Placenta Essays

  • Abruptio Placentae versus Placenta Previa

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    Abruptio Placentae vs. Placenta Previa Abruptio Placentae vs. Placenta Previa The placenta is the first connection between mother and fetus that will be instrumental in providing life and forming a connection that will last a lifetime. The placenta is the lifeblood of the fetus- the site of nutrient absorption, gas exchange and waste elimination. When that connection has complications, the results can be devastating. In this paper we will compare two very serious complications that can occur

  • Effects Of Placental Abruption

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    Placental abruption is a condition in which premature separation of the placenta from the uterus. Women with placental abruption, also called abruptio placentae, usually present with bleeding, uterine contractions, and fetal distress. Complications such as a risk for recurrence in women who have experienced placental abruptions previous in other pregnancies. Understanding the leading cause to contributing factor of placental abruption, is understanding the origin of the condition. Associations that

  • Essay On Preeclampsia

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    oxidative stress, immunologic intolerance between the placenta and mother, genetics, inflammatory factors, maternal vascular disease, superabundant trophoblast tissue, and angiogenic imbalances (Bell, 2010). It is known that preeclampsia can lead to low fetal birth weights resulting from decreased placental perfusion related to the mother’s increasing blood pressure and vasospasm. Poor placental perfusion then leads to early degenerative aging of the placenta increasing the risk for placental abruption (book)

  • Anatomy And Physiology Case Essay

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    myometrium continued to contract and retract. Therefore, the surface area decreased under the placenta and it detached from the spongy layer of the decidua, consequently exposing the maternal spiral arteries. During the expulsion phase, Laura’s placenta descended into her lower uterine segment and the membranes peeled away from the walls of her uterus. With further contractions of her uterus, Laura’s placenta and membranes descended into her vagina and expelled from it. Johnson and Taylor (2010) explain

  • Compare and contrast Death of a naturalist and Catrin

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    Compare and contrast Death of a naturalist and Catrin In both poems, the writers reflect on childhood and change. Heaney looks back on his childhood and the change he took while growing up where as Clarke is reflecting on childhood as an adult, a mother and how she copes, and her views of having a child, and being in child birth. In Heaney’s poem, Death of a Naturalist, he is reflecting on his childhood and the attitude he uses towards his childhood. The attitude he has changes during

  • Placenta Previa Essay

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    Placenta previa is a bleeding disorder that can cause bleeding in late pregnancy. This condition occurs when the placenta attaches and develops in the lower part of the uterus instead of the upper, fundal portion of the uterus. There are different degrees of placenta previa depending on the relation to the cervix: marginal, partial, or total. Marginal or low-lying is when the placenta is attached to the lower portion but is not touching the cervical os. The low-lying is sometimes not considered true

  • The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down By Anne Fadiman

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    After reading the book called “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” by Anne Fadiman it made me think about life a little different. It made me view life as if I were Lia and her family and going through everything they are going through within this book. How they have overcome every obstacle and challenge. No woman in the world should have to go through a phase where they have lost their child. Reading this book also made me realize some the things I don’t want to go through when I have children

  • Catrin

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    Clarke displays the “Catrin” poem about parental and child relationship and the bounds between parent and child. The poem begins with poet’s voice to a child and the poem highlighted the difference between mother and child and the common problems parents have with their children. Also the poem is about the loving but sometimes the tense relationship changes between mother and daughter and Catrin has strained relationship with her mother. The poem is split it in to two stanzas: the first stanza is

  • Placenta Essay

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    Common Questions 1. Why do women consume their placentas? There are many different reasons that lead women to make the decision to consume their placentas. For many women it is the first-hand accounts they hear from friends or recommendations made by their Doulas, Midwives, or Doctors. They have heard other moms talk about how consuming their placenta has been a positive experience for them. Many moms report that they believed it helped with their postpartum experience, stopped their bleeding, reduced

  • Essay On Placenta

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    Aspects of placenta The placenta is an organ that affects the environmental conditions for fetal development . First all substances which enter the fetal circulation have passed through the placental parenchymal cells. Second the placenta secretes several hormones and growth factors that affects maternal and fetal metabolism. The placenta is highly sensitive to maternal and fetal signals and may adapt its properties to support the development of fetus. The ability of the placenta to adapt appears

  • Placenta Essay

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    The placenta is an extraordinary organ that links the foetus to the mother whilst keeping the blood supply separate and carrying out functions that the unborn child cannot on its own. It acts as an endocrine organ, synthesising hormones essential for the growth and development of the foetus; it provides an immunological function, passing antibodies for immunity from mother to child; but perhaps most importantly, it provides nutrition in the form of oxygen, glucose and other substances whilst excreting

  • Placenta Previa In Babies

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    Placenta previa is a condition in pregnant women where the placenta implants in the lower part of the uterus. The placenta either partially or completely covers the opening to the cervix. This is a problem because the baby must pass through the cervix during delivery. There are three types of placenta previa. They include: Marginal placenta previa. The placenta is near the cervix, but does not cover the opening. Partial placenta previa. The placenta covers part of the cervical opening. Complete placenta

  • The Effects of Placenta Previa

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    life into the world is a priceless moment, and for that to be threatened by a disease; such as Placenta Previa, is heartbreaking. Placenta previa is commonly described as the imbedding of the placenta over or close to the cervix. According to the Permanente Medical Group, during a normal pregnancy the placenta forms at the top part of the uterus far from the cervix. However in placenta previa, the placenta tends to attach to the lower section of the uterus either covering or partially over the cervix

  • What is Placenta Previa_

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    Introduction Placenta previa is an implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment, near or over the internal cervical os, and is usually seen in the third trimester. This tends to occur in 1 out of every 200 pregnancies, can be caused by many different reasons and there several different types. Some reasons researches are looking into include race, ethnicity and drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Placenta previa can be a very scary diagnosis for a pregnant mom but knowing what to look

  • How to Give Birth in 3 Stages

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    experienced giving birth, such as men, may think all the woman has to do is push a couple times and it's over, that is not the case. There are three stages to giving birth according to BabyCentre including contractions, pushing, and delivering the placenta. The first stage of labor actually has two phases itself. The first phase is called early labor. During early labor you should start to feel something like light cramps. It is also common to feel pressure in your lower back. This is the start

  • High Fat Diet Lab Report

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    Their body structures are similar in many ways to humans. The evidence within the studies thoroughly explained how overconsumption of triglycerides negatively influenced different areas in the placenta that effects the fetus. Constant increased levels of triglycerides are linked to placental destruction by forming blood clots within the vessels leading to insufficient oxygen and blood supply that’s critical for the fetus. As recalled, this increases

  • Analysis Of Adventures In Human Being By Gavinan Francis

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    known as the placenta and it is the last stages of childbirth. Throughout the chapter, Dr. Gavin Francis discussed different cultural and historical aspects regarding afterbirth that showed how countries have their unique customs and traditions when dealing with the placenta. For example, in Iceland, the traditional method of getting rid of the placenta was to bury it under the house in a position that allows the mother to wake up in the morning with her first steps being her child’s placenta. However

  • Gestational Pregnancy

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    also. The Healthline Editorial Team mentioned that several Complications could happen through the third trimester. These complications are Gestational Diabetes, Preeclampsia, Preterm Labor, Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes, Problems with the Placenta (Previa and Abruption), Intrauterine Growth Restriction, Post-Term Pregnancy, and Malpresentation. National Data Ann Abercrombie mentioned that “Each year in the U.S., more than 500,000 babies are born prematurely and an estimated 28,000 children

  • Infant Motivation Essay

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    infants have a biological agency that allows them to maximize the attention given to them, leading to a higher chance of surviving past the helplessness of infancy and into adulthood. This can be seen in utero through the fetuses interactions with the placenta, as well as extrauterine, through cuteness and all the benefits that may arise from being cute. While developing in the mother’s womb, fetuses actively attempt

  • Umbilical Cord Clamping Essay

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    stopped pulsing (5-20 minutes after birth), there is ordinarily no significant loss of either venous or arterial blood while cutting the cord. Umbilical cord clamping is part of the third stage of labor, the time between delivery of the baby and the placenta (Rabe, et al.; 2007). Cut the umbilical cord represents the beginning of an independent life of newborn. There are umbilical cord clamps which combine the cord clamps with the knife. These clamps are safer and faster, allowing