Parsifal Essays

  • Biography Of Wilhelm Richard Wagner

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    admirers and critiques. Addressing the composer’s musical heritage, it is probably the legendary opera Parsifal that is just as much disputed over as its creator. The significance of this work, as well as its controversy, seems to reflect Wagner’s complicated personality, and thus is worth studying even in more than a century after the composer’s death. Parsifal creation The creation of Parsifal, Wagner’s last and most dramatic work, lasted 25 years from 1857 to 1882, embracing the last third of the

  • Wagner's The Case Of Wagnerianism And Music

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    the most, to which he though ““suffocating of the rumination of moral and religious absurdities.” In brief: Parsifal.” (EH, “The Case of Wagner, 3). The performance so intertwined with the symbolism of a moral-religious world that it distracts from its content. Nietzsche almost asks us to strip these connotations and motifs away to see what stands. In a non-Christian light, does Parsifal even exist? Deconstructed and without the pieces, the many props and abundant imagery, could the opera even be

  • Character-defined Destiny

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    Character-defined Destiny The Greek poet Homer established the heroic epic literary genre more than two-and-a-half millennia ago with the composition of two voluminous works of art, the Odyssey and the Iliad. From its inception, the heroic epic cast human fate as a type of whimsical recreation for the gods. In fact, the word fate was adopted from the name of the Greek gods in charge of spinning the thread of human life and then cutting it when a person’s destiny had been fulfilled. Hence, a

  • A Comparison of The Waste Land and Pablo Picasso's Guernica

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    A Comparison of The Waste Land and Pablo Picasso's "Guernica" The similarities are striking. This is probably due, in no small part, to the inspiration for both works. Picasso and Eliot shared a common inspiration for their masterpieces the atrocities of war. Guernica was a response by Picasso to the German Luftwaffe's bombing of the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. During this 1937 attack hundreds of civilians were killed. T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land is similar to Guernica

  • Debussy Influences

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    to those of Chopin, which Debussy diligently dedicated to Chopin. I will argue that the allusion in certain Debussy works, such as La Damoiselle élue and Pour les arpeges composes, result from the influence of Wagner and his compositions, such as Parsifal, and Chopin’s piano works, such as Nouvelle etude. Debussy’s early career: In the beginning of Debussy’s learning and compositional profession, some have argued the influence of Wagner and relevantly linked the term “Wagnerian” with Debussy and his

  • Free Waste Land Essays: Underlying Myths in The Waste Land

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    important enough to Europeans that there was a need to incorporate them into the new European mythology, and so the stories became centered on the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Other examples of these myths can be found in Eschenbach's Parsifal, in de Troyes' Quest of the Grail, and in the various stories of the grail quest surrounding King Arthur and his knights. It is described in works of anthropology, as well, two of which Eliot recommends to readers: Jessie L. Weston's From Ritual

  • The Controversy Of Richard Wagner's Anti-Semitic Music

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    Richard Wagner has been touted as one of the most influential composers of the nineteenth century. However, he is also one of the most controversial. Throughout his life and even in his music, Wagner exhibited clear anti-Semitic tendencies. His beliefs, and the way that they became manifested in his music, writing, and his very life have had a profound impact on the course of history, and particularly on the persecution of the Jews by the Nazi party. Wagner was born in 1813, the same year that

  • The life of Richard

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    born Leipzig, 22 May 1813; died Venice, 13 February 1883). He was the son either of the police actuary Friedrich Wagner, who died soon after his birth, or of his mother's friend the painter, actor and poet Ludwig Geyer, whom she married in August 1814. He went to school in Dresden and then Leipzig; at 15 he wrote a play, at 16 his first compositions. In 1831 he went to Leipzig University, also studying music with the Thomaskantor, C.T. Weinlig; a symphony was written and successfully performed in

  • A Brief Biography of Richard Wagner

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    steeped in subtle but deep racial hatred. For the purposes of this article I will present Wagner’s taking them at face value, without examining the theory stating that Anti-semitism was inherent to Wagner’s operas. I will use Wagner’s music drama Parsifal as the lens through which we can frame Wagner’s early operas and follow the themes of development to his mature style in this his final opera. Examining Wanger’s developments to music especially as regards the genesis of the music drama and how this

  • Depictions of Saint Sebastian in Visual Art and Music

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    Depictions of Saint Sebastian in Visual Art and Music Zeitgeist, a German term often attributed to philosopher Georg Hegel (1770-1831), literally means “the spirit of the time.” Zeitgeist is founded upon the understanding that a dominant school of thought—be it political, social, philosophical, or other—influences the culture of a specific period in time and that the art and thinking of that period influence one another. Zeitgeist presumes that culture and art are therefore faithfully united, since

  • Richard Wagner's Music And Political Action: Nationalist Composer

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    Valerie Caballero Music and Political Action Research Paper Nationalist Composer’s Richard Wagner was born in Leipzig Germany on May 22nd, 1813. When he was a young boy Wagner’s father passed away a few months after he was born, but his mother Johanna remarried a close family friend, Ludwig Geyer. He was an actor, playwright, and painter, Geyer was also looked at as important father figure in Wagner’s life. Geyer realized Wagner expressed no musical attribute even his teachers said, “he would

  • Richard Wagner Essay

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    Wagner believed was his real father. Geyer, like Wagner had an artistic gift. He was an actor and playwright. Geyer's love of the theatre came to ... ... middle of paper ... ...tten to be performed on the Festspielhaus stage. Wagner completed Parsifal in January 1882, and a second Bayreuth Festival was held for the new opera, Wagner was by this time extremely ill. He went to Venice for the winter, and died there in February of the heart trouble that had been with him for some years. His body was

  • Richard Wagner's Major Accomplishments

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    Richard Wagner Born on May 22nd, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany, Richard Wagner became one of the world’s most significant conductors and composers. As a child, Wagner was told he had no talent in a musical aspect, however he went on to write a drama at the age of eleven and a musical composition at the age of sixteen. His music career carried on to his University studies at Leipzig University where he wrote and performed his first symphony in 1833. Wagner showed much confidence and drive from a young

  • Nietzsche and Wagner

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    Nietzsche and Wagner In terms of artists and their influences, the case of Nietzsche and Wagner has been the focal point of discussion between many great academic minds of the last century. The controversy surrounding the relationship has led many to postulate that the eventual break between the two men may have contributed to the untimely death of Wagner in 1882, and Nietzsche's eight-year writing spurt from 1883 - 1888. While investigating the details of this peculiar relationship, I was

  • Biography of Erik Estrada

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    Biography of Erik Estrada (Frank Poncherello) Erik was born on March 16, 1949 as Henry Enrique Estrada in NY City. Back around 1968, he was in a dance troupe and earned $38 a week with free lunches and all the acting lessons he could take. In return, he had to perform daily in downtown Los Angeles. He had a 10-day hospital stay in August 1979 caused by on-set accident when he was thrown from his motorcycle and the 900-pound bike landed on him. At 5'10'', 160 pounds, he was an inch shorter

  • Batman Movie Analysis

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    Matt Morris claims that "the story of Batman is a great cautionary tale concerning the price we risk paying if we are unable to keep things in balance". He cautions that we should not take Batman's "lessons to heart, and exercise as much care as we can not to let our work, and our service to the world, take away from us the most basic necessities of a good and happy life”. The Batman series is about Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy who, under the guise of a high-tech anthropomorphic bat, takes

  • Mozart Mahler First Symphony

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    forgetfulness that the wearied traveler found under the linden tree. For the Finale, Mahler borrowed various motivic symbols from Franz Liszt(1811-1886)’s Dante Symphony of 1886, as well as the Grail theme from Richard Wagner(1813-1883)’s opera, Parsifal of

  • Richard Wagner

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    Tannhäuser     13 Apr 1845 Lohengrin     28 Apr 1848 Das Rheingold     26 Sep 1854 Die Walküre     23 Mar 1856 Siegfried     5 Feb 1871 Götterdämmerung     21 Nov 1874 Tristan und Isolde     6 Aug 1859 Die Meistersinger     24 Oct 1867 Parsifal     13 Jan 1882 RICHARD WAGNER Richard Wagner was one of the most influential and controversial classical composers of all time. Most of his works were operas and they addressed many aspects of his personal feelings: society, politics

  • The Total Work of Art or the Total Way of Life

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    The Total Work of Art or the Total Way of Life Gesamtkunstwerk is a term that literally means the total work of art. However, it contains too many conceptions in itself. First appearance of this term is in Richard Wagner’s Die Kunst und die Revolution [“The Art and Revolution”], dated 1849. Roughly, Gesamtkunstwerk is a notion that “heaping together the various arts – architecture, landscape painting, dance, drama and music” (Daverio, 1986). However, this Wagnerian concept brought a discussion around

  • The Life of Wilhelm Richard Wagner

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    Wilhelm Richard Wagner was one of the greatest opera writers of all time. He helped to take opera to a whole new level from even Verdi and Puccini. Some say that Wagner was very egotistic, however; “his extreme egotism rested on conviction, Wagner had the ability to do great things” (Colles 207). He was extraordinary at composing music as well as formulating words. He was not a prodigy however his musical skills surpassed many other composers from his time period. Richard Wagner was the son