Pelagic zone Essays

  • Blobfish Essay

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    Imagine that you woke up one morning and you were slimy like a sea cucumber’s protection slime. What would you do? Would you act like someone who was so scared that they cried for the rest of their lives? Or would you be as calm as somebody who cruised along the dead sea for hours and hours in an inner tube while drinking a shirley temple from a coconut shell? An ecosystem or ekosustav in

  • Effects Of Plastic Pollution On Marine Environment

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    bulletin 44.9 (2002): 842-852. Eich Andreas, Tobias Mildenberger, Christian Laforsch, and Miriam Weber. "Biofilm and Diatom Succession on Polyethylene (PE) and Biodegradable Plastic Bags in Two Marine Habitats: Early Signs of Degradation in the Pelagic and Benthic Zone?: E0137201." PLoS One, 10.9 (2015). Gouin, T, A.A Koelmans, N Wallace, R Thompson, and C Arthur. "Plastics in the Marine Environment." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33.1 (2014): 5-10. O’Brine, Tim, and Richard C Thompson. "Degradation

  • Bathypelagic Zone Research Paper

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    live in the mesopelagic zone. They have an advantageous adaptation that prevent them from being located by predators. Due its transparent color these animals are invisible to predators in dark environments. Other animals that inhabit the mesopelagic zone are squids, shrimps and worms. 3.3 Bathypelagic zone The bathypelagic zone is an area that comprises depths between 1,000 and 4,000 meters deep in the Atlantic Ocean. If the mesopelagic zone had almost no sunlight this zone is completely dark, that

  • Fishing

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    however, not only in the price of their equipment and fuel, but also in the depletion of fishery resources their use brings about. The major portion of the total fish harvest consists of few fish species, which are divided into two primary groups. Pelagic species - those which live in the near-surface layers of the oceans, this include several species of herring, tuna, salmon, anchovies, pilchard, sardines, menhaden, and mackerel. Demersal species - fish that live in the near-bottom layers of the ocean

  • The Cold War

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    and that caused for more Russian casualties. After WWII After WWII, Germany was divided into four zones and occupied by Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Berlin itself was occupied by the western powers; however, it was surrounded by the Soviet zone. Between 1947 and 1948 cooperation between these powers broke down. The west decided to create a separate government in their zones. To prevent this, the Soviet's increasingly harassed the western traffic to and from Berlin. Russia

  • The WNBA - Women's Basketball will Never be the Same

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    for me. I continued with the basketball camps, the leagues, and the school teams. I was eventually astonished to learn that there actually existed a Professional Women's basketball league. The only problem was that it was an ocean and a couple time zones away. I did not unders... ... middle of paper ... ...d businesses. There was finally a women's basketball league, but the salary of the league alone could not support its players. The women were out there on the court for fun all over again. But

  • Stellar Evolution

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    contain molecular hydrogen (H2) and interstellar dust particles including carbon compounds, silicates, and small impure ice crystals. Also, within these clouds, there are 2 types of zones. There are H I zones, which contain neutral hydrogen and often have a temperature around 100 Kelvin (K), and there are H II zones, which contain ionized hydrogen and have a temperature around 10,000 K. The ionized hydrogen absorbs ultraviolet light from it’s environment and retransmits it as visible and infrared

  • Overfishing Is Destroying the Oceans of the World

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    Since nearly the beginning of human history fishing has been an integral part of the culture and survival of coastal communities. These coastal communities and cities have always been some of the most prosperous and successful because of the added resource of the ocean. In the beginning many areas were so densely populated with fish and shellfish that often a day’s worth of food could be caught by simply wading into the shallows. For example, some of the first English settlers to see the Chesapeake

  • The Zone Diet

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    The Zone Diet High-protein/ low-carbohydrate diets are nothing new to Americans these days; they seem overwhelmingly to be the most popular among those people trying to lose weight. Ph.D. Dr. Barry Sears’ books on his version of the high-protein diet, the Zone Diet, are among the best selling diet books on the market. The diet seems to be yielding quick and noticeable results to those who follow Dr. Sears’ plan. Many people are desperate to lose weight and have tried numerous methods that have

  • Young Males Take More Voluntary Risks Than Any Other Social Group

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    so much so he terms this type ‘edgework’. This is a type of voluntary risk-taking which has a strong possibility of serious injury or death. He terms this idea, ‘edgework’ as it is the type of voluntary risk-taking that has a sense of being between zones, almost a sense of liminality of pushing oneself to the absolute limits which in turn instigates a sense of being on the edge between order and chaos. Using this type of definition for voluntary risk-taking Lyng (1990) discovered that most of the participants

  • Analysis Of Toxic By Britney Spears

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    Throughout the past few decades, female artists within the music industry have become increasingly sexualised and objectified. As society’s views on women began to change during the early 20th Century, allowing them more freedom, it also brought about an increase of attention and focus within the media. Women were becoming more prominent as artists, actors, singers, and models. By examining a popular music video by the female singer and cultural icon, Britney Spears, I aim to analyse the real intentions

  • The 1966 Impala vs. 1996 Impala SS

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    kinds of safety equipment, emission systems, and a computer to control the entire car. The emission system on the car is approved for 1998 emission standards. The safety equipment on the Impala SS is lap/shoulder seat belts, dual air bags, and crumple zones. The computers on today's new cars control the engine, the fuel injection, the emission systems, the air bags, the transmission, the cooling system, the instrument gauges and all of the warning lights. On the 1996 Impala SS, the options came in packages

  • Mangroves

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    in areas which are inundated by tides. Thus a mangrove is a species as well as a community of plants. It can be a tree but (like a ‘rainforest plant’) it can also be a shrub or palm. All share the ability to live in salt water. As a general rule zones of dominant mangrove species run parallel to the shoreline or to the banks of tidal creek systems. The seaward side of the community is likely to be dominated by a fringe of grey mangroves Avicennia marina as it is best adapted to early colonisation

  • Continetal drift theory

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    geological, fossil, and other lines of evidence would join together accurately in the way that lines of print on a torn newspaper would join when the paper was reassembled. Wegener also pointed out that ancient climatic zones seemed to have lain in different places from the present zones. He pointed out that where great ice sheets have melted in recent geological times in Scandinavia and North America, the land is rising as fast as a centimeter a year. This vertical uplift, he said, requires horizontal

  • National Tv Turn-off Week: A Dumb Idea

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    National TV Turn-Off Week: A Dumb Idea In a time when millions of people are starving each year and thousands are killed in war zones, worrying about how much television we watch sounds like a stupid idea. Right? Well, that's what people all across North America are doing every day. In fact, there is a full week dedicated to the cause: National T.V-Turnoff Week. National T.V-Turnoff week is nothing more then a cry for attention by the middle class. The lower classes have their problems: starvation

  • Cheating

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    and certain zone hacks become such a large problem in the Age games? Anonymity plays a big part in this. Behind the buffer zone of a computer screen and several hundred miles of telephone wire, people don't have to worry about upsetting someone else by playing unfairly, cheating, or exploiting bugs. Its also easy: it's far easier to download a hack, and get an advantage in a game than to actually practice and become good. For example, way back when I was playing a lot of AoE over the Zone. I faced

  • The Sense of Scents, the Sense of Self

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    specific odorant, its protein receptor, and the sensory neuron: that is, any given sensory neuron expresses only one type of receptor and is therefore responsive to only one kind of odorant. Each type of neuron is randomly distributed across one of four zones within the olfactory epithelium. The information from this population coding is then reorganized, as these axons leave the epithelium and travel to the olfactory bulb, into a very specific, spatially organized map of activity across the several hundred

  • Biology of Mangroves

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    additional sodium chloride. The tidal range plays an important role in mangrove development. The greater the tidal range, the greater the vertical range available for the community. Also for a given tidal range, steep shores tend to have narrower mangrove zones than do gently sloping ones. Another aspect of mangrove communities is ocean current. The currents are essential since they act to disperse the mangrove propagules and distribute them along the coasts. The need for a shallow shore is the last major

  • Free Speech in Cyberspace

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    significant because zoning in the physical world has long been recognized as a way to segregate "adult" entertainment from minors. So far, at least, the justices seem to agree that such zoning is not possible in cyberspace, and therefore that adult zones for certain forms of expression are not possible. But this conclusion is far from settled. The degree of free speech on the Internet in the future will depend on whether or not our ontological understanding of cyberspace supports such zoning or renders

  • Perfect Storm

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    meteorologists. These types of storms are caused when: “Warm air is less dense than cool air; it rises off the surface of the ocean, cools in the upper atmosphere, and then dumps its moisture before rushing back to earth. Huge cumulus clouds develop over the zones of rising air, with thunder, lightning, and terrifically strong rain. As long as there's a supply of warm water, the thunderstorm sustains itself, converting moisture into sheeting rain and downdraft winds. Other thunderclouds might line up along the