Mariachi Essays

  • Mariachi

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mariachi The French named mariachi, but the Coca Indians gave the original name in 1500's referring to any musician. Mariachi sound is impacted by African influence known as SON. Rhythmic pattern altering between 3/4 and 6/8. Instruments of Mariachi In a complete Mariachi group today there are as many as 6 to 8 violins, 2 trumpets, and a guitar, which are all standard European instruments. Then there is a high-itched, round-backed guitar called the vihuela, which when strummed in the traditional

  • Mariachi Essay

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    Mariachi is a very authentic type of music which originated from the heart of Mexico in Guadalajara. The instruments used for mariachi include the Guitarron, vihuela, violin, harp, guitar, and the trumpet. When played together, they form a beautiful music which I have come to love. In my own experience, mariachi can be a very challenging style to play, but it can also be rewarding in the end. Playing mariachi is how I became the awesome trumpet player I am today. I came across mariachi for

  • Mariachi Essay

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    Mariachi, for those people who do not know what it is, is a band. There is nothing (besides the food) more cultural for the mexicans than the Mariachi. It describes us as a culture, and it differs us from many Hispanics. Mariachi is an expression, culture, and a very unique form of music. The songs, describe from love to hate, death, politics, it tells us a story. I remember the first time I entered to my mariachi class, the teacher asked us what instrument did we wanted. I did not know all the instruments

  • Mariachi Music

    1593 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mariachi Music The origins of the word "mariachi" are not very clear. One theory, that the word came from the French word for marriage has been totally discounted. Many historians believed that the word originated when a Frenchman named Maximillian was the emperor of Mexico. Evidence of the usage of the word dates back much earlier than the arrival of Europeans, so the word had to come from somewhere else. Another theory states that the origin came from the name of the wood used to make the

  • Mariachi Concert Critique

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    but there was also a Mariachi concert directed by Cynthia Reifler Flores. As I was walking towards the State Playhouse, I thought about how the music would be composed. The first thing that I expected was the music to have a quick, upbeat tempo, something that would be played at a festival or a party. I walked through the screen door and was given a pamphlet. In it contained detailed information about their programs, musicians, Flores’ biography, and the prodigious mariachi group. After waiting

  • Mariachi Research Paper

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mariachi is a type of folk music in Mexico. It is usually performed in an ensemble at weddings and other celebrations. Mariachi is generally composed of string instruments along with a few woodwinds. Mariachi originally was thought to come from the French word for marriage, but now linguists believe that it came from Spanish for a certain wood tree used as a dancing platform. Mariachi was formed during the late 1700s and was used as a way of communication and expression of Christian faith. It is

  • Mariachi Music Essay

    1946 Words  | 4 Pages

    research I will discuss the changes Mariachi music underwent in transition throughout generations and different places like Los Angeles. I will also introduce Mariachi’s origin and uniqueness to fully understand how it has become standardized through its many innovations of style and music. The Word Mariachi refers to a specific ensemble made up of violins, guitar, vihuelas, and guitarrón, often including a harp. Best scholarly opinion states that the word mariachi has native roots, and the popular

  • Mariachi Music Essay

    744 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mariachi music is one of the most recognizable music types and one commonly associated with stereotypical Mexican music and culture. Mariachi music is the type of music one can hear while sitting in a restaurant, church, or while taking a leisurely stroll along a city street. But, in reality there are many different types of music in the mariachi musical family, such as jarabe and doble paso. Both of these musical genres carry their own unique traditions and histories while also remaining closely

  • The Mariachi and Special Occasions

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mariachi is a lot more than just a band playing; it's a tradition that has been in Mexico for almost two centuries and is enriched with a huge history and deep meaning to for the Mexican culture. Mariachi music started in the nineteen century as a way for the common people of Mexico to find a way to express their ideas and feelings in which their ideas later become lyrics and their feelings become music. Mariachi music as we know it today results from the confluence of several different influences

  • Barbie In The Nutcracker

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    It’s an artistic medium in which the human body is used to express visually. There are many genres of dance, just like how there’s horror and romantic genres in music or film. Each dance genre can correspond to a period of time, gender, religion or musical tune. Within dance, we have multiple occupations and purposes. Everything and everyone experience different levels and a variety of dances; even our eyes “dance” as we read the words on the covers of magazines. There are many factors that determine

  • Mariachi Essay

    1249 Words  | 3 Pages

    The word “mariachi” doesn’t come from an exact reference. Some think it came from the Europeans, but that can’t be true because there is evidence that goes even farther back. Another theory says that the word Mariachi comes from the wood that makes up some instruments. There are many more terms and ideas on how the word Mariachi got started. Mariachi is used today as a way t describe a type of music and musicians that is very popular in the Mexican culture. Mariachi is traced all the way back to

  • Mariachi Influence

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mexico’s musical influence has affected individuals both domestically and all over the world. This influence received new inspiration during the Spanish conquest, when music was utilized as a tool to communicate the Christian religion. To this day, Mariachis playing the ranchera musical style have captivated audiences and help transform a nation through dance and cultural substance. Touching on subjects such as love, patriotism, and nature, the ranchera became a symbol of national consciousness. This

  • Mariachi Dancing

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mexicans have kept many of their ancestor’s traditions over the years. Recently many people have found that in Mexican music, there sounds which resembles sounds that where produced by the ancient Aztecs' drums. Mariachi is the main thing that people think of when they hear Mexican music. Mariachi is a folk style of music which is traditionally consisting of 5 musicians. They normally wear a "charro" suit. Folk songs are called corridors which will tell a story of the Mexican Revolution, pride, romance

  • Mariachi Music Thesis

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    Natividad Cano had a passion for mariachi music that drove his desire to change the stereotypical social relations associated with mariachi music. However, many traditionalists accused Cano for breaking away from traditional elements and commercializing mariachi music as a meaningless choreographed form that would appeal to western audiences (Shay, 2006, p. 77). I see the positive results of Cano’s strive to take mariachi music out of the stereotypical local cantinas and onto the stages of national

  • Summary: Mariachi Oro De Mi Tierra

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    I went and saw Mariachi Oro de Mi Tierra performed at the Herreras Salon and it was an amazing experience. The whole audience was just so cheerful, and everybody was having a great time. The Mariachi were dressed in black charro suits, and the instruments they had were violins, guitars, trumpets, vihuela, and guitarron. The whole atmosphere was just so lively, and everybody was dress in party attire. The music they played were dance, romantic, and sentimental songs, and the genres were either ranchera

  • Music Analysis: Mariachi Fuego Directed By Michael Espinoza

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mariachi Fuego directed by Michael Espinoza it’s a band of 18 members, but unfortunately, only 4 of them could perform that day. One of the members was playing the guitar, the other a trumpet, the other a vihuela, and the last one a violin. They all present themselves as UIC students, except for Michael who is a High School teacher at Benito Juarez and teaches Mariachi music. He mentions that schools are now offering Mariachi classes to everyone who wants to learn, something that schools didn’t

  • Yo Soy Joaquin Analysis

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    When one thinks of mariachi, he thinks of a classic band of men, playing guitars and wearing sombreros- and to a certain degree, this is true. However, there is much more behind this genre of music than the cliché, mustached men. In the epic poem, Yo Soy Joaquin, Rodolfo Corky Gonzales incorporates mariachi music due to its significance in Mexican culture, evoking of valued tradition, and conveyance of strong, soulful emotion. Mariachi has become the face of Mexican culture, and truly represents

  • Informative Speech On Lucyrean Culture

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    discussing it culture. II. When people think of Mexico they think of Mariachi, Mexican hat dance, and so on and those traditions originated from Guadalajara. Mariachi is a highly recognized symbol of Mexico and Guadalajara is the birthplace of Mariachi. In Guadalajara Mariachi music is vital to its culture, they have Mariachi at weddings, birthdays, baptisms, and even funerals. According to the Mariachi: Sound of Mexico, Mariachi is the emblematic sound of Mexico, which reaches into the hearts of

  • Mexican Music Research Paper

    1204 Words  | 3 Pages

    Those styles include Banda, Mariachi, Norteno, Ranchera, and Corrido, and the Son genres. It is hard to tell the majority of the time which genre came first. However, the Son genre was the first Mexican folk music that allowed Mariachi and Corrido to blossom. Mariachi then created the subgenre of ranchera and banda, which expanded the genre to incorporate different styles. Banda typically consists

  • A Look at Robert Rodriguez

    2392 Words  | 5 Pages

    for Pharmaco Research Hospital in Austin, TX. There, he would lay the foundation for his trilogy of movies. Robert Rodriguez is highly known for El Mariachi, Desperado, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and the Spy Kids movies. By looking at each of these movies separately, we can see how Robert Rodriguez developed as a director. From El Mariachi to Spy Kids, we are able to see that Rodriguez stays close to his roots by casting mostly Hispanic actors/actresses, and we can begin to understand why