Luminous efficacy Essays

  • A Modest Proposal

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    Rising awareness giving boost to LED retail market in India In a competitive age of retail, more and more chains are switching to LED lights across the country due to low maintenance, environment factor and light quality. There has been an increased awareness regarding the benefits of LED technology in India which has also given a boost to particularly, the LED retail market in the country. Consumers are now conscious about energy efficient lighting solutions and understand how LEDs are better

  • Essay On Hybrid Team Culture

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    The journal article is titled “Creating Hybrid Team Cultures: An Empirical Test of Transnational Team Functioning” authored by, P. Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski from Indiana and Purdue University respectively. The journal provides information on a study that was carried out to measure the impact of heterogeneity and performance of an international organization. The journal tests the relationship between heterogeneity of a team specifically on the issues of cultural differences and the

  • Consciousness and the Placebo Effect

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    Consciousness and the Placebo Effect In controlled studies, experimenters use placebos as medium to compare the efficacy of a drug. Double-blind controlled studies provide information on whether a drug is effective or if it is not better than placebo. The results of double-blind studies usually depict the latter. Rarely are drugs found to be significantly more effective than placebo because of the placebo effect. The phenomenal effectiveness of the placebo in controlled experiments is mind boggling

  • The Importance Of Human Services Administration

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    albeit negative or positive, the productivity of an organization falls upon not only staff members, but leadership as well. The comfort, care, and consideration of staff is of high importance in order for an organization to thrive successfully. Efficacy in Human Services Administration is defined through one’s ability to demonstrate validity, accuracy, and a clear effective outcome in tasks as a leader. Effective managers do exactly what one said he or she would do. Research by Ralph Brody and Murali

  • Civic Engagement: Voting, TV, and Efficacy

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    Voting, TV, and Efficacy Abstract Well known is the fact that active participation in America has gone down. Voting, especially, has been affected. Literature and statistics on voting behavior have demonstrated these shocking results. But lack of voting is simply the beginning, several factors affect civic engagement among those are the negative perceptions of politics received through televised media. This study found that several factors of significance with respect to efficacy, amount of

  • Effective Law Enforcement

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    confronted when considering organizational effectiveness are the definition, measurement, and determinants of effectiveness. The characteristics of an effective organization is going to be multifaceted being that a sole viewpoint will not encompass the efficacy of any organization. Thibodeaux and Favilla (1996) define and characterize organizational effectiveness as the extent to which

  • Implied Terms

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    the parties, and may be derived from Custom/Usage, Court, or Statute. Custom terms are referenced to conventions or usages in a particular industry or trade. Court terms are adopted when an oversight of the parties occur, in order to give ‘business efficacy’ to the contract based on prior or past dealings. Statute terms are referred to the various states, territories and Commonwealth Trade Practices Act when the contract is formed. When a sale of goods involving consumer and corporations, Trade Practices

  • Cigarette Smoking: Studies on Nicotine Dependence, Quitting Smoking and Related Effects

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    Smoking The first article for review is titled Self-efficacy, Health Locus of Control, and Smoking. This article studies how the participants confidence levels and health locus prior to entering treatment predicts results of the quitting program. The program is called "Fresh Start" and was conducted in Victoria, Australia. It consisted of three groups: (A) those who made an attempt (Stop for one day), (B) those who met criteria in A, and did not smoke for duration of program, (C) those who abstained

  • Motivational Strategy Guidelines Based On Self-Efficacy

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    Purpose of this paper The purpose of this paper is three-fold: First, to examine briefly Social Cognitive Theory’s view on the contribution of self-efficacy to learning and motivation; Then, to offer some guidelines for motivational strategies reflecting self-efficacy concepts that have been supported by research; Finally, to provide some possible ways to implement these guidelines in a mathematics class. Introduction Within us all is a desire to achieve. The need exists to show, to ourselves

  • Performance Management System

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    1994). Thus, knowledge of developing and implementing an effective PM system plays an essential role in achieving competitive advantage. Using the table provided in Case Study 1-1 (Aguinis, 2009, pp. 24-25), this paper analyzes the content and efficacy of the PM system being used by Aeternus Life Insurance Corporation (renamed to comply with confidentiality agreements) to develop its people. An effective analysis of a PM system begins by comparing the characteristics of the actual system with those

  • Eastern and Western Medicine

    4233 Words  | 9 Pages

    Medicine The complex structure and foreign nature of Tibetan medicine makes it difficult to relate its practices to Western medicine, making it difficult to determine the clinical efficacy of Eastern medical practice. Several clinical analysis studies have recently been performed in order to determine the efficacy of the “holistic” practices of Eastern cultures. Whether the studies show Eastern or Western practices to be more effective, I believe that the most effective treatment should be a combination

  • Social Work Case Study Answers

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    Case Scenario When I started working as a personal support worker in a retirement home, I got an opportunity to work for the day shifts continuously for few days and I observed that one of the resident was given prunes along with her breakfast every single day. I wondered why Ms. X was given this every day and so I decided to ask the RN about this. The next day, when the RN came in for work, I went in and asked her my doubt and her answer surprised me. she told me that the resident is suffering with

  • The Concept of Self-Efficacy

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    The Concept of Self-Efficacy Self-efficacy, for the purpose of this study, may be defined as a person’s optimistic self-belief. This is the belief that a person can develop the skills to perform new or difficult tasks to cope with changes in health and functioning. When a person perceives self-efficacy, it will facilitate goal-setting, effort, investment, persistence, overcoming obstacles and recovery from disappointments and failures. It can be regarded as a positive outlook or proactive way

  • Remembering the Radium Girls

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    today leading to death from radiation poisoning occur from human error or faults in equipment, the incident involving the now named "radium girls" transpired from lack of public awareness and safety laws. (introduce topics of the paper) The Radium Luminous Material Corporation was founded in 1914 (renamed in 1921 to the United States Radium Corporation) by Dr. Sabin Arnold von Sochocky and Dr. George S. Willis becoming the first U.S. company to produce radioluminescent paint. The paint used by this

  • A Change of Perspective

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    pressure from socie... ... middle of paper ... ...t people choose to do as “groups, organizations, and even nations” as their strength “lies partly in people’s sense of efficacy that they can solve their problems and improve their lives through concerted effort.”2 However, collective efficacy still originates from self-efficacy, which is rooted in the individual. The very belief that a single person possesses the ability to change not only a group of people astonishes me. Yet, from this concept

  • Coaching Efficacy Theory

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    How coaching efficacy affects the Athlete The theory of coaching efficacy was advanced by Feltz and colleagues, who used Bandura’s (1986, 1997) theory of self-efficacy as their guiding basis, and clear coaching efficacy as the amount to which coaches trust that they have the ability to effect the learning and performance of their athletes (Feltz, Chase, Moritz, & Sullivan, 1999). Coaching efficacy can be defined as multidimensional in nature, containing of four dimensions: motivation, game plan

  • Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Career Development

    1965 Words  | 4 Pages

    Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Career Development Strategic interventions are required to keep young people who are disadvantaged because of poverty, cultural obstacles, or linguistic barriers from dropping out of school. Recent studies showing a relationship between a student's belief structure and behavior suggest that self-efficacy beliefs may be an important focus for intervention. This ERIC Digest discusses ways in which self-efficacy beliefs are influenced by various internal, external,

  • Parallel Process Model

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    The Extended Parallel Process Model A Review of the Literature What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of fear? Is it that rush of adrenaline, which swells your veins? Is it that feeling of your heart beating uncontrollably? That fear of uncertainty? Or, is it that moment when you are scared beyond belief and feel nothing but helpless? Whatever it may be, there are certainly ways to deal with and overcome fear. Fear can come in many different shapes and forms, but as the 21st

  • Improving Parent Involvement-Based Model

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    parental involvement based model proposed by Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler. The Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler model focused on the construct of parental motivation for involvement. It included: (1) active role construction for involvement and positive self efficacy, (2) perception of invitations for involvement from the school, teacher, and child, and (3) important elements of the parents’ life, overall, which facilitated or prevented involvement (p. 106). The authors reviewed literature that provided insight

  • Theories Of Motivation In The Workplace

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    will promote financial stability within an organization while fostering cohesiveness amongst coworkers. Herein this discussion, motivation in the workplace will be summarized with additional research related to the goal-setting theory and the self-efficacy theory. Motivation in the Workplace Within an organization, teams are developed in order to achieve a common goal. Multiple factors contribute to the success of a team, including context, team composition, work design, and team processes