Nelly Furtado Essays

  • The Juno Awards

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    Over the past 40 years or so, the Juno Award statuette has been through many changes and adaptations. Here’s the journey of the metronome-shaped RPM Gold Leaf awards into the Juno Award of the present-day. 1970-74 The Juno Awards (originally called the RPM Gold Leaf award) was designed by the co-founder of the Juno Awards, Stan Klees. It was an 18 inch award, made of walnut, designed to bear a resemblance to a metronome. 1975 The award was re-created into a larger (23 inch), more acrylic version

  • Personal Narrative: The Cabin In The Woods

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    The cabin in the woods. Once upon a time, in a cabin far away, it was Halloween night October 31st 1973. A group of friends decided to go to a cabin in the woods to celebrate their favorite holiday together. Busses packed full of people were going to the party that me and Skyler had planned. We invited almost the whole school. Finally after hours of searching for our final destination we arrived. Skyler and I were the first to be at that raggedy torn down cabin. We brought the lights and the beers

  • Revenge in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    villains. The narration of the story is very unique and divergent because there are multiple narrators.  Bronte’s character Lockwood is used to narrate the introductory and concluding sections of the novel whereas Nelly Dean narrates most of the storyline.  It’s interesting that Nelly Dean is used because of her biased opinions. There are many major themes of the book, but revenge is the most imminent theme, the factor that leads the protagonists to their dismal fate.  Bronte proves there is no

  • Wuthering Heights

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    man, a patient husband and loving father. Ellen Dean ~ Ellen is one of the main narrators. She has been a servant for the Linton’s and Earnshaw’s all her life. She knows all of them better than any one else. People that are close to her call her Nelly. Frances Earnshaw ~ She is Hindley’s wife. She was a rather giddy woman. She displayed a great fear of death, which tells us why she died of tuberculosis. Harenton Earnshaw ~ Harenton is the son of Frances and Hindley Earnshaw. He marries young

  • Portrayal of Women in Rap and Music Videos

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    artists take the exploitation of women to the next level. In his music video for “Tip Drill” Nelly swiped a credit card down a woman’s backside. Rap crosses the line more so than any other genre. Not only are women portrayed sexually in the music videos, but also in the rap songs themselves. The lyrics are explicit and usually go into great detail when they describe sexual acts. During an interview Nelly was asked why rap gets such hard criticism he replied with: “Part of the reason rap artists come

  • Comparing Virginia Woolf and Emily Bronte

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    introduced to it.   Before Heathcliff, the Heights was a place of discipline but also love.  The children got on well with each other and though Nelly was not a member of the family she too played and ate with them.  When old Mr. Earnshaw traveled to Liverpool he asked the children what they wished for him to bring them as gifts and also promised Nelly a “pocketful of apples and pears” (WH 28).  Heathcliff’s presence changed the Heights, “So, from the beginning, he had bred bad feeling in the house”

  • Hip-Hop and Feminism

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    Despite its increasing popularity, hip-hop music often implements misogynistic ideals by portraying women as sexual objects or as helpless beings in need of savior. In his song “Tip Drill,” rapper Nelly is accompanied by the St. Lunatics relaying a theme of misogyny, portraying all women as pretentious and existing purely to satisfy men sexually. The song repeats the line: “it must be your ass cause it ain’t your face" throughout the entire song, referring to the woman as a “tip drill.” According

  • Nelly Dean of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    Wuthering Heights - Nelly In the book Wuthering Heights, the author, Emily Bronte, made Nelly the narrator. Many have questioned why Bronte would do so. Nelly never really had a life of her own because she lived at Wuthering Heights all her life.  Therefore, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange was her life.  Nelly was more than a servant, and had a personal relationship with most of the characters,which is why her story is so efficient, and her lack of knowledge not as important.  She really

  • Revenge in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    ways.  The narration of the story is also very unique and divergent because there are multiple narrators.  Bronte’s character Lockwood is used to narrate the introductory and concluding sections of the novel whereas Nelly Dean narrates most of the storyline.  It’s interesting that Nelly Dean is used because of her biased opinions.  In addition, the structure of Wuthering Heights displays a uniqueness.  Just as Elizabethan plays have five acts, Wuthering Heights is composed of two “acts,” the times

  • A Comparison of Wuthering Heights and Heart of Darkness

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    with her in his arms.  That pretty much sums up the narrative present and Lockwood's role as narrator.  Out of curiosity (Lockwood's most important personality trait), he asks Nelly Dean questions about Heathcliff and the girl.  At this point Nelly takes over the role of narrator and we shift into the narrative past. Nelly Dean is quite knowledgeable about Wuthering Heights and the events that transpired there; however, she is blunt and opinionated.  She does not fail to mention that he has taken

  • Comparing Heart of Darkness and Wuthering Heights

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    Similarities between Heart of Darkness and Wuthering Heights Although Joseph Conrad's novel, Heart of Darkness, and Emily Bronte's, Wuthering Heights, were written in different era, they do in fact share a few similarities. First of all, Heart of Darkness and Wuthering Heights compare in the manner that both novels draw on their respective author's personal experiences. Emily Bronte, who wrote in the latter Romantic Period but also had characteristics of Victorian writers, was left

  • Nelly Dean, the Narrator of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    Wuthering Heights: Nelly the Narrator Emily Bronte wrote the book Wuthering Heights from the narrative point of view of Nelly, a servant who lived most of her life with Catherine. Many have questioned why Bronte would do so.  Why did she not choose someone with more knowledge? Why did she not choose a major character like Heathcliff or Catherine?  The choice to make Nelly the narrator is what makes the book so great. She is one who qualifies most to be the narrator. This book is very much about

  • The Tip Drill Controversy and its Relation to Misogyny in Hip-Hop

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    a closer look at the implications of hip-hop that include misogyny, violence, hom... ... middle of paper ... ...ege, 2002. Print. Hill, Marc Lamont. Nelly Wanted To 'Kick Somebody's Ass' Over Spelman's Protest Of 'Tip Drill'. Huffingtonpost., 12 Nov. 2013. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. nelly-kick-somebody-ass-spelman-protest-tip-drill_n_4262503.html. Hurt, Byron, dir. Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhythms. 2006. Film. Rose, Tricia. The Hip Hop Wars:

  • The Influence of Rap and Hip-Hop on Music and Pop Culture

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    Music is one of the most powerful and influential language which to many people in many cultures view as an important part in their way of life. Music ranges from strictly organized compositions which is divided into genres and subgenres. Although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, it sometimes is occasionally controversial and relates to many personal problems. One of the most influential and controversial genres of music is Hip Hop. Rapping, which is often

  • The Characters of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    sadistic bully, and produces a desire in Lockwood's character to find out more about his past. Bronte uses Lockwood's character to pull in her main narrator, Nelly Dean. Nelly was a first-hand witness to Heathcliff's story and so proceeds to relate the history, as she remembers it, to Lockwood. It appears very soon, after the start of the story, that Nelly Dean is the protagonist. She appears more than happy to stir the conflict, which goes a long way in keeping the story interesting and moving right along

  • Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights

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    seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees-my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath-a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff-He's always in my mind-not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself-but, as my own being-so, don't talk of our separation again-it is impracticable…… Catherine loves both Heathcliff and Edger Linton on different

  • Foreshadowing in "Wuthering Heights

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    within it. In the first half of the book, Emily Bronte gives the account of the foundational characters, the first generation. The account is given in a diverse way, it is stated as from the eyes of an outside observer with an inside scoop named Nelly Dean. Nelly had lived in both Thrushcross range and Wuthering Heights and had a first hand account of all that had happened in their inhabitants’ life. The actions and decisions of the first generation were also very eminent in their descendants; they both

  • Nelly Concert

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    Nelly Concert On Monday March 25, some members of the baseball team, my girlfriend, and I traveled to Murray State University to watch a concert performed by Nelly and the St. Lunatics. It was a terrible night to go anywhere because it was raining and storming the whole way, but there was nothing that was going to stop us from going to the concert. We where all so hyped up about it and couldn’t wait to head out. My brother, who attends Murray State, had gotten us excellent seats about seventy-five

  • Florida Georgia Line Song Analysis

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    country radio charts. Due to this success, a remix was created with Nelly. This original song was released in 2012, and is part of the album, “Here’s to the Good Times,” whereas the remix was released in 2013. Cruise featuring Nelly, was produced by Joey Moi. Moi used Def Leopard as a template for the tune of this song and the instruments used include electric guitar, vocals, drums,bass, and banjo. Florida Georgia Line and Nelly begin the song by singing together. This creates a unique sound, noticeably

  • Mona Hatoum

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    experience an artwork physically…Meanings, connotations and associations come after the initial physical imagination, intellect, psyche are fired off by what you've seen (Hatoum/Archer, 8). I weigh this statement against theory by performance scholar Nelly Richard: The body is the physical agent of the structures of everyday experience. It is the transmitter of cultural messages…a repository of memories, an actor in the theatre of power, a tissue of affects and feelings. Because the body is at the boundary