Osho Essays

  • The Rajneeshpuram Cult Led by Chandra Mohan Jain

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    Rajneeshpuram was a cult from the 1980’s which was located in The Dalles, Oregon and led by Chandra Mohan Jain, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Osho. He was born in India and lived his early life there, traveling throughout and speaking publicly about his spiritual philosophy. He was infamously known for his free opinions on sexuality and was considered to be the “sex guru” (Vasant Joshi, 1982) by press all across the world. His first set of followers called themselves the neo-sannyasins

  • Malcolm X's Identity In The Life Of Malcom X

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    Follow Your Instincts According to Osho, in order to find one’s true self, one must ignore society. This can be applied in the life of Malcolm X as his true self reemerges when he is alone in prison. Although Malcolm X had difficulties in his life, nothing stopped him from following in what he believed was right. He did not let anyone push him around or tell him what to do. Even if he was to be thrown into a dark cell with no windows or light, Malcolm X was a true warrior that followed his instincts

  • Philosophy Of Lao Tzu

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    understanding of Lao Tzu is very complex because he speaks opposite to the rational scheme of the human beings. Verily, the teaching of Lao Tzu is contradictory because the human being is used to think rationally whereas, Lao Tzu talks of simplicity (Osho, 2001). In addition, Lao Tzu states that truth cannot be expressed because it

  • Mass Hysteria Today and in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    religion, political party and so many more. It really is a wonder how anyone is able to identify themselves within these quarters, for these classifications really don’t allow for one to simply exist. Osho urges one to get out of these institutions, for they are “cages” with “beautiful names” (Osho 117). However, once one has consciously made ... ... middle of paper ... ...om or quark may exist and “disappear” within the blink of a millisecond, my shared existence must be the same. My knowledge

  • Narcissism to Altruism: A Journey Towards Authentic Self

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    will have run its course and/or will be out of control. And this is the doorway to finding one's true self, the doorway to the inner castle. Needless to say, transformation from narcissism to altruism is sometimes a frightful and arduous journey. Osho said it well when he stated in the ''The Book of Secrets'': the fear of transformation is just like the fear of death. It is a death, because the old will have to go and the new will come into being.

  • Buddha's Awakened By Siddhartha Bachata

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    Born in the Dominican Republic with the humblest of beginnings, Bachata, was a genre of music and dance that was originally unpopular, unappreciated and often deemed as vulgar and low class. Equipped with heart, hope and an indomitable spirit to be heard, Bachata persevered through the early ridicule and resistance from the more popular and prosperous styles of music such as Salsa and Merengue. Bachateros, or the male dancer or singer, continued to captivate small audiences through underground performances

  • Persuasive Essay: Why Do Parents Need More Freedom?

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    Do kids need more freedom? "If you are a parent, open doors to unknown directions to the child so he can explore. Don't make him afraid of the unknown. Give him support" –Osho. Every parent eventually learns this. The easy way or the hard way. Although other people think that parents should be strict, tough, and very observant on their child or teen, many other articles think that Parents should let their children make their own decisions and they think that they need be a little lenient on the child’s

  • Essay On Visit To The Library

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    Crayons don’t lie Afterschool, Denisha and her Mum went to the library. It is a small public library. Goodwin is the name of the library. This library has plenty of Children’s books, movies, CDs, toys and a beautiful play area. Denisha likes the color tissue papers – cutout hanging around the corners of the library. She likes the glass display case of pop-up books open with pop-ups objects displays. Inside the glass display case are seashell craft such as seashells turtles, seashells frogs, seashells

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: Personal Experience

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    In one’s life there are many experiences in which an individual can encounter, yet not all of them are pleasant. Although some experiences are harmful, others are excellent. Knowledge can go by many names: know-how, skill, practice, or the struggle with unfamiliar places or things in life. Such can knock a person down, even keep him there; however, people can always find a way to cease what is happening when someone is trying to find a way to arrive on his feet. Many people undergo experiences

  • Examples Of Leadership In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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    “Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are You, I am I” (Osho). Equality, is being able to stand up for what you believe in and not let anyone tell you otherwise. During the 19th century in Russia, there wasn’t much equality. There was always one ruler and one ruler only. If you didn’t care for the ruler or disbehave against him, you would be sacrificed. Rulers also had to give up their position just so that the “better” ruler

  • Non Directive Therapy Essay

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    There is evidence to support both directive and non-directive practices, though the data suggests that, in general, both extremes should be avoided (Cooper, 2008, pg.154). Critically discuss this statement. In Cooper’s statement we are informed that there is evidence to support both directive and non-directive psychotherapeutic practice and this follows with a caution that the data suggests that practicing from an extreme of either polarity should be avoided. In order to critically discuss Cooper’s