Nature documentary Essays

  • Comparing Television Documentaries and Their Gratifications

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    Comparing Television Documentaries and Their Gratifications In this Essay I am going to watch four different documentaries, all with different topics. I will analyse them and then work out how they offer gratifications to the audiences. I will write about what affect they have and why they are used. I watched four different documentaries with four different topics: Historical (Pirates - The Golden Age), Mystery (Vanished - The plane that disappeared), Nature (Blue Planet) and horror / mystery

  • Focus Documentary, Made In Bangladesh: The Fifth Estate

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    Documentary Review Assignment –MGMT 3030 Focus Documentary CBC News. “Made in Bangladesh - The Fifth Estate.” YouTube. October 3, 2014. Posted October 25, 2016. The documentary, Made in Bangladesh, made by CBC, addresses the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh and the increase in awareness that came from the outside. The documentary addresses the lack of care that was put into safety for the workers by both the factory owners and the contracting

  • Richard Wright's - Black Boy

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    the visual and audio components of the documentary richly contextualize the literature that Wright produced. In that sense, the documentary synthesizes a great amount of historical, social and cultural information about the twentieth century. It can be used to prompt extensive discussions, to stimulate students to undertake special research projects, to write papers or combine the arts and/or cultural knowledge into a learning experience. Since the documentary is ninety minutes in length, planning

  • Relationships Between Vietnam Soldiers and Their Families

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    tear them apart. The relationships between the soldiers and their families grew or forced them to become distant. The soldier did not want to worry his parents at home and knew that they would not understand what he was going through. In the Documentary Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam, directed by Bill Couturie, showed these relationships change. One soldier writes to his mother and tells her that for a second, he felt as if he was on vacation because it was so beautiful in Vietnam. One

  • Exploring the Structure of Documentaries and Fictional Programs

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    Exploring the Structure of Documentaries and Fictional Programs At first glance you would think that a fictional program and a documentary couldn’t be more dissimilar from each other, but they do have their similarities. Naturally sometimes these two types of program are different in the way they do things due to the message they are trying to get across or the mood they are trying to set but methods they use to achieve these things are much the same. They both share the same camera

  • Ballroom dancing versus everyday conflict

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    Strathdee and fellow English scholars, today we take a journey into the world of ballroom dancing. Ballroom dancing, although not a dance of individualism, it also rebels against the label of conformity often thrown at it. Our task was to compare the documentary ‘Absolutely Ballroom’, and the movie ‘Strictly Ballroom’. To properly undertake our task we were compelled to lose ourselves in the plots, music and techniques used in both films. Both show us the highs and lows of songs, elaborate dance routines

  • a Light on Talent

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    That something special was what Scarelli had in mind in the summer of 2004 after he helped direct a documentary about media literacy for Project Genesis, a nonprofit teen center and in Hillsboro. After spending the summer with the teens, he saw their creativity grow; he also noted that their desire to learn more about directing and the arts grew as the weeks went on. By the time the documentary was finished, Scarelli spoke with Deborah Whitaker-Duncklee, a youth counselor who runs Project Genesis

  • Outfoxed Analysis

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    activist documentary. I would recommend the film because it sets out to prove something and it does so. I'll bet anything that it will make (or has made) the blood of both liberals and conservatives boil, if for different reasons. When Rupert Murdoch launched Fox News in 1996, its CEO (or Chairman, 1 of the 2!) Roger Ailes said, "We'd like to be premier journalists and restore objectivity." Which is like a tobacco company spokesman insisting cigarette smoking doesn't cause cancer. The documentary zeroes

  • Up the Yangtze: New vs. Old China and the Presentation of Culture

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    drinks in a karaoke bar. In comparison to Yu’s families shack on the side of the river he is living a luxurious life. Two teens with two different backgrounds were chosen to represent the changes in China within this documentary and we are going to explore why. The narrator of this documentary mentioned multiple times how the China his grandfather once knew no longer exists. This could be caused by normal change or the fast rising of the water, but the affect is the same. If his grandfather came back to

  • How Naked Is the Naked Brand?

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    A humble documentary with a big goal, “The Naked Brand” presents the idea of how corporations give due treatment to their customers, workers, and overall, the planet. It was produced in year 2013 by Director Sherng-Lee Huang. Raised in New Orleans, and studied in Amherst College with a B.A. major in English degree, Huang started off as an ‘accidental’ filmmaker and started uploading funny videos in YouTube. He is currently a video producer, director, editor, and cinematographer, specializing in new

  • The Queen Of Versailles Analysis

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    viewing of the documentary “The Queen of Versailles” was an eye opener, going into the film we don’t feel sorry for what is about to happen to them but towards the end we find that nothing will make them happy. The documentary does an incredible job of showing us a world that we will probably never see, as well as, showing us what’s really important in life. It does a great job of portraying the American dream and all the problems they may come with creating that dream. The documentary begins in 2008

  • Analysis Of The Movie 13th

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    Lastly, it provides a synthesis of the film’s story through making direct connections to the course concepts of conscious rap and Black radicalism in music, controlling images, and oppositional difference. In general, 13th is a thought-provoking documentary providing an in-depth look at the United States prison system and its relation to the exploitation of the criminal clause loophole in the 13th Amendment. Accordingly, this film exposes how the 13th Amendment provides legal cover for our court and

  • Balibo

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    The film “Balibo”, released in 2009, accurately portrays the brutality of the incidents that occurred during the movement for independence in East Timor, 1975. It focuses on the investigation of the murders of five journalists (also known as the Balibo five) working for Australian companies by Roger East, also an Australian journalist. The representation of this story is precise as seen through the props, costuming, actors, the setting and the sequence of events. Although the directors had assistance

  • Similarities Between The Cove And Blackfish

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    How have the filmmakers of The Cove and Blackfish used techniques to generate empathy for animal rights? A documentary intent is to educate and inform their audience on a certain topic or social change. Blackfish (2014) directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite strongly argues that Orcas should not be held in captivity, and having the Orcas in captivity is not only harmful to the animals, but also to humans working with them. It focuses on showcasing how killer whales are highly intelligent, social and

  • Poverty In The Film 'American Winter'

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    The film American Winter is a documentary based in Portland, Oregon. It followed several families on their struggle through hard times that lead to each family facing a different problematic outcome. Some families lost their jobs, others lost their homes, and all fought to feed their families. The film went against the grain of the image that many people associate lower class and poor families with. Each family was making ends meet, living fairly comfortably until a rough patch hit, and were then

  • The Pros And Cons Of Mediated Communication

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    as there being no body language to decipher how the person feels or what they are communicating, disinhibition, and lack of true privacy (Alder, Rolls, & Proctor II, 2015, pp. 15-16). What you put on the internet will stay there forever and the documentary Facebook Follies shows us just that. Facebook, among other social media networks, has taken

  • History of Philippine Cinema

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    in this paper includes films made by Filipino people exhibited in this country and possibly in other countries from the 1930s to the 1990s. The films may be silent pictures or talkies, black and white or color. They also include films such as documentaries, animation, experimental or alternative films and other types of films. This paper has three purposes or objectives. It intends, first of all, to provide a comprehensible background of the art of film in the Philippines. It provides insights on

  • Music and Murder

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    Documentaries serve to draw a response through the use of literary techniques in order to present a particular point of view. Michael Cordell’s Music and Murder subscribes to this principle, the documentary focuses on three men serving prison sentences for taking a life and how music has changed and shaped their outlook on their own lives. Music, structure, verbal language and selection of detail all work on the viewers emotions which serve to draw a positive response towards rehabilitation in prisons

  • Abraham Lincoln and Calamity Jane

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    a tone that demonstrates triumph through tragedy, weaving specifics about Lincoln’s ancestors with the trials he faced. In Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane, By Herself, Mrs. Burk (Calamity Jane) uses a tone that is familiar to the world of documentaries, starting her story at her birth and ending with where she was when she wrote the autobiography. One must remember that The Boys’ Life of Abraham Lincoln is a biography, and Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane, By Herself is an autobiography.

  • Religion and Media

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    religion and they help them to explore the different ways in which people try to answer them, whether it is through worship, prayer or simply giving food for thou The BBC offers many religious programs through different formats. There are: documentaries, comedies, dramas, soaps, films, magazine talk shows and many more. The variation in format makes religion seem quite appealing to those who aren’t even ‘vaguely religious’. Although some comedies have religious themes they are still appealing