Old Faithful Geyser Essays

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Yellowstone National Park

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    made a list of all the things I remembered from my trip at Yellowstone. I remembered we traveled in our motorhome and got halfway to our destination and parked on the side of the road and slept there for the night. I remember seeing the famous geyser; Old Faithful, in addition to seeing lots of bison, and bears. I recall one night that we stayed in a campground bears were in the campground and we were being told to stay in our campers. I also remember during the trip my dad would give me all the spare

  • Yellowstone Park Research Paper

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    located in Wyoming and parts of Idaho and Nevada (56 Interesting Facts About . . . Var Addthis_config = ) It is a tourist attraction due it’s 5,000 to 15,000 years old geysers, over 45 waterfalls, canyons, rivers, hot springs, and its massive concentration of natural wildlife. Two of the most popular park attractions are the Old Faithful geyser and the Grand Prismatic springs. ("Fun Facts." - 32 Interesting Facts Yellowstone National Park.) Yellowstone park was the first national park in the United States

  • Yellowstone National Park Essay

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    world's first national park. Yellowstone National Park, its abundant wildlife species and geothermal resources famous Old Faithful geyser is one of the most famous attractions. “Half of the world's geothermal features are in Yellowstone, fueled by this ongoing volcanism.”(Geothermal Features and How They Work. National Park Service, February 17, 2007 retrieved). Especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most famous landscapes in the park. It also has many types of ecosystems. Geothermal energy is thermal

  • Holofernes Geyser: A Fictional Narrative

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    I'm at the gate that surrounds the Holofernes Geyser, staring through the chain link at the winding, iridescent pools in the dawn light, trying to remind myself that magic isn't real. Magic isn't real—the jewel-colored fountain that bursts from the earth every sixteen hours is caused by geological forces. It has no healing powers; it cannot save you when you pray to it. There's no reason for me to wrap my hands around this chain link, breathing deep, psyching myself up to climb over and drop. That's

  • Rainier Vs Yellowstone Research Paper

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    Rainier does blow steam all the time, but it isn’t the same how Yellowstone has geysers. Yellowstone’s most famous geyser is Old Faithful. “It depends on the duration of the eruption. Scientists estimate that the amount ranges from 3,700 gallons (for a short duration of 1.5 minutes) to 8,400 gallons (for a longer duration of 4.5 minutes). During an eruption

  • Road Trip To America

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    until you reach the first objective with the starting point being in the wonderful state of Indiana to the vast and wondrous Wyoming where our first stop will be Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone is 3,472 square miles filled with beautiful geysers, tide pools, wildlife and even an active volcano! Students can go hiking, horseback riding, picnicking, and you can even take guided tours or just try your luck with wildlife viewing. Yellowstone opens into three different states with 96% being in

  • National Park Research Paper

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    Vacations are often an important time for families to bond with each other and spend time together. However, every family has a preference about where to spend their vacations. For example, some prefer to go to the beach while others prefer to visit mountainous areas. Many families also want to experience the diverse areas and characteristics of the country in which they live. Therefore, The United States National Parks are the perfect places for families to visit. Each park offers new experiences

  • Essay On National Parks

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    was the first national park in the U.S., located mostly in Wyoming but also stretching into Montana and Idaho. It was established by congress and signed by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1 of 1872. It is known for the very large quantity of geysers, bear, and wild buffalo. Yellowstone is 2,219,789 acres, 80 percent of which is forests containing a wide variety of wildlife. The park was named after the Yellowstone River whose name was given by French trappers. The Continental Divide runs through

  • Iceland

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    loaded our luggage into the rental car at Keflavik Airport. We'd just landed in Iceland, and already we were silenced by the landscape. "It looks even more amazing in person!," Josh said as we took it all in. Since we met during at a gathering at an old friends' house, Josh and I had dreamed to traveled extensively through the world together, from the canals of Venice and Amsterdam to the mountains of Austria and Italy, but Iceland was our main place of excitement to visit. The surrounding lava

  • The Yellowstone National Park Wildfire of 1988

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    For everyone involved in the Yellowstone fires, there is a particular day that stands out above the rest. For Carol Shively, interpretive ranger, it was July 31st; the day the fire hit West Thumb. “We headed into the geyser basin to clear visitors, but some were reluctant to leave—they were captivated by the mushroom- like clouds of smoke rising to the north, the helicopters dipping low to fill their water buckets in the lake, and the planes dropping red retardant drops that streaked across the sky

  • Personal Experience: My Experience To Yellowstone National Park

    876 Words  | 2 Pages

    I want to talk more about my experience that happened three years ago. The event took place in August 2013, the event was about seven days in the middle of nowhere. I wasn’t the only one that went to this event, I was with five or six people and I had three leaders that lead us to different places around the national park. I remember when my mother told me about the national park and she informed me about how fun the trip was going to be and it will be worth the cost. At first, I want to go the trip

  • Descriptive Essay On Yellowstone National Park

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    rolled by some of the most beautiful mountains in the country. Deciding that the mountains were too beautiful to miss I switched from my book to an audio tape. However, the mountains on the way to our final destination were nothing compared to the geysers, pools and other thermal features that Yellowstone National Park had to offer. Upon arrival, you could smell the beauty of the thermal features or it might have been the sulfur. Either way, it did not smell good but the exquisiteness of the park

  • Deer Descriptive Writing

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    stare at the large camera in my hands. I wonder to myself if my presence had startled the calm deer, or if the click of camera had scared it off. Hesitantly, I head back into the car and my dad starts the engine slowly. As we begin to drive toward Old Faithful, I stare out the window and notice just how beautiful the rolling mountains are. Each is coated in its own layer of green, with small patches of white ice sheeted over each peak. In front of the mountains lay beautiful splotches of blue—pristine

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Colorado

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    Later on in Colorado, I remember we had stayed at a motel right by another mountain range. It was extremely stunning to look outside the window and see the extensive, steep peaks. Of course being how my parents are, they wanted to visit the Old Faithful geyser. All of us walked quite a ways to see it, but it had gone off right before we got there. If we wanted to see it it wouldn’t have been for another hour or so. This didn’t knock my parents’ enthusiasm down whatsoever. We loaded back up in the

  • Yellowtone Volcano Research Paper

    858 Words  | 2 Pages

    Volcanos are amazing and frightening geologic features of our earth. Their volcanic ash feeds the farmlands, but that same ash from a violent eruption destroys crops. There are numerous volcanic eruptions that have changed the world. These eruptions include Mt. Saint Helens, Kilauea, Pompeii, and Pinatubo. The purpose of this paper is to describe the jeopardy of a volcano in the United States. The Yellowstone supervolcano is in Wyoming, a sparsely populated state in the American West. Yellowstone

  • National Park: The Importance Of National Parks In The State

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    National parks are home to hundreds of different species of plants and wildlife. Government officials and authorities go to great lengths to protect them from destruction by industry or natural calamities. These parks are important because of its rich heritage. These parks are full of natural wonders, plenty of wildlife, and amazing views to behold. Visiting these national parks is an unforgettable experience for both children and adults. Millions of visitors flocked to United State’s stunning

  • Elliot West: The Beginning Of The California Gold Rush

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    An eleven-year-old girl from New Jersey, “won a trip to Yellowstone National Park.” When she returned from her trip so told her class what she had experienced. “The waterfalls are taller than [our] school. Old Faithful is a geyser. Some lakes are hot, which keeps them ice-free so animals can get drinks in the winter…The air is so clear you can see many miles. It doesn’t

  • Yellowstone National Park

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    Yellowstone National Park has some of the most beautiful and exiting things to do. It has some of the most interesting Facts. Wyoming has some of the most beautiful streams, geysers, and mountains in the US. There are some really neat things about Yellowstone. Yellowstone National Park is Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each year. The park is a major stop to have a good vacation. By driving we could view the park from the comfort of our vehicle and also take a rest at one of

  • Yellowstone National Park

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    Official Homepage). Following thousands of years of Native American occupation, the area now known as Yellowstone National Park was officially "discovered" by western-traveling fur traders and settlers, whose stories of bubbling mud and gushing geysers seemed at first to be delusional tall tales. Traffic increased to the area, however, and more and more Americans grew in awe of the area's hydrothermal features, wild animal and plant life, petrified trees, and impressive Yellowstone River and Lake

  • Forest Fires

    1481 Words  | 3 Pages

    Review of Literature I. Introduction- Forest Fires According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, Wildfire means “a sweeping and destructive conflagration esp. in a wilderness or a rural area.” Also according to the same dictionary, wilderness means “a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings.” Forest Fires happen when there is a drought because branches and twigs die and dry out creating plenty of fuel for a fire. According to the NIFC (National Interagency Fire Center) there