a vision, it sends out a warning usually being strikingly obvious, about future catastrophic occurrences. Precognitions also is the ability to foresee into the future, but only happens during sleep unlike premonitions that happen during night and day ( It is associated with the emotional realm of the person like premonitions but, the warnings

  • the Holy Child of Atocha lost my Grandmother

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    behind it. I am certain that dreams do indeed carry significance behind them. I believe that dreams are a basis of communication between the past, present, and future. Precognition, which is the ability to see into the future, is relevant to a dream I had about my grandmother when I was twelve. I had my doubts at first about precognitions, until I personally had my own experience. Two years before the dream, my grandmother suffered from a left hemisphere stroke. The stroke caused paralysis on the right

  • Calpurnia in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

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    to have precognition, which is being able to foresee future events in dreams. Precognition allows her to dream of her husband, Julius Caesar, being brutally killed in the Capitol by Romans. During her dream, she dreamt that “Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds;/ In ranks and squadrons and right form of war;/ Which drizzle... ... middle of paper ... ...key, but compelling at the same time. Infertility had a small role in the play, but a large role in their life. Precognition occurred