Laurentian Library Essays

  • Can Michelangelo's unique view of space be attributed to the creation of mannerism into an aesthetic revolution?

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    uncommon and are best shown in his involvement as a sculptor and painter." (Brothers, Cammy 2008:3) A favourite that shows his unique ability towards architecture is the Laurentian Library and its amazing entrance that reveals the complex interior that was moulded just like his sculptures. The staircase in the entrance room of the library revealed the freedom of architecture, and what Michelangelo showed was the origin of challenging the limits of what architecture can do. Because Michelangelo used to

  • Fayol's “Principles” in a University Library

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    in the UC Berkeley library to some of the more applicable aspects of Fayol's principles of management. I worked in the Gardener Main Stacks located in the Doe Library of UC Berkeley for nearly three years and in that time I eventually was one of a group of student supervisors, so I have some experience being managed and as manager (though in a somewhat limited scope). In looking through Fayol's 14 principles, some apply more than others to the specific environment of the library that I worked in,

  • Information Literacy and Leadership

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    information literacy when researching an essay. Higher Education Research & Development. Vol. 27, No. 4, 399-414. Retrieved from EBSCOhost database. Kuh, G. D., Gonyea, G. (2003)."The Role of the Academic Library in Promoting Student Engagement in Learning," College and Research Libraries 64, 256-282. Porter, E. (1986). The Knowledge Executive: Leadership in an Information Society (Book). Public Administration Review, 46(6), 673-674. Lauer, S. R., Yodanis, C. L. (2004). The international

  • The Role of Library and Archives

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    Libraries and archives in developed countries play very significant roles in advancing information industry to encourage learning throughout their life and contributing to establish healthier and happiness communities. They are no longer passive keepers and preservers of books rather, they have evolved to become facilitators of information and lifelong learning opportunities with an emphasis on service, identifying user needs and communicating solutions. They are offering the access to widely information

  • Comparing Trinity College Library and The Hive

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    The focus of this report is to compare the structure of Trinity College Library and The Hive. The Hive Library, in Worcester, is a four-story building that is made of golden-colour copper aluminium alloy (exterior) and water proof concrete (interior). Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios designed the building, which costs around ‘£38m’(Ijeh, The modern reader, p2). The library was designed for the use of public as well as the use Worcester University student. On the other hand, Christopher Wren designed

  • We Must Save the N.E.A.

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    majority of people. Though it may be true that some of the work recently produced has been offensive to a large number of people, it is not a reason to remove a very useful government program. The NEA provides jobs, funds programs for museum s and libraries, helps to educate the public, and helps generate economic activity. Instead of entirely cutting off the funding for such a useful program perhaps the federal government could look into reevaluating the budget and changing the spending policies of

  • Culture and Body Modification

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    everyday life without technology. People could function happily in that type of atmosphere, but technology has changed our lives forever. Technology has also changed our pace and perspective on education. Students previously would have to go to libraries and spend a lot of time researching to find out information for class assignments, but with technology students can find almost anything on their home computers and by accessing the internet. Technology has definitely become the authoritative factor

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of The North West Blues

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    the news that some libraries will be shutting down and writes to protect libraries. In his piece, she uses rhetorical devices, emotional appeal, and emphasizes that the library is an important resource. This passage will analyze how Smith effectively draws the reader into the discussion and logically refutes arguments and take a look at his mistakes and ways of countering contentions. In defending his claim that libraries should be preserved, Smith looks at why the libraries are shutting down:

  • Gcu Global Guide

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    Writing and APA Requirements pamphlet, Avoiding Plagiarism tutorial, Tour of the Virtual Library video, and How to Search for Articles tutorial. Here is a brief summary of what I have learned thus far. APA requirements enforce the acceptable amount of repurposed information. Plagiarism and citations give integrity to your research. The assistance Colorado State University-Global Campus’s (CSU-GC) on-line library has available. Searching for articles and other scholarly resources requires three different

  • Technology and the end of Libraries

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    As digital natives grow older and technology improves it makes one wonder what the fate of libraries will be. Long gone are the days of the card catalog, with computers taking their place. There is no more browsing the stacks for books on what ever subject has peaked interest, because the Dewey decimal system is no longer taught. Gone are the days of shelves of books as far as you can see, taken away to make room for endless banks of computers, movies and cd's. The click of keys and chatter from

  • The Impact of Technology on Library, Museum and Archive

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    impact of Technology on Library, Museum and Archive. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in many ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of Earth's environment. Technology provides a tool for the delivery of library service. Technology also

  • The Comparison of Symphony and Liberty

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    Liberty (v5) Supplier: Softlink Liberty is simple while having all of the functionality that any library would require! Liberty is committed to growing and changing with the needs of individual libraries, and it would probably best suit a special library. While having fully integrated core modules (which are designed to save the user time), Liberty also has a number of additional modules which can be integrated into the system. Some of these are the Liberty Cloud,

  • Technology Essay

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    made in the light of the findings from the study survey outlined in these articles. Library managers should organize technology-based training for librarians in order to make them comfortable with new technologies and more aware of their dangers. Since technology skills are important part of most library and information jobs, librarians should make sure they acquire technological skills continuously. University libraries should employed qualified information and technology specialist and troubleshooters

  • The Importance Of Museum Experience

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    Museum Experience Museum is a place for people to collect data, to explore the history, to learn and get engaged with the information provided. Museum is also documenting the artifacts and provides vast of collection works from various field such as artistic, scientific, historical and cultural that available for public viewing through exhibits. Alexander and Alexander (2008) stated that museum is a non-profit permanent institution in the service of society and development which are open to the public

  • Academic Music Librarians

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    Academic Music Librarians An academic music librarian is a woman or man, just over 49 years old, well educated, working in an academic or conservatory library. This presents a snapshot of those working in the field of academic music librarianship. More specifically, the academic music librarian is a woman 10% more of the time than she is a man. The academic music librarian is approximately 49 years of age with two thirds of academic music librarians falling between the ages of 37 and 61 (Lesniaski

  • Manuscripts Essay

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    though an Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage survey in the late 1980s put the figure at 50 lakh. A good number of them have been catalogued, and lie preserved in libraries, museums and institutes, but experts are convinced that a still greater number remain undiscovered and undocumented, in various minor libraries, private collections, and religious institutions.” A vast number of India’s manuscripts have still to be unearthed,” said Sudha Gopalakrishnan, director, National Mission for

  • Essay On Archive Management

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    Masrek, (2011) "Malaysian archival heritage at risk?: A survey of archivists' knowledge and skills in managing electronic records", Library Review, Vol. 60 Iss: 8, pp.685 - 711 Johns, E. (2007). The Management And Use Of The Omagh Bomb Archive. Library Management, 28(6/7), 394-405. Senturk, B. (2012). The concept of user satisfaction in archival institutions. Library Management, 33(1/2), 66-72.

  • The Positive Impact of Technology on Education

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    or at least numerous computers in the library available to students. In my paper, I want to discuss some of the positive and negative effects that technology has on education. Throughout my schooling, I’ve seen technology go through different stages of importance in education.When I was in elementary, I remember seeing maybe one computer in the whole school.Moving to middle school, each classroom had around two computers for students to use.The library had a small computer lab where computer

  • One is Happy When He Believes That He is Happy

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    Not many people are happy, but all the libraries are filled with books on happiness, and this very fact should make us curious. The Ancients gave us dozens of recipes on how to conduct a happy life, each of them contradicting the other, or at least, with very dissimilar opinions. The Modernity has its own solutions up to the negation of the very possibility of having a happy life. And recently, mister Francis H. came up with his own idea of happiness. He argues that the problem of happiness

  • A Life of Usefulness and Reputation

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    entered Brown University as a freshman, I was completely intimidated by my fellow classmates. I was afraid to ask questions in class for fear of sounding unintelligent. I seldom attended my professors' office hours. Paranoid, I spent hours in the libraries trying to memorize all of my material without fully understanding it. At the end of first semester, I returned home feeling unfulfilled academically and socially. Was this what the next four years of my life would be like? Over winter break