Legal Services Commission Essays

  • Importance Of Legal Aid

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    Legal aid Legal aid is responsible for providing legal services in the United Kingdom. Legal aid as the name implies can simply be defined as a non-profitable legal body for the provision of legal services to those that cannot afford legal representation in court. Legal aid was introduced to the United Kingdom after the Second World War to provide services of lawyers to people who could not afford it in the state. The legal aid is controlled by the (LSC) LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION and it helps over

  • Public Interest Law

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    interest would wane after my first year of community service. On the contrary, the realization of the power which a lawyer possesses has reinforced my desire to enter this arena. An advocate's work can have far reaching consequences. This is clearly true in public interest law, where the purpose is not simply to correct a wrong done in the past between two parties, but to alter the disparate treatment of an often under-represented class. Community service is something that I have always engaged. In college

  • The Young Offenders Act

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    on the outcome of the trials. In the interest of society the young offenders act was brought forth on april second 1984. This act was created to ensure the rights and the needs of a young person. Alan W. Leshied says "On one hand the justice and legal objectives of the act are being effectively realized while on the other hand the needs and treatment aspects of it leave much to be desired." The research of the Young offenders act is still ongoing but Leshied says that it is becoming clear that the

  • Aboriginal Legal Service Essay

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    The Aboriginal Legal service in Queensland was originally formed in 1972. This was largely due to the commitment for justice of various community members and the passion that they had for the laws to be equal for Aboriginals. On September 18th of 1974 the organisation became incorporated as a company due to its success in its early stages calling itself the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Torres Strait Islanders ablished it was established in every State and Territory to provide culturally

  • Legal Essay

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    The New South Wales Criminal trial and sentencing process is adequate in balancing the rights of the victims, offenders and society however like any legal system is does have its faults. The options in the trial and sentencing process are stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Act 1986, the Crimes (Sentencing Legislation) Amendment (Intensive Correction Orders) Act 2010 and the Crimes (sentencing procedure) Act 1999 which features the use of charge negotiation, rehabilitation, mitigating factors and

  • Essay On European Union

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    Although the European Union consists of a large variety of institutions, the most important institution is the European Commission. Established in 1958 and based in Luxemburg and Brussels, this hybrid institution (executive and bureaucratic) “epitomizes supranationalism and lies at the center of the EU political system” (Dinan, 2010, p. 171). It has a substantial bulk of responsibilities and carries out these responsibilities with a vast number of constituents, acting as the executive for the EU

  • History Of Bobbies

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    1. Bobbies - The term bobbies is defined by the Criminal Justice Today textbook as the popular British name given to members of Sir Robert (Bob) Peel 's Metropolitan Police Service" (Schmalleger 139). A bobby is also known as a constable, which is an official of a Municipal Corporation whose primary duties are to protect and preserve the peace of the community. Additionally, London 's bobbies were organized around two principles, which are; the belief that it was possible to discourage crime, and

  • Explain The Role Of Legislation In Health And Social Care

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    a nation, state or country. In the United Kingdom, legislations (laws) are made by passing of bills through parliament i.e. House of Commons and the House of Lords. Legislations and policies are there to provide and promote safety, fair access to services to improve the quality of care. (Vocabulary.2015.) UNDERSTAND THE IMPACT OF POLICY, LEGISLATION, REGULATION, CODES OF PRACTICE AND STANDARDS ON ORGANISATION POLICY AND PRACTICE. 2.1 Explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations

  • Uk National Health System Essay

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    get the services as they need, which increases the risk of harm. In addition, the healthcare providers may miss opportunities that will help better the patients, meaning that the taxpayer’s money is not put into use effectively (Grosios, Gaham & Burbidge, 2010). In 2010, UK government outlined its plan to reform the NHS in white paper Act 2010 “Equity and Excellence: Liberating NHS.” This legislation emphasized that the primary purpose of NHS is to enhance the outcomes of healthcare services for all

  • Hospital Emergency Preparedness

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    disease as well as injuries (Heide). Hospital preparedness has become a focus of local, state, and federal governments seeking to address emergencies or disasters that affect the public health. Integral to hospital emergency preparedness are numerous legal challenges the healthcare industry faces during a declared state of emergency (Hodge et al). Laws at all levels of government define what constitutes a state of emergency, disaster, or public health emergency. They authorize emergency actions on

  • Should The Government Regulate The Internet?

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    The internet is a network of computers linked by internet service providers that links edge providers to the end users (Friedlander 908). Throughout its lifetime, the regulatory aspects concerning the control and transportation of the data has been heavily debated. To some, the internet should remain in its current state being an open and equal internet, better known as net neutrality. However, others argue that internet regulations can be revised to be more efficient. This idea introduces the issue

  • Job Discrimination

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    options? Would such a policy be legal? If so, under what terms and what might the restrictions be? From a Great Commission perspective, would this policy be advisable? Perhaps the intent of hiring professing, evangelical Christians to work in the facility may not be only to create a peaceful and religious work environment, but it can also be instrumental in weeding out the so-called “bad apples” that ... ... middle of paper ... ...of the world ("Great Commission," ). If Matthew is starting-up

  • Consumer Protection Essay

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    Discuss the legal protection offered to consumers in Australia highlighting the recent amendments to the laws and how these reforms might be extended. Consumer protection is an essential and extensive system of laws intended to safeguard the rights of consumers and encourage fair trade and honest information in the marketplace . Consumer protection encompasses three key areas, known as unfair trading practices, losses or damage and finally, unsafe products. Protection from unfair trading practices

  • Age Discrimination Act 2004 Essay

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    and if the issue is not resolved you can take the issue to the Federal Court of Australia. 3. PROMOTING DIVERSITY IN A WORKPLACE IN AUSTRALIA: In my research I found that the Act is one of the general legal framework applying to agencies and organizations that employs staff under the Public Service Act 1999. It reflects the expectation of government and community about diversity in work place. It promotes diversity within an organisation's workforce by the principles of workplace diversity as mentioned

  • Duty Of Care Case Study

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    (Department of Health 2008). The states predominately revolve around providing health services within the public sector (National Health and Hospital Reform Commission 2009). Whereas the Commonwealth Government revolves around funding health services, such as funding support to the state for pharmaceutical reimbursements, free public hospital care and subsided age care for patients (National Health and Hospital Reform Commission 2009). Though the two levels of government allow for the distribution of health

  • Decision in Verizon Communications Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission

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    Federal Communications Commission, Verizon Communications argued that it was wrong and unreasonable for the Federal Communications Commission to regulate and set leasing rates for networks. Ultimately, the January 14th decision held that the Federal Communications Commission can indeed set rates charged by the service provider for leased elements that are completely unbound from the provider's investment. Also the Federal Communications Commission can also require service provider's to combine certain

  • Service Marketing

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    Service process design: To design an efficient service, marketers and specialists in operations must work together. Process in goods production and services are different from each other. In production except for custom designed production, customer do not involve in the process other than opening the package. But the differentiating characteristic of the service is the extension of customer participation in the process of manufacturing and delivery service. In the services like real estate that

  • Ffc Court Case Summary

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    a whole. It might also reduce the quality of their end-user subscriber’s contact to certain edge providers. It may also reduce the earnings of favoring their own competing content or services, or to enable them or collect fees from edge providers. Since the advent of the Internet, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has confronted the questions of whether and how it should regulate

  • Sexual Harassment In The Workplace: From the Middle Ages to Today

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    enforced this custom regularly and with great enthusiasm. During slavery, slave women were forced into dual exploitation: as laborers and sexual partners. Their physical labor and their sexual favors belonged to their male masters. Slaves had no legal right to refuse advances from their masters, since legally the concept of raping did not exist. A female slave was frequently used by her owner for his sexual and recreational pleasure. This sexual privilege was a hierarchical right that spilled over

  • Social Media and Marketing

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    employ the services of social media to promote their products may very well find themselves subjected to several legal risks and can be cate... ... middle of paper ... ...precautions to avoid legal risks, merchants can become more profitable from the use of social networks without leaving themselves in a compromising position (Steinman & Hawkins, 2011). Works Cited Burdge, R. L. (2011). Legal Implications of Social Networking and New Media in Consumer Transactions. Dayton, Ohio. Legal Information