Peter Jones Essays

  • British TV Series 'Dragons Den'

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    Dragons' Den is a British television series shown on BBC Two, where it features entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas in order to secure investment finance from small groups of venture capitalists. On January 2007, a businessman called Levi Roots comes to the Dragons’ Den to seek investment in his spicy Reggae Reggae Sauce. Roots’s aim was to persuade the Dragons to invest £50,000 in the sauce. In return, Levi was prepared to offer 20% of the equity in the business to the entrepreneurs.

  • Drama coursework: response portfolio Scaramouche Jones

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    Drama coursework: response portfolio Scaramouche Jones This year in year 10 G.C.S.E. drama we have been studying Justin Butchers play “Scaramouche Jones”. We read, discussed, developed and preformed certain parts of the play and using some of the explorative strategies of drama we gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of the play text that was explored. Before we began to read the play text we were put into groups of 2 and we were made to perform a one minute piece of a clown show. This

  • Jones Blair Company

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    Recognition The Jones Blair Company is a small paint (coatings) producer in the southwestern United States. The company plant and headquarters are located in Dallas, Texas; and it does most of its business within this 11 county Dallas-Fort-Worth region, and also Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana. Currently the company sells top quality architectural paint and accessories to various markets. The company also sells OEM materials to domestic and international customers. Jones Blair is currently

  • Delia Jones' Transformation in Sweat

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    Delia Jones' Transformation in Zora Neale Hurston's Sweat Through external conflict exhibited by three significant occasions with the antagonist and husband, Sykes Jones, Zora Neale Hurston takes her leading character, Delia Jones, through an internal change from a submissive character to an aggressive and defensive character in her short story, "Sweat." When the story opens, one finds Delia Jones on a Sunday evening washing clothes, as was her profession, and humming a tune, wondering where

  • Star Jones

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    Starlet Marie Jones was born on March 24, 1962 in Badin, North Carolina. She lived there with her grandparents while her mom and dad finished college. Then at the age of six, Jones and her sister moved to Trenton, New Jersey, to live with their mom. After moving to New Jersey, Star started to shine in school. She always held the top grades throughout school and after graduating from a parochial school she enrolled in the American University in Washington, DC. While at American, Star sang in the gospel

  • System Configuration

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    System Configuration Eileen Jones has started to use the IT system you specified and her business is expanding as planned. She is happy with the work you have done for her so far, and has asked for your further help. Using your expertise, you will help her to automate the system, by utilising the software available to produce templates and macros. She would like to design a letterhead and invoice for her to use in her business. You need to produce a report showing how you configured

  • The Character of Jones's Daughter in Williams’ Taking Care

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    the heavens, as Jones would be the first to admit, more than he ever has. It has however, brought her only grief and confusion"(93). These two sentences imply that she is superficial. They are saying that she uses the stars to determine what her future is rather than thinking realistically and creating her own future. Even when this dependency of hers fails her, in her mind, she still relies on astrology for her future. Her leaving unopened records of prestigious composers with Jones as she left shows

  • English Views of the Native Americans

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    the lifestyles of the Native Americans. Four key people that have led to this understanding are Hugh Jones, Hugh Henry Brackenridge, William Penn, and John Heckewelder. In their essay's they give accurate accounts of how the Native Americans lived, through their eyes. I also see how European beliefs reflected their views and how this set the stage for conflict among these groups. In Hugh Jones' essay titled, "Characteristics of the Indians," he basically gives a factual account of how the Indians

  • Four Conditions for Knowledge

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    would want to count as knowledge. In the first Gettier counterexample, Smith is justified in believing that Jones is the man who will get the job. Smith’s also justified in believing that Jones has ten coins in his pocket. From that he infers and has a justified belief that the man who will get the job has ten coins in his pocket. It turns out that the man who gets the job is not Jones but Smith, and Smith does in fact have ten coins in his pocket. Smith has a justified true belief that the man

  • Keeping up with the Jones

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    The expression, “Keeping up with the Joneses” a very common quote that, Juliet Schor, used in her work, The New Politics of Consumption, could not fit a society more. The average household debt excluding mortgage is estimated fifteen thousand dollars, eight thousand of that debt comes from credit cards. (Paul Bannister, Credit cards are becoming a huge problem in our society that it is affecting more than just consumerism. It’s affecting the way we live. Everywhere public place you

  • Arbitration Case: Discharge Of Peter Seichek

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    Arbitration Case: Discharge of Peter Seichek Closing Statement Mr. Arbitrator, the termination of the employment of Mr. Seichek, by the Wheelwright Corporation, was for his "sleeping on the job". Lets examine this stated reason - in the light of the evidence provided by witness testimony and contained within Mr. Seichek's personnel record. 1) Mr. Holloday testified that he and Mr. White, the third shift supervisor, observed Mr. Seichek, wearing his welding hood, sitting or leaning against the

  • Creative Writing: The Storm

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    I burst through the front door of the quiet country home, shotgun in hand as a monster of a storm let loose with a waterfall effect outside. The house itself looked abandoned, all the lights were out, and a layer of grimy dust covered everything. A flash of green lightning, immediately followed by a roar of thunder so loud that it shook the windows told me that this was no natural storm, and the fact that it was originating directly above this house told me I was in the right place. From below the

  • Slumber Party Essay

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    Slumber Party Thump-thump, breathe thump-thump, breath. My heart beat, pounding out through my brain; I tried to catch my breath, footsteps coming up behind me like an elephant chasing at my heels. My thoughts raced from one thing to another. After locking the door, we clinched in a corner for nearly an hour. My day had begun as any other. I remember I woke up, went to school and found my friends that afternoon, Jessica, Gloria, Abigail, Gabi, Katelyn, Megan, Blake, Chase, Baustin, and Lucas. We

  • Fly Away Peter

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    Fly Away Peter Malouf evokes the horror and absurdity of war in ‘Fly Away Peter’ through an Australian frame of reference that creates reality for the reader. Discuss. Malouf’s ‘Fly Away Peter’ uses an Australian frame of reference to display the horrors and absurdity of war. The way in which Malouf writes creates reality – the reader can suspend disbelief and believe that the events in the novella are actually real. When we read ‘Fly Away Peter’, we see the story through Jim’s eyes. Jim is

  • Plot Structure in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    what happened, failed in their task. The County Attorney (Mr. Henderson) and the Sheriff (Mr. Peters) attempt to piece together what had transpired on the day when John Wright was murdered. They interviewed Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Peters, and Mr. Hale who told them that Mrs. Wright, John's wife, had been acting strange when he had found her in the kitchen. After taking in all of this information, they left Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale in the kitchen. Instead of focusing on the men and their quest to solve the

  • Susan Glaspell's A Jury of Her Peers

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    to the motive. The unfortunate death of John Wright was a mystery to all. A team of individuals consisting of the sheriff, county attorney, Mr. Hale, and Mrs. Peters were on a mission to find the purpose of the murderer. At this point, Mrs. Wright is the primary suspect. Mrs. Hale was asked to join the party in order to give Mrs. Peters, the sheriff s wife, some companionship. In the story, Mrs. Hale leaves cues of guilty feelings. As an example, the narrator states,  Martha Hale had a moment of

  • The Importance of Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    it" (130). These comments coming from a neighbor lead the reader to believe that Mrs. Wright was not happy in her surroundings largely because of her husband. Even the rocking chair in which Mrs. Wright sat seems tainted with unpleasantness. Mrs. Peters ahs to "shake off the mood which the empty rocking chair [evokes]" (131) before she continues her conversation with Mrs. Hale. The strange feeling the house provokes prods the women to think more deeply into the events leading to John Wright's death

  • Emotional Break-down in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    pleating of her skirt; her "queer" look and her dead pan response to how Mr. Wright died "He died of a rope around his neck"; all indicate a high level of emotional stress in a situation. She is not responding to anything. Also, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters examine her quilting. The sewing is very nice and even and then suddenly it becomes a wild disaray of stiches. These actions and inactions truly indicate an unbalanced state of mental being, however, is it enough to charge a woman with murder. What

  • The Battle of the Sexes in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    condescending. The action of Glaspell's play is executed by a mere five players, three of whom are men - a fact which in itself demonstrates the establishment of women as a minority, even in such a small sampling. The county attorney, Sheriff Peters, Mrs. Peters, eyewitness Mr. Hale, and Mrs. Hale are drawn together in a dismal and atmospheric farmhouse to investigate the murder of Joe Wright, whose wife is the prime suspect. Even in the play's most rudimentary introduction, we are presented with a

  • An Analysis of Peter van Inwagen’s The Magnitude, Duration, and Distribution of Evil: a Theodicy

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    An Analysis of Peter van Inwagen’s The Magnitude, Duration, and Distribution of Evil: a Theodicy In his essay, "The Magnitude, Duration, and Distribution of Evil: a Theodicy," Peter van Inwagen alleges a set of reasons that God may have for allowing evil to exist on earth. Inwagen proposes the following story – throughout which there is an implicit assumption that God is all-good (perfectly benevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient) and deserving of all our love. God created humans in his own