Mahadev Desai Essays

  • Simple Life By M. K. Gandhi

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    In Chapter titled as Simple Life in his autobiography Gandhi writes; I once went to an English hair-cutter in Pretoria. He contemptuously refused to cut my hair. I certainly felt hurt, but immediately purchased a pair of clippers and cut my hair before the mirror. . . . The barber was not at fault in having refused to cut my hair. There was every chance of losing his custom, if he should serve black men. We do not allow our barbers to serve our untouchable brethren. (Here, Gandhi refers to customs

  • The village by the sea

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    two sisters before they go to school and also her mother who is sick of an unknown disease. Both Hari and Lila cannot go to school because the family does not have enough money to support all the children’s school fee. Despite the facts that Annita Desai describes the village of Thul as a mini paradise which lived there happy people, but apart from that she tries to focus at Hari and Lila’s hut. All the people and houses around their hut seem so colourful and joyful. However, Annita describes Hari

  • Women's Place in India

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    They are scared of our unity They are scared of our organisation They are scared of our emancipation Hence, they are trying to break us by creating barriers of religion, caste, ethnicity, and tradition. Break Silence. (Women's Rights song, Desai & Patel pg 86) Women have long been fighting for equal rights in every sphere of society. Those in the Western world have been luckier, they can go to school, vote, and work, whereas there are still Women in developing countries which cannot.

  • Designing a Computer Based System for an Accountant

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    Designing a Computer Based System for an Accountant Ashok Lakhani and Sarjit Desai run a business consultancy firm. They do simple accounts like payroll, tax, national insurance, VAT returns and Tax rebates. They use a manual paper based system to keep records of their accounts. They use a pen, paper and calculator to analyse their accounts. I recommend that they use a few stand-alone computers to make their accounting easier and quicker. (b) Types of processing activity o Calculatingcould

  • Comparing Tension and Conflict in Things Fall Apart and Clear Light of Day

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    uneasiness. In both novels, the backdrop and the story are engrossed in a struggle between two worlds, the new and the old fighting out its battles in the characters portrayed within.   Achebe makes his stand in eastern Nigeria while Desai illustrates her point in Old Delhi. In the first part of "Things Fall Apart", Achebe, portrays a traditional African culture, but one on the verge of change.   Early in the novel you can see change is already taking place.  " the

  • Heroes and Heroism in Anita Desai's Clear Light of Day

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    and needs Bakul to force her to "be strong" and "execute her will" (17).  Bim, however, has entertained ideals, had them crushed, and finally come to terms with her disillusionment.  Bim is the heroine in Clear Light of Day. Work Cited Desai, Anita.  Clear Light of Day.  Great Britain: Penguin Books, 1980. Professor's Comments: Although your conclusion on Bim-as-heroine could use development--this is a fine and full exploration of the issue from your own angle.  Good use of

  • Comparing Freedom at Midnight and Clear Light of Day

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    the natives of India, the aborigines of Australia, the Canadians and Africans, endured the iron hand of British rule for centuries. Using the novels, Freedom at Midnight by Dorninique Lapierre and Larry Collins, and Clear Light of Day by Anita Desai, I explore the relationship between the British colonizers and the Indian people, and the relationship between Bakul, an Indian diplomat, and Tara, his innocent wife. The relationships between the two countries and the married couple represent a

  • Clash between Traditional Indian Values and Globalization

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    The Inheritance of Loss by Indian author Kiran Desai and Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies Kiran Desai (Desai) and Jhumpa Lahiri (Lahiri) are of Indian descent. However, they have lived much of their lives away from the Indian sub-continent. One might be tempted to think that their novel

  • Colonialism In Kiran Desai's 'The Inheritance Of Loss'

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    an intelligent writer and careful observer of human behaviour, Kiran Desai fulfills the responsibility o... ... middle of paper ... ... inner self, of emotional immediacy and wholeness. This fractured state of existence, though experienced by all individuals, is particularly acute in the case of uprooted cosmopolitans, migrants and writers who challenge the bounds of national identities. (Sherry Simon 1996). Hence , Desai here challenges the dominance of the West and makes a dig at the so-called

  • The Phases of India's Political Party

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    Much has been said about India’s party politics. It has travelled though many phases. It has been characterised differently at different points of time e.g. One Party Dominant System, competition between national and regional parties, a clear fight between two broad alliances and a recurrent appearance of third front etc. This third front business usually represents the regional parties (though some of them claim to be national parties) and an uncanny opportunism disguised as regional aspirations

  • Diasporic Consciousness: A Comparative Study of Jhumpa Lahiri and Kiran Desai

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    world and about human beings. It enlarges their consciousness about things which they would never have understood if born and raised in one place. It enables them to speak concretely on a subject of universal significance and appeal. Works Cited Desai, Kiran. The Inheritance of Loss. New Delhi: Penguin, 2006. Lahiri, Jhumpa. The Namesake. NewDelhi: HarperCollins, 2003. ---, Rushdie, Salman. Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism London : Granta, 1991.

  • The Clear Light Of Day By Anita Desai Analysis

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    Anita Desai (1937) is a modern Indo-English writer, she is famous for her fiction writing, not only in India but also around the world. She emerged on the literary horizon after the independence of India and her main focus is, her writing on the ‘contemporary issues’ (Batts, 2011, pg.3). Desai mostly writes about the miserable plight of women suffering under their insensitive and inconsiderate husbands, fathers and brothers. All of which, leads to a man-woman relationship bringing characters into

  • Summary Of Ask Me No Questions By Marina Budhos

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    Ask me no Questions, by Marina Budhos, is a precarious story of an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh and her sister. Nadira is a nice and compassionate person who has a very strong bond with her family. Nadira and sister Aisha have been placed into a very precarious situation in which both their parents are absent in their lives. Their father was placed in an immigration detention facility due to an expired visa and their mom is in hiding at a local church. Both sisters must work together to save

  • KiranDesai’s The Inheritance of Loss: A Saga of Human Relations

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    pattern of human relations. This, also, shows how human relations, even as influenced by love, longing and crosscultural contacts, are competently handled in a humane manner articulating diasporic experiences of nostalgia and in-betweeness. Kiran Desai, as the youngest woman to receive the coveted Man Booker Prize, was born in Chandigarh, India on September 3, 1971. Spending her early years in Pune and Mumbai, she had her first education in the Cathedral and John Connon School. After some years

  • How Judge Jemubhai Patel Takes His Self-Loathing Out on his Family

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    cancel out one humiliation, she had only succeeded in adding another. Jemu picked up the package, fled to the deck, and threw it overboard. Didn’t his mother think of the inappropriateness of her gesture? (Desai 43) This is the first time the judge experiences shame of his Indian heritage. Desai goes on to illustrate the intense self-loathing, and loathing of his Indian heritage that would plague the judge throughout the rest of the novel. The judge views this gesture from his mother as thoroughly

  • Loss Of Innocence Essay

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    Loss of Innocence Personal Response Tennyson’s poem, Ulysses, is about a man who changed from his experience at sea, and was never the same when he returned to his home, Ithaca. Likewise, I have changed from my experiences in a society that is very different from my own. Gender discrimination is a major social problem that exists all over the world, especially in third world countries. It is very common for girls to be strangled, abused, and mistreated in India. Orphanages provide these girls with

  • Loss In Gwilan's Harp 'And O'

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    Loss: A Compelling Theme In this life on earth, man suffers as a result of the Fall. He must endure troubles and hardships. In order to illustrate this reality, every story should include a conflict that the main character faces. Often, an author can construct an effective conflict by exploring the theme of loss in his story. This theme, in particular, induces the reader to connect with the character, since everyone has experienced at least some form of loss in his life. By incorporating an underlying

  • Overview: Amachya Ayushyatil Kahi Athawani by Ramabai Ranade

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    by Kusumvati Deshpande. Although she does speak a little about her childhood, a major portion of her autobiography deals with the life which began at the age of eleven when she got married to the well known scholar, jurist and social reformer Mahadev Govind Ranade. She was born on January 25, 1862 in the family of Kurlekars of the village Deorashtra in the district of Satara. It was a well-known aristocratic family. Her mother was the daughter of Raghupantbhau Karmarkar, physician to the chief

  • Indian writing in English

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    writing in English had finally arrived in 1930’s after a marginal existence for over a century. Mahatma Gandhi: Though Gandhi used his mother tongue, Gujarati, to write his famous autobiography, later translated into English by his secretary Mahadev Desai under the title The Story of My Experiments with Truth (1929), he used Hindi and English with masterly skill and use. As he lived through a eventful life among his people, who were attempting to liberate themselves from moral decadence, economic

  • Sattyagraha Relevant Today

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    HISTORY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT PRADNYA CHHORIYA WORD COUNT: DATE: To what extent Gandhian mode of protest Satyagraha relevant in today’s context? CONTENTS 1. Plan of investigation. 2. Summary of evidence. a. Ideologies of Gandhiji (about Satyagraha) 2.2 Significance and non-significance of it today 2.3Examples 2.4 Where all Satyagraha is not successful? 2.5 How it maintains peace today? 3. Evaluation of sources. 4. Analysis. 5. Conclusion. To what extent Gandhian mode of protest