Placental abruption Essays

  • Effects Of Placental Abruption

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    Placental abruption is a condition in which premature separation of the placenta from the uterus. Women with placental abruption, also called abruptio placentae, usually present with bleeding, uterine contractions, and fetal distress. Complications such as a risk for recurrence in women who have experienced placental abruptions previous in other pregnancies. Understanding the leading cause to contributing factor of placental abruption, is understanding the origin of the condition. Associations that

  • Abruptio Placentae versus Placenta Previa

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    Abruptio Placentae vs. Placenta Previa Abruptio Placentae vs. Placenta Previa The placenta is the first connection between mother and fetus that will be instrumental in providing life and forming a connection that will last a lifetime. The placenta is the lifeblood of the fetus- the site of nutrient absorption, gas exchange and waste elimination. When that connection has complications, the results can be devastating. In this paper we will compare two very serious complications that can occur

  • Blunt Trauma in Pregnancy

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    Trauma affects 6-7% of pregnancies in the U.S. 60 - 67% related to automobile accidents. Fetal mortality after maternal blunt trauma is 34 - 38%. The two major causes of fetal death after maternal blunt trauma are: Maternal shock/death, and placental abruption. The pregnant trauma patient presents a unique challenge because care must be provided for two patients, the mother and the fetus. It is vital that the nurse know and understand the anatomical and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy

  • Essay On Drug Addicted Babies

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    As soon as a drug addicted baby is born they will face many problems and suffer through pain. The pain would be caused because of drug withdrawal, in which the mom would understand. Drug Addicted babies don’t choose the life that they are given based off of their mothers choices made during the pregnancy. So, we should try and prevent this from happening to other babies and help the mothers with their drug addiction. While pregnant a women can risk harm to their unborn child when they abuse

  • Essay On Preeclampsia

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    trophoblast tissue, and angiogenic imbalances (Bell, 2010). It is known that preeclampsia can lead to low fetal birth weights resulting from decreased placental perfusion related to the mother’s increasing blood pressure and vasospasm. Poor placental perfusion then leads to early degenerative aging of the placenta increasing the risk for placental abruption (book). Monitor, Monitor, Monitor Women diagnosed with preeclampsia are closely monitored by their providers to assess the progression of the disease

  • Pregnancy In The Mennonite Culture

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    multivitamin and folic acid with placental abruption. The findings were quite intriguing. Compared with no use, vitamin supplement use was connected with a 26% decreased risk of abruption with the strongest reduction being when folic acid and a multivitamin were used in tandem followed by a multivitamin alone then by folic acid alone. With the data collected it suggest that folic acid and other vitamin use during pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of placental

  • Premature Birth

    955 Words  | 2 Pages

    Placental abruption and low-lying placenta are conditions connected to the placenta that may cause premature birth. In placental abruption, some or all of the placenta seperates from the wall of the womb before the baby is born. Pre-eclampsia is a very serious condition. If you have pre-eclampsia you may notice, Rapid

  • Understanding Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

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    Eclampsia is considered a complication of severe preeclampsia, most commonly defined as new onset of grand mal seizure activity accompanied by unexplained coma during pregnancy or postpartum in a woman. It normally occurs during or after the 20th week of gestation or in the postpartum period. The clinical manifestations of preeclampsia are hypertension and proteinuria. There is also a fetal manifestation of preeclampsia encompassing fetal growth restriction, reduced amniotic fluid, and abnormal fetal

  • What is Placenta Previa_

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    mother with placenta previa just as wonderful and special as any delivery. References Aliya, M. H., Lynch, O., Nana, P. N., Alio, A. P., Wilson, R. E., Marty, P. J., . . . Salihu, H. M. (2010). Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and risk of placental previa. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 671-675. Kim, A., Caughtney, A., Laguardia, J., & Escobar, G. (2011). Racial and ethnic differences in the prevalence of placenta previa. Journal of Perinatology, 260-264. Taki, M., Sato, Y., Kazuyokakui

  • Importance Of Labor Induction

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    Labor induction is when steps are taken to cause a pregnant woman to begin the labor process. Most women go into labor on their own between 37 weeks and 42 weeks of the pregnancy. When this does not happen or when there is a medical need, methods may be used to induce labor. Labor induction causes a pregnant woman 's uterus to contract. It also causes the cervix to soften (ripen), open (dilate), and thin out (efface). Usually, labor is not induced before 39 weeks of the pregnancy unless there is

  • Taking Drugs During Pregnancy Essay

    1088 Words  | 3 Pages

    Studies have shown that consumption of illegal drugs during pregnancy can result in miscarriage, low birth weight, premature labour, placental abruption, fatal death, and even maternal death. Illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine aren’t the only drugs that are harmful to fatal development, commonly used over-the-encounter medicines, along with substances such as caffeine and alcohol can have lasting effects on an unborn child. If you smoke, drink alcohol or ingest caffeine

  • Wha What Structure Is Sectioned In A Vasectomy?

    537 Words  | 2 Pages

    One of the most common complaints of pregnant women has been the need to urinate often. Explain this, considering the arrangement of the pelvic organs. During Pregnancy, hormones stimulate your kidneys to expand and produce more urine, which helps your body get rid of extra waste more quickly. As the baby grows all of the woman's organs get either pushed up closer to the rib cage or pushed down near the pelvic bone, one of them is the bladder. And as your baby gets bigger and bigger, his or her weight

  • Scotus Case: Griswold Vs. Connecticut Of 1964

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    There are numerous amounts of lives protected and saved each day, but the topic of birth control has and still remains an arguable topic. The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has dealt with several cases dealing with the topic of birth control. In particular, one SCOTUS case, Griswold v. Connecticut of 1964, repealed an outdated, anti-birth control law while recognizing the basic constitutional right to privacy. The Griswold v Connecticut case brought major changes to women and American society

  • Gestational Pregnancy

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    Editorial Team mentioned that several Complications could happen through the third trimester. These complications are Gestational Diabetes, Preeclampsia, Preterm Labor, Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes, Problems with the Placenta (Previa and Abruption), Intrauterine Growth Restriction, Post-Term Pregnancy, and Malpresentation. National Data Ann Abercrombie mentioned that “Each year in the U.S., more than 500,000 babies are born prematurely and an estimated 28,000 children die before their first

  • Pre-eclampsia And Eclampsia Disorders In Pregnant Women

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    develop, with characteristic tissue swelling and proteinuria. In extreme full flown eclampsia ( convulsions or coma) may occur. Women with chronic hypertension are at higher risk for fetal growth retardation, stillbirth and 4 to 5 grater risk for placental abruption. About 15% of women with chronic hypertension with experience pre-eclampsia next to their usual chronic hypertension. To show how eclampsia is related to physics we must look at the fact that eclampsia primarily comes about from hypertension

  • Meth Essay

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    discussions how parents who are meth abusers are likely to abuse and/or neglect their children. In addition, findings suggest that meth use during pregnancy can cause serious deleterious effect like growth retardation, premature birth, and placental abruption ("Methamphetamine", 1998). References Anglin, M., Burke, C., Perrochet, B., Stamper, E., & Dawud-Noursi, S. (2000). History of the methamphetamine problem. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 32, 137-141. Byker, C. (Director). (2011).

  • Preventing Still Births and Miscarriages

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    Many women have a time in their life where they have a pregnancy loss whether it’s an abortion, miscarriage, or stillborn. A lot of mothers go into depression when the loss of their baby is out of their control such as miscarriages and still born. There are family members very close to me who went through this such as my mother who had a miscarriage with in the first trimester and my first cousin who had at still born in fourth trimester. This information is imperative so women can be careful when

  • Persuasive Essay On Smoking During Pregnancy

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    Finding one good reason for putting a child in life or death situations will never suit for achievement. The mother of a fetus may put herself in life or death risk while smoking cigarettes during pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to placental abruption, stillbirths, preterm birth, and heart conditions (Lurie et al, 2014). If a mother cannot take care of her own body health, then she will not take care of a child’s health. Ultimately, a mother’s decision of what to do during pregnancy will

  • Crack Babies Research Paper

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    In the late 1980s, the nation startled after news reports brought to the public’s attention the term “crack babies,” children whose mothers had consumed cocaine while pregnant. This news led to prosecution of mothers under criminal laws that already existed, such as distribution of drugs to a minor, child abuse, or assault with a deadly weapon. Prosecution of pregnant drug users was based on the superstition that crack cocaine caused severe consequences in children, for instance, social problems

  • Low Birth Weight Research Paper

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    "Causes and Consequences of Low Birth weight" When the human beings open up their eyes to the world they know nothing about the world. But they were already live with their own mother for nearly 10 months. Human birth is an very important aspect for their own future life that they are going to live in this world. Mothers are thinking about babies since pre pregnancy period. But birth of a baby is the best moment in every mothers' life. Therefore, every mother hopes a healthy baby for them. Birth