Postherpetic neuralgia Essays

  • The Use of Hypnosis in Pain Management and Related Areas

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    Clinical Practice, 5(2), 97-101. Vandenberg.R.V. (2010). Evidence, Ontology, and Psychological Science: The Lesson of Hypnosis. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 30(1), 51-65 Williamson, A. (2004). A Case of Post-Herpetic Neuralgia Treated With Self-Hypnosis.

  • Analysis Of Herpes Zoster

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    dramatically due to vaccinations, clinicians need to be educated about preventative strategies along with the current treatment options. This paper addresses correlating signs and symptoms of HZ, as well as existing treatments of acute HZ and post-herpetic neuralgia. It outlines current treatment strategies, along with deficiency of newest drugs and procedure implementations. Clinical Presentation HZ patients typically present with a characteristic, distinguishing unilateral, localized, vesicular eruption in

  • My Experience With Shingles

    860 Words  | 2 Pages

    In December of my senior year of high school, I suddenly began to feel very achey and rundown. Between college applications, finals, and staying up way too late on the phone with friends, I assumed I was just exhausted. Then, winter break started and even with more time to rest, I continued to feel awful. My back, in particular, ached and felt uncomfortable at even the lightest touch, like clothes brushing against it. Then it looked like I had a very small, isolated rash on my back. Some family friends

  • Trichomoniasis Research Paper

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    Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by parasitic trichomonads, chiefly affecting the urinary tract, vagina, or digestive system. in the United States of America its an estimate of 3.7 million people that have this infection and there is 0% in the death of catching this infection. This infection is caused by having unprotected sex. This infection it infects women and men, almost half of infected women will not even know they have this infection because there wouldn’t be any signs. But if someone

  • About Shingles

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    60 it rises much faster. (, 2011) If a child or adult has been ex... ... middle of paper ..., 2011) Shingles has affected many people over the years. New discoveries are being made every day to treat Postherpatic Neuralgia and just the overall virus. If a cure is found for shingles, it should also work for chicken pox. They are the same virus, but chicken pox is the initial stage

  • Shingles Essay

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    Shingles is a painful disease that is caused by the same virus that causes the chicken pox. The shingles virus affects about 1 million people per year in the United States alone. Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, occurs in people who have already had chickenpox when they were younger. Shingles causes a painful skin rash that usually appears in a band, strip or a small area on one side of the face or body. Most individuals who develop shingles are older than 50 years or have other medical problems

  • Chili Peppers

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    conclusion, the following method was used. Registered brand names of capsaicin and capsicum were used to create the topical treatment. Random adults who suffered chronic pain from either neuropathic conditions such as diabetic neuropathic or postherpetic neuralgia, or musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis and back pain, were given this treatment. The treatment was .075% capsaicin for neuropathic condition participants and .025% capsaicin for musculoskeletal condition ... ... middle of paper

  • Effects Of Drug Advertising On Lyrica

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    calcium channel in the central nervous system, which inhibits excitatory neurotransmitter release. Pregabalin has proven effects on partial onset seizures and neuropathic pain that is seen in fibromyalgia, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and postherpetic neuralgia (Harvey, 2012). There are several advertisements that promote Lyrica to both consumers and health care professionals. There are media commercials that are aired on television that are directed to consumers and is also found on the drug company’s

  • Extracellular Atp Research

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    Clinical Pharmacology; [retrieved 2015 Nov 08]. Available from: Hayashida M, Fukuda KI, Fukunaga A, Meno A, Sato K, Tarui K, Arita H, Kaneko Y, Hanaoka K. 2005. Analgesic effect of intravenous ATP on postherpetic neuralgia in comparison with responses to intravenous ketamine and lidocaine. Journal of Anesthesia [online database]. 19(1):31-35. Available from: Academic Search Complete. Nyberg M, Christensen PM, Mortensen SP, Hellsten Y, Bangsbo J. 2014. Infusion

  • Chickenpox Essay

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    Pathogens are organisms that are capable of causing diseases in other organisms and are considered to be ubiquitous. They can be found in water, on surfaces, and on or in humans, plants, and animals. Different pathogens have different signs and symptoms, treatment options, ways of transmission, diagnoses, and prognoses. Chickenpox, also known as varicella, and shingles are diseases caused by the same pathogen and have many of the same characteristics, but are also unique in their own ways. Chickenpox

  • Understanding Shingles: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

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    debilitating, making it difficult to even wear clothing over the affected areas of your skin. While in most cases this pain will go away as the body fights off the infection and your skin heals, a small percentage of those infected can develop postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). PHN is a lasting chronic nerve pain that persists well after the infection heals. Those who develop shingles after the age of 60 are especially at risk for this chronic condition. Tingling Shingles specifically targets your nervous

  • Compare And Contrast Varicella-Zoster And Measles

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    Since last century infectious diseases have been well controlled by immunisation, sanitation, and improved living environment in many countries (Plant & Watson 2008). However, due to the inaccessibility to the clean water and vaccination in some areas, these diseases continue to cause outbreak (Plant & Watson 2008; Moser, Reiss & Schwartz 2015). Infectious diseases may present similar symptoms but distinct patterns. They could have same or different mechanism of transmission, prevention thus are

  • An In-depth Analysis of Neuropathy

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    can be seen in anyone with conditions such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus. Neuropathy can also been see individuals that have certain infections such as HIV, AIDs, Lyme disease, syphilis, and leprosy. Postherpetic neuralgia is one I see I working at a dermatology clinic. It occurs in patient’s that have a complication of the shingles virus. Alcoholic neuropathy is obviously seen with alcoholics. The exact reason for this type is unclear. It may be due to