Paducah, Kentucky Essays

  • The Battle of Paducah

    3054 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Battle of Paducah For many years "The Battle of Paducah" has been grossly under-stated. There is no mention of the battle in most history books. The latest Kentucky History book has no mention of the battle at all. Without a doubt, Paducah has been overshadowed by the massacre at Fort Pillow on April 12, 1864, some eighteen days later. In fact, if the Battle of Paducah had not turned out the way it did, the Massacre at Fort Pillow may have never taken place. With over thirty-thousand rounds

  • Fort Henry And Donelson

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    on the outcome of the battle at Fort Donelson. When war began in April 1861, Kentucky declared its neutrality, in response to deep conflicts of opinion among its citizens. Considering neutrality impossible to maintain, North and South maneuvered for position once Kentucky was opened to military operations. The Confederates constructed fortifications on both the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers just south of the Kentucky line. They built Fort Henry on the Tennessee River, on ground susceptible to flooding

  • Julian Carroll's Political Career

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    short paper, I will be discussing the Kentucky political figure, currently a sitting senator and former governor Julian Carroll. First I will discuss his background which will include his early life up to his start in politics. Second I will discuss how he started his political career and then move into talking about his how he and his administration changed Kentucky. Lastly I will discuss his current political status and how I think he made differences in Kentucky. First, I will discuss his background

  • Abraham Lincoln

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    ability to say amazingly profound words. He is a very important symbol of our country’s history. Lincoln definitely led an interesting life. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin (now Larue) County, Kentucky. This was near Hodgenville, Kentucky. His mother’s name was Nancy Hanks Lincoln; his father’s name was Thomas Lincoln. Abraham was named after his father’s father. He had an older sister named Sarah, and he had a younger brother named Thomas, but he died in infancy

  • Branzburg vs. Hayes

    1967 Words  | 4 Pages

    The case of Branzburg vs. Hayes all began in 1969, when a Louisville Kentucky reporter by the name of Branzburg wrote a story, in the Courier-Journal, which described how two local residences made hashish marijuana. The article went into great detail and revealed many facts, including the amount of money the two made on selling the hashish to the public. The article also featured pictures of the two individual’s hands working with a plant like substance and was identified for readers as hashish in

  • A History of the 714th Tank Battalion

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    consecutive months, driving the Nazi Armies from France and back into the German heartland. The 12th Armored Division was activated on 15 September 1942 at a freshly built Camp Campbell, Kentucky, and soldiers from across the nation began arriving to fill the division's ranks on 24 October 1942. The governors of both Kentucky and Tennessee participated in the activation ceremonies, in which Major General Carlos Brewer was named commander of the forming division. Young Roy Zerby was drafted away from

  • The Dollmaker by Harriette Arnow

    2058 Words  | 5 Pages

    Gertie Nevels, a tall, big-boned woman raised in the Appalacian region of Kentucky is creative, self-sufficient, strong, and resourceful. In her native home, Gertie creates for herself an atmosphere where she is able to survive any situation and has everything under control. As Wilton Eckley states in “From Kentucky to Detroit“, a chapter in his novel, Harriette Arnow, “Certainly while the family is living in Kentucky, she [Gertie] is self-sufficient and has no fear that she will be unable to

  • The Benefits of FFA Membership

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    FFA emblem on the back, embroidered with blue and gold thread. These members are standing in the center of Freedom Hall; the main auditorium used to hold the National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. They are anxiously awaiting the first session of the first National Convention to be held in Kentucky. Amidst the sea of blue and gold, one member stands silently in awe of the multitude of people. The sleeves of his blue jacket hang stiffly at his side and the copper zipper shines brightly; both

  • Descriptive Essay: A Beautiful Place

    696 Words  | 2 Pages

    I think we all have a beautiful place in our mind. I have a wonderful place that made me happy a lot of times, years ago. But sometimes I think that I am the only person who likes this place and I'm asking myself if this place will be as beautiful as I thought when I will go back to visit it again. Perhaps I made it beautiful in my mind. This place is meaningful to me because it is part of the county I loved, is part of the county where I grew up and is part of my childhood. This place is in the

  • Dian Fossey

    1099 Words  | 3 Pages

    also could be linked to her murder. You will hear some examples later on in this paper. Dian did not start out working with gorillas in the mountains of Rwanda. She first had an office job at the Kosair Crippled Childrens Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. I'm not really quite sure how Dian Fossey became interested in gorillas, but she did and thats all that really matters. The first time Dian ever saw a real mountain gorilla, was in a place called Kabara Meadow, with Joan and Alan Root. After that

  • industrial revolution

    660 Words  | 2 Pages

    What factors helped to promote America’s huge industrial growth during the period from 1860-1900? America had a huge industrial revolution in the late 1800”s. Many changes happened to our great nation, which factored into this. The evidence clearly shows that advancements in new technology, a large wave of immigrants into our country and new views of our government, helped to promote America’s huge industrial growth from the period of 1860-1900. Advancements in new technology clearly promoted the

  • Muhammad Ali the Hero

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    shocked state of mind demanding a "state wide bike hunt" for hsi stolen bicycle. But all the cop told him to do was to learn to fight. and that s what he went out and did. Althoguh int eh end, he enver got his bike back, but much more. including six Kentucky Golden Glove titles, two National Golden Gloves, two Amateur Athletic Union championships, a Gold Medal in the light heavyweight division at the 1960 Rome Olympic games, and the world professional heavyweight championship, three times. In the beginning

  • The Benefits Of Football Student Athletes

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    The article I read talked about how football student athletes have successfully completed their freshman year. The question remained was why were the football student athletes successful in their freshmen year in college, what strategies took place, how did they grab the student athletes attention, and what suggestions would they have to assist in retaining students and promoting their academic success among first year student athletes. Despite not being a football student athlete, but as a student

  • Career Goals

    780 Words  | 2 Pages

    I always knew, without a doubt, that I would attend college. From the time I was very young, it was instilled in me by the adults in my life that going to college and furthering my education was my best shot at being successful. Now that I am partaking on this journey, I can only hope that those people were right. I have dreamt of what college I would attend and what career I would choose for as long as I can remember. I can recall going back and forth between a wide variety of career paths, but

  • Analysis Of The Democratic Party And The Republican Party

    1153 Words  | 3 Pages

    The United States, comprised of much political diversity, has only two major political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Republican Party was founded by anti-slavery activists on March 20th, 1854, and is represented by its mascot, the elephant. Often referred to as the “Grand Old Party”, or GOP, Republicans favor customs that exude traditional Christian values with a platform based on American Conservatism. As a Christian myself, the values I share with Republican ideals

  • The Appalachian Mountains

    1115 Words  | 3 Pages

    Appalachia is a 205,000-square-mile region that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains stretching from southern New York to northern Mississippi. It is home to more than 25 million people. Being rich in natural resources, the region contains some of the richest mineral deposits in America (Daugneaux 1981). The coal, timber, oil, gas, and water contained within the Appalachian Mountains are resources that have historically influenced the economic characteristics of the region. The Region's

  • Daniel Boone Research Paper

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    and Indian War, and four other men. Under Boone's leadership, the team of explorers discovered a trail to the far west though the Cumberland Gap.By 1788, Boone left the Kentucky settlement he had

  • Analysis Of Speaker: Constance Taber Colby

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    SOAPSTone Speaker: Constance Taber Colby is an educator and educator who lived in New York City. She shows her experiences in this double-edged narrative The View from Morningside. Occasion: This piece was published in 1978 by theJ. B. Lippincott & Co. that has its main headquarters in Philadelphia, PA. We aren’t sure exactly as to when or where this piece was written. Audience: This text was written towards people who are considering living in New York City or want to know the life in New York

  • Strawberry Festival Monologue

    535 Words  | 2 Pages

    I thought about your letter - of course we must ask questions. All the time. And a person like Melody would have a totally different take on things, which must be interesting. I even ask people that I know I’d disagree with, just to get another perspective. Strawberry festival? Sounds great! I love cherries too, and have never managed to go to our cherry festival in Clarens - a beautiful Free State town deep into the inland, surrounded by sandstone mountains and caves. It’s the area where my grandfather

  • Stereotypes In Unquiet Earth, Affrilachia

    1555 Words  | 4 Pages

    We see this through his poem Affrilachia, “… enough to know / that being ‘colored’ and all / is generally lost / somewhere between / the dukes of hazzard / and the Beverly hillbillies / but / if you think / makin’ ‘shine from corn / is as hard as Kentucky coal / imagine being / an Affrilachian / poet (Walker, 93).” Here we see his obvious concern for the way African Americans are overlooked as not being “Appalachian” due to the medias portrayal through the Beverly hillbillies and the dukes of hazzard