Port Arthur, Tasmania Essays

  • Martin Cash Research Paper

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    ticket of leave. At that time, he assisted another farmer, John Boodle, with branding stolen cattle, which was unbeknownst to him. When he realised, he decided to flee to Tasmania, and convinced Bessie Clifford, the wife of another man, to come with him. On the 10th of Febraury 1837, they boarded the ship, Francis Feeling. In Tasmania, Cash worked around at multiple farms. In 1840, he was arrested for stealing six eggs valued at a shilling from W. Bedford of Campbell Town, who was his boss. He was charged

  • Port Arthur Massacre And Subsequent Gun Control

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    Since Martin Bryant’s massacre on Port Arthur, the legal system in Australia is amended and reformed gun laws to create a more effective legislation. Gun-related deaths have since been drawn to more efficient attention in Australian psyche, whilst the issue of gun-laws on a global level still remains as a conspiracy in many countries. The massacre left the Australian nation in shock, with a heavily involved attitude on behalf of local and national police, and thousands devastated at the aftermath

  • Argumentative Essay: The Issue Of The Port Arthur Massacre In Australia

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    a civilian - anywhere in the world - occurred on home soil, at the popular historic tourist site- Port Arthur, Tasmania. During the peak time lunch hour at Broad Arrow Café a lone figure entered, ordered and ate a big lunch, reached into his bag and withdrew two military-style semi-automatic rifles and started indiscriminately shooting, at staff and tourists. The range of guns used by the Port Arthur murderer- Martin Bryant, were designed for killing large numbers of people, and they delivered: within

  • Martin Cash Research Paper

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    Martin Cash the infamous bushranger lived in the 19th century. He was born on the 11th of October 1808 at Enniscorthy Country Wexford, Ireland and was the son of George and Mary Cash. He was a farm boy but his family were fairly well off in terms of money. Growing up, he did receive a reasonable standard of education but was an irregular attendance at school. This was partly due to his lack of interest and the fact that he was expelled three times by different masters. Before being sent to Australia

  • Designing Interpretive Signs: A Reflection

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    especially how to design a good sign. When I learned some principles to design interpretive signs, these things reminded me of my trip to Tasmania. Several months ago, I went to Tasmania. During this trip, I visited Port Arthur, a former convict settlement and now as a famous museum. This was my first time to visit

  • Australian Federation Research Paper

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    in Australia. Its main purpose was to relocate as many of the London pickpockets, petty thieves and small-time criminals as possible. The first fleet (as it is now known) arrived at Sydney Cove on 26th January 1788 under the leadership of Captain Arthur Phillip. (Pearson History 9 page 118)

  • Should Gun Control Laws be Stricter?

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    Should gun control laws be stricter? Every day some news related to gun violence are being heard all over the world. Shooting in driveway, public places, schools, homicide and suicide are some of different types of gun violence. Shooting on people and killing them is a big issue in the world and different comments are provided about that. One of the most important of them is about gun control laws. Stingl (2013) says “The term gun control as it is used in the United States refers to any action taken

  • Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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    In the United States there have been 142 school shootings since 2013. In Australia there has never been a school shooting. “A school shooting is a form of mass shooting involving a gun attack on an educational institution, such as a school or university”(Wikipedia). According to the United States Secret Service, a school shooting is where the school is purposely planned and selected as the location for the attack. A school shooting may occur between any individual, student, instructor, administrator

  • Gun Control Argumentative Analysis

    866 Words  | 2 Pages

    On February 14, 2018, 17 people were shot and killed. 17 more people were wounded. On December 14, 2012, 28 people were killed including the perp. All around the country, there are people dying due to firearm deaths. There are 13,000 gun homicides every year in the U.S according to EveryTownResearch. Gun control laws should be set in place to prevent these type of things from happening. There are many good and cogent reasons why this should happen. The costs that go to gun violence would drastically

  • Travel and Tourism Into the Future

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    Travel and Tourism Into the Future Continued Growth Over the last 20 years there has been a significant growth in: 1. UK residents visiting overseas 2. Overseas residents visiting the UK 1. UKresidents visiting overseas In 1982 there were 20.6 million visits overseas by the UK residents. By the year 2002, the number had tripled to 54.9 million. Even in 2001 when global terrorism had a big impact in world travel, UKresidents visits abroad continued to increase at 2.5%. During

  • Persuasive Essay On Right To Bear Arms

    1959 Words  | 4 Pages

    America—the land of the free and the home of the brave. Not only are these words sung in the national anthem, but they can even be considered a motto for the country. In the US, residents and citizens have many rights that people in other countries can only dream about. They have the right to practice freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and many other freedoms thanks to the founding fathers and the United States Constitution. But there are some very controversial rights as well. What about the

  • Genocide and Modernity

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    The crime of genocide is one of the most devastating human tragedies throughout the history. And the word genocide refers to an organised destruction to a specific group of people who belongs to the same culture, ethnic, racial, religious, or national group often in a war situation. Similar to mass killing, where anyone who is related to the particular group regardless their age, gender and ethnic background becomes the killing targets, genocide involves in more depth towards destroying people’s

  • Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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    Contrary to popular belief, gun related violence is not one of the main causes of death in the United States. In fact, gun violence does not appear in the top ten leading causes of death. Nonetheless, gun violence is still a major problem in the U.S., and one that could be reduced with a fair bit of concern and better decision making. In 2014, the United States had a population of roughly 319 million people. A recent study revealed that an estimated 55 million American citizens are gun owners (Jervis)

  • Authenticity in Northanger Abbey

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    twentieth century's nostalgia for authenticity really goes, and just how problematic and paradoxical a notion it has become in its tendency to make us forget history rather than remember it was demonstrated in Tasmania on the afternoon of Sunday April 28, when many of the tourists at Port Arthur mistook present reality for a harmless facsimile of a deadly past -- 'one of those re-enactment things' -- and began hurrying towards the gunshots, instead of away. Works Cited: Austen, Jane. Northanger

  • Argument Against Capital Punishment in Australia

    2208 Words  | 5 Pages

    Argumentative Essay on Capital Punishment in Australia Capital punishment is barbaric and inhumane and should not be re-introduced into Australia. Although capital punishment has been abolished, the debate on this topic has never abated. When a particularly heinous crime is committed, this debate arouses strong passions on both sides. Many who advocate the abolition of capital punishment consider the death penalty to be cruel and inhuman, while those who favor of punishment by death see