Mom Essays

  • Moms Creamy Potato Soup

    566 Words  | 2 Pages

    color of her soup is that of an off-white or yellow. The texture of the soup is very thick. It looks like creamy potatoes in a bowl when it is done. The aroma of the soup is very strong and earth-smelling. My entire house smells like potatoes while my mom prepares the potato soup. When I eat her creamy potato soup, I always have seconds and my stomach always thinks, “What good soup this is!” In a five quart Dutch oven over medium heat in hot margarine, she cooks potatoes and onions in hot margarine

  • Views on Gay Marriage in Anna Quindlin’s Essay Evan’s Two Moms

    1177 Words  | 3 Pages

    The essay, “Evan’s Two Moms”, was written by Anna Quindlin and published in the 2004 edition of Good Reasons with Comtemporary Arguments. This essay takes a liberal point of view concerning gay marriage and the ability to raise a child in a gay family. Throughout Quindlen’s essay, her structure introduces ethos, pathos and logos through a variety of court cases to gain the readers trust; she appeals to both emotion and logic in her reader through passion and unwavering intensity, which disapproves

  • Creative Writing: My Mommy

    670 Words  | 2 Pages

    My mom is Beautiful; the words to describe her appearance would be insufficient. She is beautiful in all her aspects. Her smile shines like the sun at sunrise. My mommy has black hair with shimmering sprays of white, long and smooth curls like noodle spaghetti. Her eyes are black and round, filled with love. When my mommy laughs you can see a beautiful love in the side of her cheek. My mommy is average height; she has large eyelashes and figured eyebrows. Her lips are thick with a sparkle of pink;

  • Bad Choices

    584 Words  | 2 Pages

    October the first I skipped school once again and surprisingly my mom showed up unexpectedly at home and got a notice from the school about my excessive absences at school. My mom was outraged and disappointed. When I got home, choked up embarrassed and feeling so stupid, I had to look into my moms eyes and tell her that I hadn’t been going to school and that I had lied to her about my grades and absences. I didn’t have a explanation for my mom or a excuse I told her straight out that I had no reason to

  • The Relationship between Psychology and Movies

    1213 Words  | 3 Pages

    It shows how we as organisms change over time. We go from being a zygote to an embryo and then to a fetus. Then we go into behavior performance since we are born until we die. We start with little things like responding to sounds, recognizing our moms, moving from side to side, walking, talking, playing, and so forth. One big aspect of our life is learning to talk. We start out babbling, and then go into our one- word two-word stage, until we are able to learn grammar. Another aspect of our life

  • The Longest Journey

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    to very hard for me to live the place I called home for fifteen years. It was very early in the morning when I got up, the sky cloud less, it had never looked so beautiful, the grass and bushes still filled with the early morning due. I got in my moms truck and we drove to my grandparents to say the final goodbye. It was about fifty kilometers from where I lived, deep in the African jungle where molt of the land in untouched by man. I kept my head outside the window most of the time enjoying the

  • A Short Story: I Want To Find My Birth Mother

    1152 Words  | 3 Pages

    This is a story of a girl named Lucy that had a pretty comfortable life. Anything she wanted she got, and achieved a lifetime of love from her parents that people wished that could obtain. But, to Lucy she was never truly satisfied and felt like she had a hole in her chest. “I want to find my birth mother” said Lucy. “I love you guys with all my heart but I must find out where I originated from.” Her mother with tears in her eyes said “I knew that one day you would want to find your birth mother

  • Teenage Mothers

    6491 Words  | 13 Pages

    Becoming a parent permanently and profoundly alters a teenager's life. Most of the girls forget about their dreams of happy marriage, college is almost always out of the question, graduating High School becomes a goal most teenage moms don't achieve. Young girls having babies isn't new, as a matter of fact, teenage parenthood was higher in the 1950 then it is today, but things were different. Most of the girls were eighteen or nineteen and many of them already married. Only a few of single mothers

  • Society Must Redefine the Meaning of Family

    1195 Words  | 3 Pages

    of a married, mother and father and usually children. Moms are supposed to stay at home while dads work the forty-hour a week job. However, in our 2003 world, families exist in a lot of non-traditional ways. A lot of families now consist of single parent families, or same sex parents and their children, or even couples that are unmarried but live together. And even now, if a family contains what society sees as traditional as far as having a mom, dad, and kids, other aspects are not traditional anymore

  • Greek Gods and Myths

    3775 Words  | 8 Pages

    once been named after the sisterhood The liminal hero has moved forward to Zeus role Another story of Perseus (backwards version) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His dads name is Proitos, and moms name is Strong Cow (Queen) Proitoss daughters are named as the sisterhood of Proitides The Proitides start itching because of the oestral cycle and they become cows They encounter Perseus and tear him to pieces Another Perseus -------------

  • Mothers That Work

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    am happy to see support for the mom who wants to work outside of the home. By my children seeing me go to work, I am teaching them the values of hard work, commitment, and responsibility. I am also showing them that mothers and fathers share in all responsibilities of raising a family, financial and housework. There is no doubt in either my mind or my child’s that the first priority is each other. Out times together are positive. I have seen too many stay at home moms yelling at their children and

  • The Lack of Women's Sports Coverage

    1840 Words  | 4 Pages

    little bit better.  In a recent interview with Gary Webb, a sports writer for The Spectrum, he says that "the people have demonstrated that there is an audience that loves hearing about women athletes.  After all, they are somebody's kids, sisters, and moms".  I learned that these sports writers love to cover women's games, especially girls highschool basketball games.  Gary said that he would rather watch a Parowan-Beaver girls game over the boys anyday.  Karen Winegar, staff writer for the The Star

  • My Freshman Year

    1265 Words  | 3 Pages

    alike and said we were twins, even though we look nothing alike. We soon became inseprable. Conveinently, her mother was my daddy's secretary which made us even closer. Soon, things began to spin out of control. I remebering saying to Leneice, "Our moms are really good friends", and her making a face like she had something to tell me. Common sense wasn't my very strong trait. When things first started to change, it was around time for my parents vowel renewel, they would have been married ten years

  • Teen Parenting

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    One of my friends is a teen mom, and she wouldn't wish a teen pregnancy on any teen. Trying to work, go to school, raise a baby and still having some growing up to do is nowhere near easy. Dealing with a checkbook, a husband, a newborn, a job and finishing school at sixteen was hard. But she managed, just like many other teen moms but she do wish things could have been easier so she could have enjoyed my first born even more, without all the added stress. A teen mom faces more than just the bills

  • Parents

    972 Words  | 2 Pages

    have to do these things in order to direct their kids. This is believed to be an “absolute moral imperative” (Lord). If your parents did not provide you with these tools, where would you be? “Pageant moms are the worst,” is something that I heard once. This I have to say is false. The moms and dads of the performing art children have to be the most dedicated parents I personally have ever seen. These parents spend all of their time and energy helping their kids exceed and they always remind

  • My Identity Essay: Becoming A Mother

    1096 Words  | 3 Pages

    I wake up every morning thrilled to be a mom. He is my world I am raising a young man to be an intelligent man who can think for himself. There are times when I catch myself thinking am I doing a good job, am I too hard on him. then he shows me I am doing a great job just by how he behaves in school at home and how sweet he is. When he tells me he is proud that I am his mom that makes me feel like I can do no it for I still can’t get over the fact

  • Working At Starbucks

    1056 Words  | 3 Pages

    to open with my boss Tenesha. She was my boss at Starbucks, but had the same duties as everyone else that worked at Starbucks. On Mondays, we usually had a rush of customers, rushing to get a hot cup of coffee for the road to work, or just morning moms wanting our new brew of coffee for the week. But Tenesha had inventory that week, so I was stuck making coffee all day till Andrew, another employee came in around 1 p.m. It was around 10:00 a.m., ju...

  • Drama Queens Present

    3343 Words  | 7 Pages

    hits hands and decided to take a chance on television success (Jameson 35). Listeners accepted the trends, and soon more and more soap operas made their debut on television. Soap operas were better known from the beginning to be for stay at home moms, who cooked and cleaned all day. Their name, “soap opera” came from the origins of the sponsors that created the shows. In the beginning, the shows were extended advertisements for the soaps that the housewives would use. Once the dramas moved to

  • The First Day

    743 Words  | 2 Pages

    The First Day It was a bright sunny day, the sky was a soft shade of blue and there was a slight breeze in the air. I stepped out of my moms red shiny CRX as she said ‘Good Luck' to me. I forced up a weak smile as I shoved the door, and it made a woosh noise as it closed. I took a deep breathe and started walking towards the man entrance. I thought to myself, ‘Why does the school have all the buildings seperated?' I slowly walked forward as I started looking at all the

  • The Debated and Hated SUV

    2257 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Debated and Hated SUV Since the early 1990s, the car market has become saturated with sport utility vehicles. While SUV’s have been enthusiastically received by a wide spectrum of the demographic – everyone from teenagers to soccer moms -- not all are excited by its arrival. Some of the current complaints with SUVs have to do with their ridiculous size and relative fuel inefficiency. Others criticize the vehicles as being unsafe, and certainly unnecessary, for the tasks for which they are