Mary Pope Osborne Essays

  • Mary Pope Osborne Research Paper

    599 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mary Pope Osborne Mary Pope Osborne is a well known author that is still alive today writing stories for many of her devoted fans. She was born on May 20, 1949 in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. She was the first child in a family of four children. Her family moved a lot due to her father’s job but Osborne was used to a sudden change in environment. Her exposure to many different places influenced her writing (Osborne 2). Osborne’s father was a colonel in the U.S. Army and the family moved often because of

  • Origami Yoda Analysis

    1324 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Strange Case Of Origami Yoda by Tom Angle Berger (2010) This book is a great example the popular fiction genre of children’s books. It is designed to appeal to the middle school aged child, which it does an excellent job of from the cover art, to the different fonts, and ‘rumpled’ look of the pages. While the Star Wars reference inherent in the Yoda and light saber may deter a few readers who are not fans of the movie, those who take the book off the shelve will be hooked from the opening

  • Junie B. Jones And The Magic Tree House

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    things on their adventures that it is interesting to read about to learn something new. The series also has nonfiction companion books, Fact Trackers, which are books written by the author of The Magic Tree House, Mary Pope Osborne, her husband Will Osborne, and her sister, Natalie Pope Boyce. The Fact Trackers books go more in depth on the topics that a specific book is about in The Magic Tree House

  • What I Learned As A Preschool

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    anything and everything. Whether it was the menu at Red Robin, to the evacuation instructions in my first grade classroom, I would read it. My earliest memory of reading was when I was four years old. I was sitting on the couch in my house with my Aunt Mary. She was helping me read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. Sounding out words with silly meanings, and creating stories with my words sparked a fire in my being. I loved how I could open a book and

  • To The Top Of Air Literary Analysis

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    you ever been in a tough situation and you decided to push through instead of just giving up? This is what the main characters did in the stories, “The Voyage” and “To the Top of Everest.” “The Voyage” is a mythological tale written by author, Mary Pope Osborne about one day when the Greek hero Odysseus was on his raft when it started to storm. The storm was started by the Greek God Poseidon because he was angry at him. Everytime a wave crashed down on Odysseus, he would persevere and get back on his

  • Personal Narrative: The Magic Tree Home

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    The book series I found in the room was the “Magic Tree House” series by Mary Pope Osborne. The “Magic Tree House”; series changed my life as a young boy. I couldn’t stop Investigating any and everything mysterious with my friends, from my grandfather’s toupee , to checking if my Mother’s soufflé would really fall if we yelled into

  • Benjamin Franklin the Inventor

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    Bibliography: Works Cited 1) Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography and Other Writings by Benjamin Franklin. New York: Bantam, 1982. 2) Meltzer, Milton. Benjamin Franklin: the new American. New York: Library of Congress Cataloging, 1988. 3) Osborne, Mary Pope. The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin. New York: Penguin, 1990. 4) “Franklin.” Encyclopedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 1991 ed.

  • Cause Of The Salem Witch Trials

    2438 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Salem Witch Trials was an unexpected tragedy that lasted for about a year. Several innocent people were sent to their deaths, chiefly caused by teenagers seeking entertainment. (The Salem Witch Trials: Wilson). Other catalysts were also family feuds, epileptic seizures, and a fungal agent in rye. (Salem Witch Trials: Wilson)(The Witchcraft Trials in Salem: A Commentary). Rye can be eaten when made as bread or cereal, because it’s an ingredient that is similar to wheat, but sometimes it can be

  • Cultural Differences In The Little Mermaid And The Little Mermaid

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    A. 1. In today’s classroom, children come from various cultural backgrounds and diverse family structures; which makes having access to diverse books a must. The children need to be able to relate to the characters in the book. As a result, having characters that are prominently white, middle class families no longer fit the norm. Authors of various cultural backgrounds are now creating books that show the diversity in today’s society. Families today come in various forms and children need books

  • Social Studies: Medieval Times

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    Social studies are usually a subject students find boring. The lesson created is meant to get every student excited and wanting to learn more. This lesson plan is about the Middle Ages or the Medieval Times. This was a time where things were different. People dressed and spoke in a different way. There were lords, ladies, and knights; castles, moats, and fighting. What student could be bored learning about this era? Teaching Strategies Most educators do not make new lesson plans they change ones

  • How Is Norse Mythology Compared To Greek Mythology

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    mythological culture is the Greek culture, and another is the Norse. Here are some examples of their mythology. In Norse mythology, the creation of the world is very different to that of Greek mythology. The book Favorite Norse Myths, retold by Mary Pope Osborne, tells the story like this. In the beginning, there were two worlds; a world of ice called Niflheim, and a world of fire called Muspell, with

  • History of English Literature

    4592 Words  | 10 Pages

    History of English Literature I. INTRODUCTION English literature, literature written in English since c.1450 by the inhabitants of the British Isles; it was during the 15th cent. that the English language acquired much of its modern form. II. The Tudors and the Elizabethan Age The beginning of the Tudor dynasty coincided with the first dissemination of printed matter. William Caxton's press was established in 1476, only nine years before the beginning of Henry VII's reign. Caxton's achievement

  • The Portrayal of Christopher Columbus in Elementary School Education

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    Christopher Columbus has been portrayed in different ways at various times throughout history. In his own time he was not famous for "discovering" a new land, but hundreds of years later he is. Slightly over one hundred years ago the United States proudly celebrated the quatercentury. Approximately 24 million people attended a great international exposition in Chicago marking the event (Thernstrom, 1992). In stark contrast is the controversy that was ignited over the 500 year anniversary

  • Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil

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    Pendleton Collins: A World War II Soldier Scholastic 1999 Shirer, William L. The Rise and Fall of Adolph Hitler Random House New York 1961 Osborne, Mary Pope My Secret War: The World War II Diary of Madeline Beck Scholastic Inc. New York 2000 Hakim, Joy A History of US: War, Peace and All That Jazz Oxford University Press 1995 pg 107