Nontotient Essays

  • Lab Report Coefficient of Linear Expansion of a Metal

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lab Report Coefficient of Linear Expansion of a Metal Introduction Most solid materials expand upon heating and contract when cooled because it undergoes a change in the energy state of its molecules or atoms. According to the atomic perspective, the average vibrational amplitude of an atom increases as the temperature rises. Each material has a property called ¡§coefficient of linear expansion¡¨ that is indicative of the extent to which a material expands upon heating or contracts when cooling

  • Investigating Surfaces for Insulating Boiling Water in a Flask

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating Surfaces for Insulating Boiling Water in a Flask Aim I'm investigating which surface (matt black or silvery) is best at insulating boiling water. I will investigate this by covering two equally sized conical flasks in different materials; one in matt black and one in silvery. After that I will fill each of the flasks with an equal amount of boiling water. At regular intervals of 1 minute I will measure the drop in water temperature in each flask. Prediction I predict

  • Number Grid Investigation

    3506 Words  | 8 Pages

    Number Grid Investigation In numerical way I am going to multiply the top left number with right bottom number and the top right number with bottom left number and than I am going to find the difference between the products. The difference of product is going to be same as the size of a grid (in width) in 2 x 2 size. In 3 x 3 size the difference going to be four times bigger than a grid (width) size. I will also use the 5 x 5 grid, 6 x 6 grid and 7 x 7 grid to see how it works. E.g.