Natural remedies Essays

  • Herbal Medicine

    1581 Words  | 4 Pages

    States. Many people now are following the trend without knowing anything about alternative medicine. People should be aware of the benefits as well as the precautions involved in taking these natural remedies. The most common form of alternative medicine nowadays is herbal medicines. These natural remedies can be found in millions of American homes today. Herbal medicine is probably the most widely used of the alternative medicines. Herbal medicine is a part of homeopathy, which is an alternative

  • Natural Remedies for Insomnia: The Benefits of Valerian Root

    551 Words  | 2 Pages 4 Ways to Cure Your Sleep Deprivation Naturally Getting adequate amount of sleep is the basic requirements of every individual. Proper sleep will enable us to function properly and perform our daily activities without feeling lethargic. Sleep is also considered a luxury which you can enjoy after a stressful and hectic day. If you will take proper sleep your body organs will relax and next day they will work properly to fulfil your needs. This is essential

  • Natural Remedies for Common Cat Health Issues

    2010 Words  | 5 Pages

    Cat Remedies. The health of the cat is so important and in order to maintain in a health place one has to take care of the pace the cat sleeps. That place must be well cleaned with a natural disinfectant and cleaning it properly by use of a vacuum cleaner that will assist to remove the fleas that have invaded the cat’s sleeping place. But the fleas will automatically go away since they don’t like staying in a clean habitat. Then one can use fresh lemon or citrus being rubbed to the far of the cat

  • St. John's Wort and Depression

    3049 Words  | 7 Pages

    St. John's Wort and Depression What is St. John's Wort? St. John's Wort scientifically known as Hypericum Perforatum, an herbal remedy generally used to treat depression, is making a rise throughout Europe and the United States. St. John's Wort is a perennial plant that produces abundant yellow flowers and grows naturally throughout much of the world, including specifically in northern California, southern Oregon, and Colorado. It usually flowers on “sunlight hills and forest edges” during

  • Quackery

    1251 Words  | 3 Pages

    today were once considered miracles. How can we tell the difference? Not all advertisements for health products are false, of course. In fact, the vast majority aren't .So just what is quackery? Simply put, quackery is the promotion of a medical remedy that doesn't work or hasn't been proven to work. In modern times, quackery is known as health fraud. But call it quackery or call it health fraud, the result is the same - unfulfilled wishes, wasted dollars, endangered health. Often quack products

  • Plato's Concept Of Justice

    2219 Words  | 5 Pages

    Socrates's death. The amateur meddlesomeness and excessive individualism became main targets of Plato's attack. This attack came in the form of the construction of an ideal society in which justice reigned supreme, since Plato believed justice to be the remedy for curing these evils. After criticizing the conventional theories of justice presented differently by Cephalus, Polymarchus, Thrasymachus and Glaucon, Plato gives us his own theory of justice according to which, individually, justice is a 'human

  • Living with Feng Shui

    1603 Words  | 4 Pages

    home is your sanctuary,” but, when entered, does the home create feelings of stress and chaos, instead of calming and providing refuge? No matter how much a person cleans, a home can still feel as if it is in constant disarray. The Chinese commonly remedy these complaints by using the art of feng shui. Simple placement of certain objects in mapped areas of a home can bring great respite to an otherwise chaotic environment. American society classifies feng shui as just another idea based on superstitions

  • Herbal Remedies in FDA Limbo

    2558 Words  | 6 Pages

    Herbal Remedies in FDA Limbo Thesis: There needs to be regulation of herbal remedies and dietary supplements from an outside source that is not interested in the monetary benefits from the herbal market. Although herbal remedies and dietary supplements can be beneficial to many Americans, the United States needs to implement an administration to analyze, research, and regulate what herbs are in supplements, and their acceptable uses. Introduction: Herbal supplements and herbal treatments

  • Atropa belladona: The Deadly Nightshade

    1278 Words  | 3 Pages

    Atropa belladona: The Deadly Nightshade What might a person bothered with intense gas, or flatulence to be blunt, do in today's society? Perhaps they would visit a type of "health food store" for a type of common natural remedy. Often, the mangers at such stores recommend that comphrey tea be taken to relieve the problem. However, after taking just such a concoction of the tea powder and water, one man became light-headed, agitated, confused and had problems urinating. His pupils became dilated

  • The Essence of Pip

    2242 Words  | 5 Pages

    to the house" and that Pip "catches" his unrequited lover, Estella's, "infectious contempt for his commonness" (Ricks 202). In answering like this, Ricks immediately assumes a dichotomous contrast between the natural human and the taught (acted-upon) human. Ricks is saying that the natural Pip is good and therefore holds the reader's sympathy while the manipulated Pip is bad and behaves in ways with which the reader cannot sympathize, and wants to condemn. The reader sides with the basic Pip and

  • Proper Meaning Superstition

    3053 Words  | 7 Pages

    Semantic Triangle, Comparison Fields, and the terms "signs" and "symbols", which distinguished meaning. Richards even felt that people were so misunderstood, that he developed remedies to conquer these communicative misunderstandings. His remedies included the usage of: Definition, Metaphor, Feedforward, and Basic English. These remedies can effectively decrease, if not eliminate, various interpersonal communicative misunderstandings, primarily those resulting in conflict, that occur in today's society.

  • Echinacea

    2624 Words  | 6 Pages

    Three types of the plant are used for medical purposes. They are Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia, and Echinacea pallida. Mainly the roots, the seeds, and the leaves are extracted for medicinal usage. Many people believe the herb to be a remedy for ailments such as the common cold or the flu, which explains why the citizens of the United States spend $3 million annually on the drug. As a consequence of its popularity however, certain places in both the United States and Europe have restricted

  • Thoughts on a Possible Rational Reconstruction of the Method of

    3264 Words  | 7 Pages

    philosophical methodology. This paper attempts to administer first aid and to close a bit of the theoretical gap and thus to reach a more exact image for the interests of analytic philosophy. Self-application of the method appears to be the right remedy. A graduating rational reconstruction of a standard concept of rational reconstruction will be suggested, differentiating the concept of rational reconstruction according to normativity, and explicating the method of rational reconstruction into two

  • Anti-Dumping

    2265 Words  | 5 Pages

    Antidumping law and practice- USA and China. Among the trilogy of trade remedy regimes- countervailing duty, safeguard and antidumping actions- antidumping actions are by far the remedy of choice. It’s a measure internationally adopted to stop unfair competition, regulate international market order and protect the security of the national industries. It’s adopted by an increasing number of countries as it’s playing an increasingly important role in international trade. It’s perhaps the most controversial

  • Should Marijuana Be Legalized For Medical Purposes?

    2291 Words  | 5 Pages

    Should Marijuana be Legalized for Medical Purposes? Marijuana has been used extensively as a medical remedy for more than five thousand years. In the early 1900s, medical usage of marijuana began to decline with the advent of alternative drugs. Injectable opiates and synthetic drugs such as aspirin and barbiturates began to replace marijuana as the physician's drug of choice in the twentieth-century, as their results proved to be more consistent than the sometimes erratic effects of the

  • Annexation Of Hawaii

    590 Words  | 2 Pages

    advisors as “incompetent”(2). Stevens may have not held anything against the Queen herself or any of her cabinet members, but rather degraded them simply to achieve his goals of the annexation of Hawaii, something that he considered “the only effective remedy for Hawaii’s troubles.” (2) Queen Liliuokalani naturally spoke out against the degradation of herself and her cabinet, and on behalf of her position of defending the Hawaiian Monarchy. “The U.S. Minister John Stevens was influenced by the annexationists

  • A Tale Of Two Cities

    545 Words  | 2 Pages

    the opposing lower class during the French Revolution; as well as comment on the sheep-like nature of humankind. In the beginning of the novel, capital punishment serves as the "cure-all" for France’s social problems. After all, "death is nature’s remedy for all things, and why not legislation’s?" (62). It is this attitude that strikes fear into the lower class citizens, causing them to refrain from speaking out against their oppressors. Instead they are encouraged to "speak well of the law…and leave

  • Canterbury tales

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    come true. Pertelote does not believe in this predestination and gives her argument. She then calls Chanticleer a coward and threatens that she cannot love a coward. She thinks that the dream was caused by something Chanticleer ate and suggests a remedy. Chanticleer tries to convince Pertelote that his dream has meaning my biting people who dreamt of murder and then discovered it. But after his argument, he decides to leave the subject and compliment his Pertelote. The two make love and he leaves

  • Improving a Department

    724 Words  | 2 Pages

    and fierce competition for corporate funding. These problems must be corrected in order for this department to survive, if this department cannot be turned around then corporate will see it as a liability and eventually find a way of their own to remedy the problem. I have outlined a plan to turn this department around and make positive changes that will result in a profitable department for the company. The first step is to meet with corporate and discuss the overall goal of the company to ensure

  • The Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari

    3306 Words  | 7 Pages

    Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari ABSTRACT: In academic philosophy the writings of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari are still treated as curiosities and their importance for philosophical discussions is not recognized. In order to remedy this, I demonstrate how the very concept of philosophy expounded by the two contributes to philosophical thinking at the end of the twentieth century while also providing a possible line of thought for the next millenium. To do this, I first emphasize