Powell and Pressburger Essays

  • The Prospects For A Reinvigorated And Diverse British National Cinema

    858 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Prospects For A Reinvigorated And Diverse British National Cinema 'Is there scope for British Cinema in the future?' could be one interpretation of this statement and one that I intend to explore. I believe that with the dominance of Hollywood overpowering the British film industry, the past century has seen the traditional British cinema suffer. Although audience figures were utterly immense in the earlier half of the 20th century, we could argue that the Hollywood film industry enticed

  • U.S.'s Influence on British Cinema Culture Between 1930 and 1980

    838 Words  | 2 Pages

    U.S.'s Influence on British Cinema Culture Between 1930 and 1980 Britain and America have always had a very close relationship that could have stemmed from a number of different things. The English discovered America, they both speak the same language and the fact that America helped Britain in the first World War may have played an important part in why the two countries are so close. Due to this close bond or the 'special relationship' between the countries, over time we have influenced

  • Kalmus Psychology

    1042 Words  | 3 Pages

    aspects of Powell’s understanding of the coloration and lighting of the Other World and the spatial arrangement of black and white scenes that depict his trial. Powell utilized Jack Cardiff’s use of heavenly lighting and the pearly shine of dye-monochrome to present the courtroom amphitheater of the Other World (Powell and Pressburger 1:16:36). This large-scale scene shows a ‘crown” of light that emerges from the back of a large stone structure and the encircling seating for the judges, lawyers