Mulan Essays

  • The Legend of Hua Mulan

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    The legend states that Hua Mulan lived during the Northern Wei dynasty. She is a mythical figure from ancient China portrayed in the Chinese poem, Ballad of Mulan. Though both princess warrior show and movie, The Legend of Hua Mulan and Disney’s Mulan have different character personalities and reasons of going to war. The Legend of Hua Mulan is straightforward and seeks to depict Mulan as a warrior. Disney’s Mulan, however, depicts Mulan as trying to prove her parents wrong and bring home a man as

  • Mulan Research Paper

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    will my reflection show who I am inside?¨ In Disney's Movie Mulan, which is based on the medieval Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, a young Chinese girl runs away from home upon failing her meeting with the ‘matchmaker’ and finding out the Huns have invaded. Mulan enlists herself in training to take her injured fathers spot in the upcoming war as he will surely die if he goes. At the time the movie is placed in

  • The Life of Mulan

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    comrades were amazed and perplexed to find out that "he" was in fact, a woman, (Kington). You might know whom I am talking about. Her name was Fa Mulan. After hearing the story about Mulan, I spent some time thinking about what it meant for a woman in ancient China to transcend beyond the boundaries of gender and culture for family, honor, and duty. Mulan became a true warrior - one who encompassed not only the combatant and the housewife but the struggle between them as well. Perhaps it is because

  • Movie Review: Mulan

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    Mulan The movie is all about the bravery of a Chinese girl named Mulan and her quest for honor. The movie is produced by Disney and the character can be added to the numerous princesses produced by this film institution. Mulan also set a trend in the line of movies produced by Walt Disney Pictures by having the setting in an Asian country and utilizing history to be part of the wonderful story. Furthermore, the movie also touched the tradition and culture of the Chinese which make it interesting

  • Traditional Western and Disney Ideals as Seen in Mulan

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    Traditional Western and Disney Ideals as Seen in Mulan Fairy tales have been a long tradition in almost all cultures, starting as oral traditions to and gradually evolving into written texts intended for future generations to enjoy. Today, a common medium for relaying these ancient stories is through animation. The Walt Disney Company is probably the most well known for its animated portrayals of many classic fairy tales. These fairy tales are considered, by fairy tale researcher Justyna Deszcz

  • Mulan as the Woman Warrior

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    Mulan as the Woman Warrior Many movies have gotten their theme or content from books and novels. One of them being the story of Mulan, which originates from the story of a Chinese girl who grows into a women warrior. In my reading of " The Woman Warrior", there is a tale of a warrior who has the name Fa Mu Lan. The mother tells the story of Fa Mu Lan to her children , one child stating " Instantly, I remembered that as a child, I had followed my mother about the house, the two

  • White Tigers vs. Mulan

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    my life; both grow in one; take honor from me, and my life is done.” The idea is touched upon in both the book Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston as well as Disney’s Mulan were family honor is more important than anything else. Mulan was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, and produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The film Mulan retold the story of a woman warrior who took her father’s place in battle and became a savior of China.The movie uses many elements from the original story told in the

  • Mulan Monomyth

    853 Words  | 2 Pages

    takes her father’s place and becomes one of China’s greatest heroines in the process. In the Disney film Mulan, the directors, Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, sends Mulan, the hero, through Joseph Campbell’s theory of the monomyth. Fa Mulan, who is brave and headstrong, acts as the hero in Joseph Campbell’s theory of the monomyth because she doesn’t fit society’s stereotype of woman. Mulan stands up for her father and disguises herself as a man to takes her father’s place in the Chinese army (Bancroft

  • Mulan Essay

    681 Words  | 2 Pages

    favorite Disney movies Mulan was based on the fifth century Chinese poem the Ballad of Mulan. As little contemporary evidence exists other than the poem, it is unknown whether she was a real or fictional person. In the movie Mulan is portrayed as a very beautiful, strong, and brave woman who disguises herself as a man named Ping and joins the imperial army to defeat the huns in the stead of her old and very weak father and ultimately saves China. However, at the beginning, Mulan is introduced as this

  • Mulan Stereotypes

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the Disney movie, Mulan, the main character, Mulan, challenges society’s expectations of gender stereotypes by showing a disinterest of how women in a feudal society are supposed to act and as the movie progresses, she defies expectations of what it means to be a man and a woman. In the beginning of the movie, Mulan is being prepared to become a bride for a possible suitor; this is an example of stereotypical women’s roles. In China’s culture, the goal of children is to bring honor to your family-

  • Analysis Of Mulan

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    more about this gender role. Moreover, The story of Hau Mulan was the one that I especially liked. I was amazed by how a girl can be brave enough to go to war in place of her father and overcome all the adversity to fulfill her filial duty. When the Disney film Mulan (1998), which is based on the Chinese legend of Hau Mulan, was produced and released in Taiwan, I found the movie absorbing. As a Western adaptation of the story, Disney’s Mulan provides a fairly distinct interpretation of the original

  • Sexism In Mulan

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mulan, a Disney movie, when first released was looked at as a great film. As time has passed,negative views have grown against the movie.Some individuals claim Mulan is sexist. This paper will travel back in time , to see if the movie fits the time era that it was to be portraying. Then the information from this movie will be compared as well as contrasted to the past. So that it can be concluded on or not this film is or isn’t sexist. The story of Mulan is set in the Han Dynasty.The Han Dynasty

  • Sociology In Mulan

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    Sociology in Mulan Mulan tells that the story of brave Mulan. Mulan did not want her elderly father to fight in the war, so she disguised as a man and joined in her father 's army. Finally, Mulan defeated the Huns and Shan Yu (leader of the Huns) with her partners in barracks. This Disney film portrays the conflict perspective, feminism, and symbolic interaction perspective. The conflict theory is the perspective that opposition and conflict define a given society and are necessary for social evolution

  • Mulan As A Hero

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    In the same way, Mulan was a hero even though she was a girl she was still able to save China. “I’ve heard a great deal about you Fa Mulan, you stole your father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the chinese military, destroyed my palace have saved us all”(Emperor

  • What is the princess effect

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is “the princess effect”? This flex paper will be written on the impact that Disney princesses have on little girls. The article this paper is based on looks at how parents and their little girls are at acceptance with the girly-girl culture through the Disney princesses’ franchise. The article stated that the Disney Princesses entered the life of psychotherapist Mary Finucane’s 3-year-old daughter. And from then on out her three year old daughter began refusing to do or wear things that

  • The Good and Bad Aspects of Disney Movies

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    children by teaching them good life morals. However, one of her examples, Mulan, is not an example of achievement through hard work like Zia explains, but rather a change made through magic, and example of the horrible historical inaccuracies made in Disney movies and the lack of parental respect that they teach children. Zia’s main point in using Mulan as part of her argument for the good of Disney movies is saying that Mulan is an example of how hard work and determination will pay off in the end

  • Mulan Movie Reflection

    1126 Words  | 3 Pages

    The movie Mulan tells the story of the legendary Chinese woman warrior, Fa Mulan. In the Disney movie, Mulan is the only child of a disabled veteran. When the Huns invade from the north, the Chinese Emperor sets a conscription saying that every family must provide a son to be a soldier in the Chinese army. Fearing for her father’s life, as he is the only man in the house, Mulan runs away and joins the army in his place, even though it is against the law for her to do so. She almost fails in her mission

  • Argumentative Essay On Mulan

    2336 Words  | 5 Pages

    children in the ‘90’s would be Mulan. A classical medium for all ages including both action and hints of romance, an overall disney crowd pleaser. However, the most radical piece of Mulan would not be the plot, but the strong female lead that is rare in Disney tales. Little girls all over the nation praised and accepted Mulan not only as the “Hero of China”, but their own personal hero. Children often take after leading role models in their life; therefore emulating Mulan and her honorable ways was

  • Mulan Hero's Journey

    912 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Hero 's Journey Mulan Is about a woman who pretends to be a man named Ping, and joins the Chinese army in order to save her father, and ultimately China. The hero's journey is a twelve step expedition every hero goes on in relatively all movies, books, and television shows. Mulan is an archetypal example of a hero's journey, because it almost follows all of the steps exactly. Mulan follows both the "ordinary world" and "call to adventure" steps. Mulan Lives in an relatively ordinary world

  • Mulan Research Paper

    608 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mulan, a well known name and not just in movies or books, but also ballads. The real story of Mulan was written in the 6th century, however, it was translated from Chinese to English in the 12th century. This beautiful piece of literature is called The Ballad of Fa Mulan. This is the original story that Disney wrote their movie on, but these two stories have two different messages, even though they are based on the same person. The Ballad of Fa Mulan begins with a young Chinese girl who decides