Perineum Essays

  • Teaching Care Plan for Perineal Care

    2019 Words  | 5 Pages

    for Perineal Care Outline Title Introduction: I. Client Description A. Nursing Diagnosis; 1. Knowledge deficit related to episiotomy. 2. Risk for infection related to 2nd degree episiotomy. 3. At risk for pain related to the trauma to perineum, as manifested by client’s request for pain medication. B. Assessing the Readiness for Teaching; 1. Recovery from birth 2. Motivation 3. Previous knowledge 4. Experience 5. Cultural factors II. The Content of Teaching Plan; A. Nursing Diagnosis

  • Benefits Of Childbirth During Childbirth

    1086 Words  | 3 Pages

    For some, childbirth is one of the most wonderful and worthwhile experiences of their lives. In contrast, for others, their deliveries are looked back upon as harrowing and traumatic. Oftentimes a negative experience with delivery can be attributed to the attending medical staff—for example, their performance of situationally unnecessary medical interventions such as routine episiotomies. An episiotomy is a surgical incision made in the perineal area and the posterior vaginal wall during childbirth

  • Perineal Pain Case Study

    1754 Words  | 4 Pages

    According to Steen and Marchant (2007), 60-70% of women will require sutures after vaginal delivery. A common morbidity of lacerations in the perineum is acute pain (Steen et al., 2007). Indeed, many women who have had birth related lacerations have decreased mobility, difficulty sitting comfortably, or fear of defecation due to pain (Steen et al. 2007). Furthermore, this pain may impede a mother from breastfeeding, focusing on newborn care and can lead to increasing irritability (Steen et al

  • Burns

    839 Words  | 2 Pages

    Burns occur at an alarming rate. In the United States alone, an estimated two million people suffer from burns each year, and of those two million burn victims, about 500,000 people seek treatment for the burns and 40,000 people are hospitalized (“Facts,” n.d.). Most burn injuries happen at work or at home, with about 40% of all burns happening at home (“First,” 2011). Burn injuries cause about 300,000 serious injuries each year, and are attributed to the cause of approximately 6,000 deaths each

  • Breast Care Research Paper

    1314 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction This sheet gives you information about how to care for yourself during the period of time right after you deliver your baby up to 6 weeks after delivery (postpartum period). Your health care provider may also give you more specific instructions. If you have problems or questions, contact your health care provider. Follow these instructions at home: Medicines Take over-the-counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider. If you were prescribed an antibiotic

  • Romantic Red Psychology

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    The romantic red effect is the hypothesis that men tend to increase a women’s attractiveness and sexually desirability if the color red is present. The color-in-context theory is a belief that the context in which colors are viewed influences how it is perceived psychologically. . The color red might have different effects in various situations. For example, the color red is believed to be an aphrodisiac and bears the meaning of sex and romance in the context of heterosexual interactions. On the

  • Postpartum Hemorrhage Research Paper

    519 Words  | 2 Pages

    you begin to run an unexplained fever. Having times of lightheadedness or fainting, feeling short of breath, or having your heart beat fast with very little activity. DIAGNOSIS A diagnosis is based on your symptoms and a physical exam of your perineum, vagina, cervix, and uterus. Diagnostic tests may include: Blood pressure and pulse. Blood tests. Blood clotting tests. Ultrasonography. TREATMENT Treatment is based on the severity of bleeding and may

  • BUBILEHE: The Trauma Of Delivery

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    a guide to ensure the post-partum mother is assessed properly. This paper will discuss each component of BUBBLEHE more in depth. The acronym BUBBLEHE stands for B-Breasts, U-Uterus, B-Bladder, B-Bowels, L-Lochia, H-Homan’s sign, E-Episiotomy and perineum. The BUBBLEHE’s focus is a head-to-toe type assessment tool. While performing the assessment, many nurses utilize the time to also provide patient education.

  • Leavell And Clark Model Of Prevention

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    Theoretical Framework Overview and Guiding Positions Prevention is referred to strategies and interventions that focus on blocking up of diseases, screening and early detection, treatments, and minimization of injury or permanent damage (Nash, 2016). The model of prevention was first introduced by Hugh Rodman Leavell and Edwin Gurney Clark in 1953 in their work, Textbook of Preventive Medicine (Hattis & Law, 2009). The authors classified health promotion and prevention into five levels, which include

  • Footbinding Research Paper

    1553 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Cost of Beauty “One must suffer in order to be beautiful,” is an idea that has been imposed on women throughout history, resulting in their decision to undergo extremely painful procedures that, at that time lead to them fulfilling their societies ideal form of beauty. Foot binding is one of the many ancient forms of beauty practices that involved an infliction of an excruciating amount of pain upon individuals. Foot binding was practiced in the Chinese culture for around one thousand years

  • Liebeck V. Mcdonald's Restaurants Case Summary

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    I agree with the decision in the Stella Liebeck v. McDonalds Restaurants. Testimony in the case proved McDonald’s was blatantly negligent regarding the temperature their coffee. Key negligence facts in the case; • “McDonald's Operations Manual required the franchisee to hold its coffee at 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit; Coffee at that temperature, if spilled, causes third-degree burns (the worst kind of burn) in three to seven seconds. • Third-degree burns do not heal without skin grafting, debridement

  • Estrous Cycle Essay

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reproductive hormones induce estrous cycle. In female, usually, estrous cycle starts after sexual maturity and it is disturbed by anestrous and sometimes pregnancies. Different species have different length of estrous cycle because the duration of the luteal phase is different among them. Estrous groups including monoestrous, diestrous, polyestrous, and seasonal breeders have different number of cycles per year. There are three phases of estrous cycle which are the follicular phase, ovulation phase

  • Hatha Yoga

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hatha Yoga Hinduism This paper is about the Hatha Yoga practice from Hinduism. Hatha Yoga focuses on asanas, postures and exercises, and breathing techniques, pranayamas to improve physical and mental health. Word Count: 744 This paper is about the Hatha Yoga practice of Hinduism. Hinduism is a religion that focuses on the physical and the mental. The physical part of Hinduism is done through the use of yoga. There are many types of yoga and many different forms of yoga. “Hatha Yoga is one of

  • Pathophysiology Behind Labor Pain Case Study

    2450 Words  | 5 Pages

    1. What is the pathophysiology behind labor pain? Pain associated with labor is distinguished from other sources of pain. The source of pain form uterine contractions is not entirely clear either. One key source is the distention of the lower uterus and cervix. The pain is more intense as the contractions are stronger. The stronger the contraction the stronger the pressure exerted. Uterus ischemia is thought to be less likely of a factor because blood flow is increased during contractions. There

  • Female Genital Mutilation Is a Violation of the Rights of the Girl Child

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has had different definitions in the ‘Scientific World’ and the world of those who embrace the act. According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), Female Genital Mutilation is the act of removing the external parts of the female genitalia, partially or totally for non-medical reasons (WHO) whereas the practitioners see it as the cutting of “extra skin tags” of the female’s reproductive organ. Various reasons have been put forward to support it

  • Nursing Reflective Essay

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    Commitment to “knowing” the client from a holistic perspective (4.1) was salient to respecting and recognizing the uniqueness of each resident. In the nursing situation described, the lack of commitment from the staff to incorporate and consider S.A.’s differences and values resulted in the client feeling neglected. Therefore, to promote health from a holistic perspective, I needed to establish a therapeutic relationship with S.A. to understand the root of her behaviours. For example, while getting

  • Trace the path of sperm from the testes to the urethra

    868 Words  | 2 Pages

    Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System Testes Penis • There are two testes, located on the outside of the body within sac like structures called a scrotum, within the pelvic region, posterior to the penis and anterior to the anus. (David, 2014) • The testes each weigh about 25 grams; they are 4 – 5cm in length and 2 – 3 cm in width.(David, 2014) • The testes are covered by a fibrous capsule called tunica Albuginea (David, 2014). • The Tunica is divided

  • Benefits Of Becoming A Certified Nursing Assistant

    863 Words  | 2 Pages

    The summer of my junior year of highschool I became a Certified Nurses Assistant. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The process wasn't easy, but the rewards are great. Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant has helped me support my daughter and allowed me to help other people when they need it. It was my first experience with having a real job in my chosen career the healthcare field. The first step to becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Illinois is to enroll in a state

  • Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant: My Journey

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    exercise and mobility. It is important CNA’s know the proper way of helping patients ambulate, shave, and providing perineal care so the patient does not get a skin infection. Perineal care is often included in bathing and involves cleaning the perineum, the external genitalia, and the surrounding skin. In order to complete the program my competency of the twenty-one performances skills had to be evaluated by a Registered

  • Inguinal Hernia Research Paper

    914 Words  | 2 Pages

    male development, the testicles descend down the Inguinal Canal, and into the soon to be developed scrotem. In some cases, adolescent and adult males have weak spots near the Inguinal Canal, where the spermatic cord enters the scrotem, leaving the perineum lining more sesceptable to develop a hernia. This is more commonly found in men, since some men don’t have an inguinal canal that properly closes after birth and development. A pre-existing weak abdominal wall is one of the most common causes of