Pope Pius III Essays

  • Pope Alexander VI

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    the French troops disappeared before the eyes of Florence. In 1495, Savonarola depicted the Pope as a heinous fiend in his sermon in his quoting of Psalm 2:2 “the devils, the lukewarm, and the powerful of the earth rage this war, and because the lukewarm have neither virtue nor truth in them, the powerful.” At the turn of the century, the powerful members of society were found in good relation with the Pope. In his Treatise on the Rule and Government of the City of Florence Savonarola’s speech was

  • Abortion Essay - The Church Was Pro-Choice

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    Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, by the Rev. Elaine Gallagher Gehrmann: Most of us know that the Roman Catholic church teaches that life begins at conception, and yet most of us don't know that this is a relatively recent change. It wasn't until 1869 that Pope Pius IX decreed that "ensoulment" takes place at conception. Up until then, the Catholic church had taught that "life" begins at 40 days gestation for a male and 80 days for a female, and therefore abortions before those 40 or 80 day periods were not

  • Gregorian Chant: A Form to Worship God

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    Of all ways to worship God, perhaps one of the greatest methods is through music. From the beginning of salvation history, music has been utilized by all the faithful and perhaps one of the greatest expressions of musical worship in the church would be Gregorian chant. Having roots back to the ancient Hebrews, and having been refined throughout the church’s history, Gregorian chant is arguably the highest point in unified Christian music, taking a central role in Catholic worship. It is still considered

  • Tolkien's Lord of the Rings as a Catholic Epic

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    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings as a Catholic Epic It will be the contention of this paper that much of Tolkien's unique vision was directly shaped by recurring images in the Catholic culture which shaped JRRT, and which are not shared by non-Catholics generally. The expression of these images in Lord of the Rings will then concern us. To begin with, it must be remembered that Catholic culture and Catholic faith, while mutually supportive and symbiotic, are not the same thing. Mr. Walker Percy

  • Describe the development of Italian nationalism during the years 1830-1848.

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    After Napoleon had been defeated in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, the Congress of Vienna was held the same year under the control Foreign Minister Metternich's leadership. In this conference Austria was given control of the Italian states of Venetia and Lombardy, in compensation for her loss of Belgium. This led to the Germanisation and domination of Austria over the Italian states it had obtained. All schools were carefully censored, the press was rigidly controlled, and all this was supported

  • Summary Of A Moral Reckoning By Daniel Goldhagen

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    evident in the books emphasis on the church as a ‘political institution’ and the pope as a ‘political leader’ (p. 184). . This limits his work as a historian as he fails to fully examine the role of the individual. Goldhagen’s ... ... middle of paper ... ...es are manipulated for his argument. Goldhagen’s controversial and stimulating study encourages research to continue and in 2013 Jewish leaders pressured Pope Francis to open the Vatican archives from 1939-1947. The opening of these archives

  • How Did Pope Pius X Combat Jansenism?

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    was a very heretical belief that corrupted Christian churches. This essay will explain how Pope Pius X combated Jansenism. The first paragraph will explain what Jansenism is. The second and third Paragraphs explain what he did to help people live better spiritual lives, to explain to the church what the Eucharist was for, and the results that came out of it. The fourth paragraph tells other ways Pope Pius X combated Jansenism. Jansenism was a belief that portrayed God as a “dictator” who

  • An Introduction to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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    ” has to be ended fittingly by assuming into heaven. Dogma of the Catholic Church The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been announced as a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. This doctrine was dogmatically and infallibly defined by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950, through his Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus. The dogma teaches that the Blessed Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” This belief is accepted

  • Classical and Modern Anti-Semitism in the Mortara Case

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    According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, anti-Semitism is hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. There are two main types of anti-Semitism: classical anti-Semitism and modern anti-Semitism. Classical anti-Semitism is the hatred and intolerance towards Jews because of their religious differences. According to remember.org, “Modern anti-Semitism, in contrast to earlier forms, was based not on religious practices of the Jews but on the theory

  • Reasons for the failure of 1848- 1849 revolutions in Italy

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    longstanding grievances, some were nationalists and some were liberals. Despite all having different ideas and aims they all resoundingly agreed that Italy needed change. The hopes of the various revolutionary groups had been raised by the election of Pope Pius and Charles Albert the King of Piedmont Sardinia. However, their hopes and resulting revolutions were crushed due to many concerning factors. A crushing factor of the failure of the revolutions was the trouncing of the Piedmontese army at both the

  • Napoleon Bonaparte and the Catholic Church

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    Tension grew between the Catholic Church and France during the French Revolution, leading to a schism, which deeply devastated the Church’s economy. Pope Pius VII and Napoleon Bonaparte came into power as the French Revolution was ending. For different reasons they both saw the importance of restoring Roman Catholicism’s position in France. The Catholic Church’s initial support of Napoleon greatly affected both parties (O’Dwyer 12-14, 43, 49). This statement has led me to ask the following question:

  • The Eucharist

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    The Eucharist (Otherwise known as the Holy Communion or the Blessed Sacrament) is a Catholic sacrament considered to be the apex of Christianity. While some Catholics and different branches of the English Church believe that this bread and wine are transformed into the literal blood and body of Christ, others believe that it is a simple expression of faith. It is considered to be the very essence of love that binds us to the savior; and it is this teaching of love that inspires the Catholic view

  • Pope Pius XII: Hitler's Pope?

    1949 Words  | 4 Pages

    Pope Pius XII: Hitler’s Pope? The Holocaust was a devastating time, which caused an unbelievable number of deaths, so much pain, agony, and turmoil to so many innocent victims. Is it possible that one voice could have made such an impact that they could have saved millions? Could Pope Pius XII have really made that much of a difference? Should he have stepped in? What are the facts? Even though the Vatican’s policy is to remain neutral in world matters to prevent further conflict, the Pope should

  • How the Pope Affected The Holocaust

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    to consider with this is Pope Pius XII, The Vatican’s Pope during the time of World War II and the Holocaust. Although he didn’t say much outwardly and publicly, he did do things behind the scenes to aid the Jews and attempt to better the circumstances. The Pope and the Vatican, being in a position of power, should have taken greater action during the Holocaust, but his reasons behind his inaction were good-willed and preventive. Background In order to understand Pope Pius XII’s reasons for his actions

  • Saint Bernadette Soubirous

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    Saint Bernadette Soubirous The Soubirous family lived in the far north of the little town of Lourdes, in the Lapaca district. A large stream flowed there, and on this stream there were seven mills; one of them known as the Boly Mill, and this had been the residence of the Soubirous. Francois Soubirous leased the mill from relatives of his wife, Louise. In many ways, it was the trade of the miller that had brought the couple together. They had married on the parish church on 9th January 1843. By

  • Saint Therese of Lisieux

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    but was refused by the Carmelite superior because of her young age. After also being denied entrance by the bishop, Therese even approached Pope Leo XIII while on a pilgrimage with her father and sister. After being forbidden to speak to the Pope, Therese broke the mandatory silence and begged for his approval to be accepted into the Carmelite cloister. Pope Leo XIII was impressed with Therese and she was soon accepted into the cloister and was finally able to join up with her two older sisters.

  • The Pope's View of Birth Control

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    In the Encyclical on Birth Control by Pope Paul VI, Natural Law Theory is used to argue against the use of birth control. The Encyclical, according to the Pope, assumes that humans are free and responsible, possessing a free will that makes us responsible moral agents. One of the thoughtful duties that lies in humans is the transmission of human life, “for which married persons are the free and responsible collaborators of God the Creator” (174). Along with the duty that lies in humans there are

  • The Worldwide Influence of St. Thomas Aquinas

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    Aquinas was a teacher at both university of Paris and university of Naples during some of the latter half of his life. The ironic part about how serious Aquinas was about spreading his knowledge was, that he passed away while returning to Italy to help Pope Gregory X with a service in 1274. Thomas Aquinas is remembered for his teachings to this day, with many high schools and colleges around the world named after him. Thomas Aquinas has proved himself in many different fashions that he has made a historical

  • A Summary of My Community Service project

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    For my community service project I did a large variety of projects. I completed a total amount of seventy-one hours, which includes: eleven hours of in school hours, and sixty hours of out of school service. The groups I worked with include: The Immaculate Conception School, The Merimack Heights Academy, and the Mad Science program. Overall I had a great time and a wonderful experience serving the community. For the Immaculate Conception School I did many events. First for the I.C.S I helped to

  • St. Maria Goretti Research Paper

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    St. Maria Goretti is an Italian virgin-martyr of the Catholic Church and one of the youngest canonized saints. Maria was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy. She is the third of seven children of Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini. She worked with her parents on a farm along with her five other siblings. Maria had never gone to school so she wasn’t able to read or write. By the time Maria was six, her family had become so poor that they had to give up their farm and move to Ferrier di Conca