Living Stream Ministry Essays

  • Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall

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    The faded voices of choir singers are muffled by a roaring explosion. The sounds from the crumbling building spread down the block. Worn-down bricks, knocked out from underneath each another. Shards of colored glass, shot into the air. Chucks of wood and rubbish litter the sidewalk. Thick smoke and fearful screams saturate the air. A mother’s worse nightmare. In the poem “Ballad of Birmingham” by Dudley Randall, a mother attempted to protect her daughter by sending her to church. However, in the

  • The Importance Of Relationships In The Relationship

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    Relationships are formed when one individual finds a connection with another individual and as a result of that connection; the individuals share conversation, time and their presence with each other. Usually, as long as the both parties in the relationship give each other the substance they require, the relationship will remain strong and last a long time. The problem occurs when one or both members of the relationship cease to fulfill the requirements needed for the relationship to maintain.

  • Analysis of a Local Church's Missions Program

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    The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, analyze and study missions as conducted by my church. Second, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. And lastly, make suggestions of how my church can improve to fully carry out the Great Commission. The local church of which I chose to study the missions program is Fellowship Bible Church (FBC) of Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is the church I have attended all my life. Hence I have seen the involvement and at times the lack of involvement in missions that

  • Water Pollution In Vietnam Essay

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    and economically. How Water Pollution arose The issue of water pollution in the Mekong River arose predominately due to two factors: poor industrial wastewater management and the lack of civic awareness. According to the figures released by the Ministry of Health (MoH), it appears that merely 45% of Vietnam’s rural residents have access to clean water in line with the (MoH)’s standards, which significantly minute in light of other Asian countries. Many domestic and industrial facilities use water

  • My Spiritual Life

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    There’s a lot that I have to be thankful to God for this month, just for all the ways he’s been speaking to me through messages, ministry and recent events. I think that my relationship with God has taken on a new, different dimension since the prayer retreats and talks at the end of last month. God seems even more real and the way that I can pray and relate with him now seems more “relational and personal.” In general I’ve been able to identity as spiritual thirst this nagging feeling that I’ve

  • At-Risk Students and The BC Curriculum

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    student who is interested in a career in a more hands-on occupation. But for students at-risk for drop out, these attributes serve to exclude and marginalize them. This is the opposite effect of the intended policy of inclusion. According to the Ministry of Education website, the purpose of the policy of inclusion is to address a wider variety of diversity needs. Diversity refers to the ways in which we differ from each other. Some of these differences may be visib... ... middle of paper ...

  • Televangelism In Religion

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    viewers donations were really going. It was found that “25% of the viewers of religious programs reported giving money to the electronic church, nearly one-third earned a salary of less than $15,000 a year” (Abelman, 1988, 261) It is apparent that living on $15,000 a year is well below an income that is able to afford the luxuries of donating money to organizations. These allegations report that these churches were taking money from people who did not have the money. Abelman was not the only person

  • A Comparison Of 1984 And George Orwell's 1984

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    introduces Winston Smith, who is thirty nine years old and lives in an apartment building that smells of “boiled cabbage” in London. Winston works as an administrator in the records department of the Ministry of Truth, which spreads public falsehoods by rewriting historical documents to what the ministry approves. The beginning chapters contain the political realities of Oceanic future society: the Police Patrol surveil citizens through their windows along with the Thought Police, who contain insidious

  • A Passion for Art and Coffee

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    Jazz music and aromas of vanilla and espresso bean pervade the air half a block before I reach the entrance of the shop. Creamy white trim outlines large, glass window panes beyond which one can glimpse into the interior of the Midnight Rooster. Framed photographs, some color depictions African tribal members and others in black and white of derelict shacks and barns, adorn the gently-hued walls. Overstuffed armchairs and a black leather couch encompass a coffee table laden with New Yorker

  • Indian Tribal Culture

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    Their investigation concluded that ‘a change in the company‘s behavior’ was ‘essential’. The battle fought by the Dongria Kondh has attracted international attention and support. Their first success was finally achieved in 2010, when the Indian Ministry of the Environment halted the planned bauxite mining in the Niyamgiri Mountains. In a Palli Sabha, a village meeting, all adults from a total of twelve affected communities are to decide themselves whether Vedanta may mine bauxite in the Niyamgiri

  • Freedom And Freedom In 1984

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    blindly follows the party, and like diseases, an idea can spread rapidly and rampantly. The best way to prevent a pandemic is to prevent the disease, as the Inner Party would see it, from taking root in the minds of its people. It is easy for people living in the western hemisphere in the twenty first century to forget how new the ideas of freedom of speech and thought truly are. Many countries continue to oppress their citizens today. In the past few days a man in Saudi Arabia, Raif Badawi, was sentenced

  • Jesus Vs. Mohammed

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    men have touched more lives. They founded two related yet separate religions that today have seem to become the main stream of society around the world. In the year, “0” B.C. near the town of Bethlehem Jesus was born. Almost 600 years later in the town of Mecca the Prophet Mohammed was born. These two events changed the course of history for all humankind. Jesus’ life was ministry and death. Much of the early life of Jesus Christ is a mystery. The preponderance of information on or about his life

  • Women In The Music Ministry

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    greatest producers and musicians I know are women. But the process has to start with a solid foundation and that is the church. In the early days, women’s roles in the church music ministry were to play the piano, sing on the choir and be the choir directress. It was rare when

  • The Gospel In South Africa

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    peoples spiritual needs. The group of people he travelled with to Africa would need his ministry. The first few months on the eastern border of the Cape Coloney, which had been allocated for thes settelers brought bitter disillusionment, that stood in stark contrast to their high hopes of coming to South Africa. The land given them by the British government of the Cape was unsuitable for agriculture, and their living conditions were appalling. The unnamed man who escorted the groups to their territory

  • Canadian Primary Health Care

    3417 Words  | 7 Pages

    Primary health care is the essential step to the Canadian health system. It is often associated with other specialized health care sectors, and community services. Many patients visit various services under primary health care such as family doctors' offices, mental health facilities, nurse practitioners' offices; they make phone calls to health information lines, for example, Tele-health; and receive suggestions from physicians and pharmacists (First Ministers; meeting on healthcare, n.d.). This

  • Peace In Judaism

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    therefore observing Halacha laws which include include keeping a kosher home (one that follows Jewish dietary laws), praying at regular intervals in the day and ensuring observance of rituals (Shabbat) these laws are strictly adhered to in Orthodox streams but differ across variants as demonstrated in the Talmud passage the importance of justness “The fruit of Righteousness is peace” Isaiah 33:17. When an adherent attains the ability to live a righteous and just life which is pleasing to God as seen

  • George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984

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    The novel, 1984, composed by George Orwell, presents a frightening picture, where one government has complete control of the general population. The story takes place in London, England. The government that is made in the novel is controlled by Big Brother. In 1984, the protagonist, Winston, really despises the totalitarian government, that tries to control all aspects of his life. So many freedoms that we all need to live a happy and healthy life are being stripped away from the citizens of Oceania

  • Soul Of Baptism : The Soul Baptist

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    early Baptists preferred to be baptized in “living waters,” that is, water that flows in a river or stream as opposed to water in a pond or baptistery.” It states relationship baptism and water. In other word, Baptism is sinking body fully into water. It is just not spay water with hand but sink body fully into water. It is a fact of Baptism. Nowadays, most Presbyterian church use to spray water with hand in their Baptism. However, Baptist considers to living waters. According to Sproul, “That’s why

  • Willpower In Biblical Marriage

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    person’s given faith or religion because human nature is curious about the unknown questions regarding the universe or supernatural. If no one decides to evaluate why or how things come to be then it could lead to blindly the following anything and living a life of doubt and uncertainty. Proverbs 14:15 (NLT) quotes, “Only simpletons believe everything they’re told! The prudent carefully consider their steps.” This scripture is one of many that accurately describe why Christians should have critical

  • Homosexuality and the Christian Church

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    the straight world, and the church is the last place they should find this opposition – to an extent. However we as Christians have to draw the line somewh... ... middle of paper ... ... is attending church, intending to become a member, still living in his or her sin and not changing their ways. This is evident that they are continuing to defile themselves by making a mockery of God’s laws, and have no right to be a member of the church family that is striving to obey its creator, and should