Namdev Essays

  • The Status of Women and the Bhaki Movement in India

    2215 Words  | 5 Pages

    movement were not idle philosophers or merely scions of the prosperous castes. They also came from the lower sections of society and worked for their living. Though sants like Meera, Chaitanya and Tulsidas were from the upper class, others like Kabir, Namdev, Nanak and Tukaram belonged to the lower communities. These saints taught that people could cast aside the heavy obligations of ritual and caste and the convolutions of philosophy, and simply express their supreme love for god. They believed that

  • Indian Autobiography Analysis

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    CHAPTER ONE CONTEXTUALIZING AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN MAHARASHTRA Origin and Dimensions of ‘Autobiography’: Autobiography is an act of a conscious self that documents significant events through the active help of memory to construct historical facts rather than truth. It is a western phenomenon which has its root in the Greek literature. The Western autobiographical tradition has started long back in an ancient time while documenting military achievements or important lifespan of the worriers or the kings

  • Objectives And Objectives Of Cost Management In Cost Management

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    M. K. Trivedi and Sapan Namdev [4] Over a year many research had solved construction optimization problems. The techniques used by them varied in nature between mathematical techniques or conventional techniques to heuristic techniques. Over a past 20 years researchers had emphasized

  • Mysticism In The Bhakti Movement

    2365 Words  | 5 Pages

    In our universe there are numbers of worshiping ways to God. Every religion has its own set of worshiping styles and perception. Mystics of Sufis have made their own place outside these groups. A mystic might be follower of Christianity or Islam or any other religion but his perceptions to worship God are different from his own community. For example a Christian follower will go to church pray to God hear the sermon he might be doing all this with a perception of his religious duty fear from hell