Loyola University New Orleans Essays

  • The Life of Saint Ignatius

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    Saint Ignatius’s life was from 1491-1556. He was born to Beltran de Onaz Loyola and Dona Marina Sanchez de Licona they were married in 1467. Ingnatuis father died when he was sixteen years of age, and there was no record of his mother’s birth or death. It is not known if Saint Ignatius ever saw or knew his mother. The reason for that belief was because he was nursed by a common woman who lived in one of the villages and her name was Maria Garin. His grandfather, Don Juan Perez de Onaz, was married

  • The Banana Kings Legacy

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    Back in the day, the United Fruit Company was a very big deal, especially in New Orleans. A man named Zemurray, in particular, greatly impacted New Orleans. Rich Cohen became obsessed with Zemurray and wrote a book, The Fish That Ate The Whale:The Life and Times of America’s Banana King, giving a complete explanation on all the good, and also the very worst Zemurray did. Sam Zemurray and his family made very large contributions to Tulane, started many foundations in his name, and also had a garden

  • Non Custodial Parent Case Study

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    the balance; focusing on the State balance $25, 683.38, which is a result of the court order issued in New Orleans, Louisiana; lived there in 1997. He stated the order states that he should pay $254.00 a month in child support for the advancement of his son. He stated during that time he was employed as an assistant professor of Psychology at Southern University and Loyola University in New Orleans. He stated because of some mental incapacities he could no longer work as an assistant professor beginning

  • Sybil Haydel Morial Research Paper

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    Most people wait for others to help cause change for their communities not many people are like Sybil Haydel Morial, a New Orleans native who decide that she shall not wait for someone else to decide to take a stand. Just like Martin Luther King Jr, she had a vision for change and for all people to have the same experiences, not separate but equal. Even though her family was middle class, she still experience oppression because even though her family was well accomplished and had status, the world

  • The Yellow Wallpaper Gilman

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    woman question ' has hardly been asked, much less answered. We have had the struggle for rights, and all this uproar about sex, but hardly any study of the biological and sociological effects of the aborted development of half the race” (Loyola University New Orleans n.pag.). Charlotte Perkins Gilman accused the government of delaying the intellectual advancement of women, and preventing them from being heard on the same platform as men were. Throughout her short story, Gilman placed satirical comments

  • Application For Permanent Resident Visa

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    achievements in the energy industry including benchmarking, cost estimation and cost assurance. Mr. Kusuma graduated from University of Trisakti in Jakarta, Indonesia with a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering and Dipl. Ing. in Construction Management from Hanzehogeschool in Netherlands. He is currently also taking a professional Master of Science in Project Management from Walden University, Minneapolis. Apart from his excellent professional career, Mr. Kusuma has also been a strong contributor to five

  • Moving Beauty: 50 Years Of Ebony Fashion Fair

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    For around an expansive segment of a century, starting in the late '50s, a Greyhound transport overflowing with African-American models smoldered through four months consistently going to the United States, its cargo hold stacked down with countless of planner articles of clothing. Each day, the vehicle stopped in another city—from Hamden, Connecticut, to Itta Bena, Mississippi—and the models, joined by a jazz band that ran with them, put on a mind boggling style show for an, as it were, African-American

  • The Lasting Effects of First Impressions

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    A first impression is a lasting impression. When judging someone based on their looks or first impression, many times personality can change someone’s opinion. People judge automatically, within the first three seconds of a new encounter, even if it is just a glance. People review your visual and behavioral appearance from head to toe. They observe your demeanor, appearance, body language and even assess your grooming and accessories—purse, watch, clothing. Once the first impression is made it is

  • My Life With The Saints Summary

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    written by James Martin, SJ. It features the lives of some of Martin's favorite Catholic saints and holy men/women. The book was published March 1st 2006 by Loyola Press. II. About the Author The author of “My Life with the Saints,” James Martin, was born in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania on December 29, 1960. Martin graduated from University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business as part of the graduating class of 1982. While there, he earned a Bachelor's of Science in Economics. Martin earned

  • Use of Technology in Police Departments

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    different issues and encounters officers may face. Technology is used to improve the day-to-day operations, decrease operation cost and increase strategic planning and tactical approaches. Technology has opened new encounters and opportunities for the criminal justice system. There are so many new practices of criminal activity, such as computer crimes. There are different types of computer crimes that many people become victims of every day. Computer crime is any crime that involves a computer and a

  • Why the 19th Century Was a Turning Point for Women

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    had to do with things happening around them such as the economy as well as wartime, but some believe it had something to do with the actions of women themselves. They were ready to become independent and break out of the social norms. (Loyola University New Orleans, 2009) As looking deep into the literature of the time it is evident the difference between male and females descriptions and reactions to this turning point in history. Stephen Crane’s Maggie: A Girl of the Streets proclaims a mans view

  • The Importance Of Forensic Science

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    Forensics: How does it Matter? Measure the Splatter! Crime today seems as if it keeps getting worse and worse, but without forensic science would we have been able to figure out some of the main details in some cases? Forensic science is any science used to help solve a case/mystery, which is very vital when it comes to criminal investigation research. While researching my project I discovered all the many tasks and difficulties that come with forensics. Forensic science includes all types of

  • Woman Suffrage and the 19th Amendment

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    (NWSA) and helping to secure voting rights by her historic court case, the Trials of Susan B. Anthony. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an important women’s rights activist that helped plan the first organized women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York and wrote the Declaration of Sentiments. Lucretia Mott worked along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton to plan the first women’s rights convention and wrote the, “Discourse on Women”. Lucy Stone formed the American Women’s Suffrage Association (AWSA)

  • The Impact Of The Gibson Girl On American Culture

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    "Wear a blank expression/and a monumental curl/And walk with a bend in your back/Then they will call you a Gibson Girl."(Camille Clifford) In each turn of the century, there is a fashionable icon and role model for girls to follow. Some were real people like celebrities and models; for example, in the 1950s, the known fashionable icon is Audrey Hepburn. Then in the 1960s, barbie became a cultural icon. While in the late 19th century, the cultural icon was a drawing of a girl, a vision created by

  • Dating in the Workplace

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    flexible over issue,” Orange County Register, pg. h.01. Arnett, E. (1998). “OFFICE ROMANCES BLOOMING; RULES BEING REVISED AS TRENDS SHOW RISE IN WORKPLACE DATING,” Daily News, pg N. 20. Minarcek, A. (2004). “Survey says interoffice romances increasingly accepted by co- workers, bosses,” Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, pg. 1. Roeper, R. (2005). “Nothing is as inevitable, or tricky, as workplace dating,” Chicago Sun- Times, pg. 11.

  • Buzzing Insects: American Paparazzi

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    The American paparazzi have been described by celebrities and the news media as scum-of-the-Earth—mean, intrusive scavengers who feast upon other people’s misery (Saltzman par. 4). Imagine taking a walk with your children in a secluded hiking trail. You are trying to enjoy the peace and serenity that the beautiful day brings, but, as fate has it, you are a celebrity. Along with your fame come fans constantly asking for your autograph, people gazing and staring at you, and ultimately causing a scene

  • Persuasive Essay: The Case Of Cyber-Bullying

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    Cyber-Bullying. 2:00am I woke to the sound of my phone. It must of been important perhaps family member dying; No it was thugs crank calling. 6 o’clock in the morning My voicemail was full of meticulously specific instructions on how I should kill myself, “Mix 1/2 cup of bleach with 1/2 a cup of ammonia.” I wanted to reach out for a friend so I turned on social media only to find a MySpace page with hundreds of likes devoted to a page titled “Andrew R. Anderson should die.” They fraudulently

  • Potential Causes Of The Salem Witch Trials

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    Colonial New England. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1987. Print. Karson, Anastasia. Revenge in the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria: The Putnam Family and George Burroughs. Loyola University New Orleans, 1998. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. Kramer, Heinrich and Jacop Sprenger. “Malleus Maleficarum.” Malleusmaleficarum.org, 2002. PDF file. K-Z, Anna. Ergot Theory Could Clear Accused Witches. University of Chicago, 2012. Web. 6 Dec. 2013 Linder, Douglas O. The Witchcraft Trials in Salem: A Commentary. University of Missouri-Kansas