NEA Four Essays

  • Public Art

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    enjoy but more often than not there is not enough money to support the arts and artist across the country. So who is there to help with these problems, groups like the NEA, the National Endowment for the Arts. This independent government agency that offers support and funding for projects that exhibit artistic excellence. The NEA has been helping the art community by giving money to some of the newer as well as the artist that have been around for a while, art educators and more. The group has done

  • Indifference to Anxiety in Crane's The Open Boat

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    Building upon the insights of Gerstenberger, Kent and others, l hope to show bow the structure of "The Open Boat" creates an epistemological dilemma, moving the reader from a position of epistemological indifference to a state of epistemological anxiety. Four key moments in the story create this shift from indifference to anxiety: first, in Section 1, the opening sentence... ... middle of paper ... way allowing us to know what it is they are now interpreters of, Crane highlights more than our

  • Child Personality Types

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    Child Personality Types Anyone who has spent time with or around children will notice that each one has a special personality all of their own. Children, like adults, have different traits that make up their personalities. Experts have researched this phenomenon in detail and classified children into different categories. Some experts have named more than three categories, but Peter L. Manigone has chosen three that most experts agree with. These categories have been named "flexible,"

  • The Ideal Superhero: Iron Man

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    Superhero characterization and depiction is often highly subject variation. This develops multitudinous characteristics linked to the idea of a superhero. In this time of the great superhero boom in cinema, literature, and other media, it is pertinent to define what constitutes a superhero and to validate certain comic book characters as superheroes. Therefore certain essential qualifications must be established and matched in order to obtain the classification of superhero. These qualifications

  • Aristotle's Four Main Causes

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    clarify the being of which stood before it and such causes amount to same entity. Drawing from Ph.II.3 and Metaph.I.3 Aristotle’s accounts for four specific causes of things; Modification takes place bestowing to four dissimilar kinds of cause. These causes may also be elucidated as explanations; they describe diverse ways of why the change came to be. The four causes are material cause, which explains what something is made of; formal cause, which explains the form or pattern to which a thing corresponds;

  • The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie

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    4/30 Mystery Agatha Christie, The A.B.C. Murders, The world Publishing Company, 1945. pp. 306. 1. Captain Arthur Hastings: Mr. Hastings was a friend and an accomplice to Hercule Poirot in solving the case of the A.B.C. murders. Hercule Poirot: He was the main detective and investigator in the A.B.C. murders. He is a very intelligent and intellectual person. Mary Drower, Megan Banard, Donald Fraser, Franklin Clarke and Miss Grey: These were all close friends or family, and they were all

  • Ant-Man

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    ‘The unforgettable moment when I was halted in the midst of my atrocious felony continues to torment my mind. I was deterred from my crime by what I had originally believed to be a routine policeman. Contradicting those previous thoughts, I was abruptly proved incorrect as my optics witnessed the impossible, revealing an extraordinary superhero.’ He is not your prosaic superhero possessing traditional powers such as the primitive ability to fly, ability to leap great distances, or dash at the speed

  • Feminist Undertones of "Over My Dead Body"

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    African American politician and feminist Shirley Chisholm was once quoted, “The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, "It's a girl”” (Gallagher 400). Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe novels were written during the second wave of the feminist movement. The women in his novels usually portray very typical female roles for the period. The main characters are men and the trend remains throughout the series. Over My Dead Body storyline centers two female characters

  • Realization of Life

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    may influence two individuals in the exact opposite directions. Persons can usually be associated with one of the traditional temperaments, which are phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, and melancholic. These temperaments are representative of the four humors; phlegm, yellow bile, blood and black vile respectively. One will view and translate events based upon their own personal temperament. I find myself to be melancholic and in that, I find the most significance in seemingly insignificant

  • Analysis Of Sherlock Holmes

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    The palimpsest known as Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887, is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing standards of society and the world (Wilson, P. K., n.d.). Although Sherlock is evolving and adapting these interpretations do not alter or diminish who Sherlock truly is. Sherlock’s observant behavior and cunning ways have not changed, he has stayed recognizable, yet there are still changes being made to his character. Through the use of discourse communities, “a

  • The Conflict Between Sherlock Holmes And Moriarty

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    Author's Introduction I have always been strongly drawn to the Sherlock Holmes stories and books, and while reading and writing about Sherlock Holmes I experience strange feelings of familiarity and satisfaction. I have been told I look like Sir Arthur, and that my wife resembles Lady Doyle. Does reincarnation really happen? Is it possible? Make of this whatever you will. Crime Mystery Detective Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is the world's best-known crime mystery detective. More of his books

  • How Is Sherlock Holmes A Romantic Hero?

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    A perfect detective, is there such a thing? Sherlock Holmes is well a known fictional detective to the public, he is most famous for his mastery at using logic adroit observation to solve cases. Sherlock Holmes presents multiple times his talent for noticing tiny details such as in the novels A Study in Scarlet and The Man with the Twisted Lip. In the two criticisms works his cleverness and technique is brought to light. Author Conan Doyle incorporated a lot details to make Holmes seem real. Holmes

  • Writing 2

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    Genre is not solely a matter of content. Texts that belong to the same genre are directed towards the same audience , serve the same purpose and form around a certain context. Thriving genre like comic books has a specific function and structure that distinguishes it from other genres. Its textual pattern which is a combination of texts and multiple paneled images makes the comic book genre unique. The characteristics of the comic book genre are shown by examining the following comic books: “

  • Victor Von Doom: A Tragic Life Of Victor Von Doom

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    to learn began at an early age around when his mother, Evelyn, passed away. From that point, his father raised and schooled him, recognizing his son’s intellect. By the time he was 14, Reed was already taking college level courses and had attended four universities earning various degrees before leaving his teens. Victor von Doom, unlike Richards, had a tragic childhood. Was born in Latveria, a small European country thaat grew out of Hungary. Victor barely knew his mother, Cynthia, a witch who

  • Argumentative Essay: The Adventure Of The Speckled Band

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    Argumentative Essay for “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” Sherlock Holmes was not accountable for the demise or killing of Dr. Grimsby Roylott. The story “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Dr. Roylott had intimidated Sherlock Holmes after his daughter, Helen Stoner, had gone to Holmes about a whistle she heard. Helen Stoner appointed Holmes and Watson to assist her from mysterious happenings. Sherlock Holmes could not have anticipated that Dr. Roylott

  • Firestarter Research Paper

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    “With great power comes great responsibility”. This was said by someone who had a profound way with words, but I'm not sure exactly who it was, mainly because it has been said in every known origin story of a superhero I can think of, so I guess it's safe to say it is motivational. Imagine that you could have one super power. What would it be and how would you use it? What would be your kryptonite? In all honesty I can say I have thought about this particular question too much in my 17 years of

  • The Incredible Hulk

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    was blamed for espionage and the Fantastic Four were called in to take him down (The Hulk vs. the Thing!). Another example of this clash is during the Avengers’ Initiative. Despite being a founding member and taking down multiple villains, the Avengers still did not trust the Hulk since he was too unpredictable (Journey Into Mystery #112). After losing to his friends the first time, the Hulk came back and fought against the Avengers and the Fantastic Four (Avengers #5). Even after helping the Avengers

  • Persuasive Essay On The Avengers

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    In 2008, Marvel began releasing movies centered around a specific universe of superheroes. This worldwide high-grossing series, known as the “Marvel Cinematic Universe,” or the MCU, tell the stories of Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and many other heroes. They’ve even taken their turn spinning off movies centered around the Norse mythology God of Thunder, Thor. Awaited by avid Marvel fans, The Avengers (2012) is a collaboration film that brings these heroes together, despite their extensive

  • Superhero History

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    The history of comic books goes way back into the 1800s so, in order to keep my presentation from lasting as long as one of your lectures, I focused on a certain type of comic book: superheroes. During my presentation today, I’ll flip through the pages of the different ages of s.h comics, pause to look at the major ups and downs of the industry, and complete the comic book with a short financial and societal impact comic have left (well, still leaving.) We’ll start off with the pre-superhero age

  • A Scandal In Bohemia

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    Intellectual Notebook A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle was a great read and gave a different look on the Sherlock Holmes series. This short story was very different than the other two discussed in class this week. The conflict in this story is that Irene Adler has a photo of some sort that could be used against the next King of Bohemia. The King is about to marry a woman in good standing, and he thinks if she's contacted by Adler she'll be scared away .The King of Bohemia hires Sherlock