Laurence Fishburne Essays

  • Assault on Precinct 13

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    team up against more cops who are in fact, the bad-guys. Ethan Hawke plays Jake Roenick, a young sergeant battling the demons of his past, who is forced to team up with Bishop, a local crime lord and cop killer who is masterfully portrayed by Laurence Fishburne. Also, John Leguizamo gives a scene-stealing performance as Beck, the paranoid but articulate junkie. Platinum selling rapper Ja Rule adds a few laughs as Smiley, the counterfeiter; and actress Drea de Matteo adds a touch of sexiness to the

  • Comparing Descartes And The Matrix

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    The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction film written and directed by The Wachowskis, starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne. It tells a story of a future in which reality to most humans is actually a computer program called "the Matrix”. In "the Matrix” humans are really sleep while their bodies are fed on my machines. The movie while directed to entertain audiences but also gave us many insights into philosophy. Many scenes in this movie reflect Descartes, and his many writings explaining them

  • The Matrix Vs Reality

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    The Matrix, a film released in the year 1999 an action sci-fi film that stars the people off Keanu Reeves (Neo), Laurence Fishburne (Morpheus), Carrie-Anne Moss (Trinity) all part of a film that has changed the perspective of how people see the world, a better understanding of the philological side going into a deeper meaning exploring what is reality? What is real? And what is not real? , a revolutionary film with the most mind blowing special effects (CGI) you’d ever seen for a film made in the

  • Ideology and Reality in the Movie, The Matrix

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    Ideology and Reality in the Movie, The Matrix The matrix, as presented in the eponymous film, operates as an Althusserian Ideological State Apparatus (ISA). The Matrix1 presents a world in which "the state [as] a 'machine' of repression" is made literal where robots rule the land (Althusser 68). It is true that they rule by force (sentinels and agents) and these constitute the Repressive State Apparatus, but their primary force of subjugation is the matrix, their ISA. The film traces the

  • Film Analysis: Miss Evers' Boys

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    their side back in the 1970’s. Miss Evers thought studying the Negro community and not treating was a bad idea. As this thought was brought up, this was valid point because the health profession is supposed to help and not treated as a research. Laurence Fishburne did an outstanding performance playing “Caleb” who soon became in love with Alfre Woodard known as “Miss Evers” because the chemistry seems real. In this particular scene Craig Sheffer play as “Dr. Douglas” and Joe Morton as “Dr. Brodus”, and

  • Buddhism and the Matrix

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    Thomas A. Anderson, who is a man living a double life. One part of his life consists of working for a highly respectable software company. The second part of his life he is a hacker under the alias "Neo." One day Neo is approached by Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and is taught that everything he thought was real was actually The Matrix, a computer program developed by machines in order to use human beings as batteries. Morpheus has been searching his whole life for “the one” to end the war between the

  • The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho: The Price of Success

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    The Price of Success Paulo Coelho's argument does have merit. Yes, everyone has a personal calling, but not all of us are able to achieve it due to our lack of courage. In most cases such as mine, fear is the root of all my problems; it shackles me. However, this is not the case for Santiago, in the novel The Alchemist, and with that I found exaltation. In the novel, Santiago manages to overcome all the obstacles that he happens upon whether it be internally or externally. The dilemma's that he encounters

  • The Alchemist Quotes

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    "If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear ideals of how other people should lead their lives, but none about their own.” That is one of many deep quotes that makes the reader truly think about life in The Alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho. The book is about a young boy named Santiago, who loves travel and adventure, but he does not have the money to do so. He was raised to be a priest, but decides that he would rather be a shepherd, so

  • The Alchemist Movie And Movie Comparison

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    Love is the most powerful feeling than any other. It is invisible, yet it is potent enough to transform a person, and offer more joy than any material possession could. Based on this, it 's possible to relate the book The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, with the Polish film Jestem (I Am), by Dorota Kędzierzawska. The novel tells the story of a shepherd named Santiago who, after a repeated dream, decides to go on a long trip from Spain to Egypt, because, according to his dream, it is next to the pyramids

  • The Alchemist Hero's Journey

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    “The Alchemist” a novel written by Paulo Coelho, is about a boy named Santiago. A shepherd who yearns to travel to search for his a treasure he dreamt of that is extravagant as any ever found. Along the way to his journey Santiago learns from people and becomes wiser. Teaching us things that a few books teach us which is to listen to our hearts and become wiser from the things we come across above all to follow your dreams. Santiago begins his hero’s journey to pursue his dreams and go to an unknown

  • The Alchemist

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    “So, I love you because, the entire universe conspired to help me find you”. This is the strong statement of Paulo Coelho. Paulo is best known for writing his famous novel The Alchemist. He was born on the 24th of August 1947 in Rio De Janiero Brazil. He was a rebellious teenager and his parents committed him to Asylum three times. When he was 38 years old he had a spiritual awakening that allowed him to write his 1st book. The book; The Alchemist, is a very moving story about following your dreams

  • The Alchemist Research Paper

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    The Alchemist Research Paper The Alchemist is a book written by Brazilian author Paulo Cohelo.It tells the story of a young boy Santiago and his journey as a shepherd.Soon after Santiago has a dream about a treasure hidden inside the pyramids of Egypt.He soon realizes he needs to fulfill his personal legend and that everybody on Earth has a purpose in life.“The universe conspires in our favor”.In reality when the universe conspires in our favor and with a little work from us we are able to fulfill

  • Tradition In The Alchemist

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    There seems to be an overall dilemma with todays generation in regards as to what they want to do with their lives. Other people reach their calling at a very young age or even must go through troublesome tasks in order to completely free themselves from this burden. The book the alchemist by Paulo Coelho, takes its audience into the journey a young boy takes to find his ultimate treasure and making the best of his own destiny. The story begins with a young shepherd boy from Spain named Santiago

  • Who Is Santiago Change In The Alchemist

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    Paulo Coelho’s novel, The Alchemist follows the ventures of Santiago, a young shepherd from an Andalusian town in Spain. He disobeyed his father’s wish to enroll at a seminary to become a Catholic priest; instead he became a shepherd in order to fulfill his dream to travel throughout the country, in fact the world. Throughout the novel, his character changes while he is on a journey to find his Personal Legend and to find his treasure that would make him rich. In the novel, he changes constantly

  • Beauty & The Matrix

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    Beauty & The Matrix Do you remember the story of Sleeping Beauty? A beautiful girl who had a curse put upon her at her Christening. She was to die by the prick of a spinning needle on her 16th Birthday. Her fairy aunts hid her from the curse and she was raised not knowing her real fate. Then of course she fell under the curse and could only be awakened by her true love. Who could forget this enchanting story? Beauty, by Sheri S. Tepper is just like that Sleeping Beauty story but with a twist

  • Analysis Of The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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    “Do the thing that your heart is asking you to do regardless of the external circumstances”(Elliott Hulse). In a wide variety of literature, authors relate to their own life experiences and lessons to better convey the ideas behind what is being told in the story. Looking at an author’s work through a biographical lens allows for the reader to obtain a further understanding of the piece due to having an understanding of the author’s background. While critics analyze writing from a biographical perspective

  • The Alchemist: The journey to one’s Personal Legend

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    In William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, the character Cassius is quoted famously for the line, “Men at some time are masters of their fates: the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” (Act I Scene II). Paulo Coelho’s novel The Alchemist adheres to this reference as one follows the story of a young man pursuing his Personal Legend. We find through this story that Coelho is emphasizing the message Cassius uses to manipulate Brutus, that there is a need for each of us to break

  • Paulo Coelho's Alchemist

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    Paulo Coelho's Alchemist Sometimes in life, when a person wants something with enough passion, everything seems to go perfectly accordingly to how it was planned. Paulo Coelho, the author of the Alchemist, calls this desire a personal legend. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their personal legend is, and at that point in their lives everything is clear and possible. However, as time goes on, a mysterious force seems to blind us of achieving that goal. Through Santiago, the main character

  • How Does Santiago Have His Dream In The Alchemist

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    The Alchemist a book about a boy named Santiago and is written by Paulo Coelho. The story follows Santiago as he attempts to succeed in fulfilling his personal legend. One very important factor in Santiago's journey is his dreams, and how his dreams influence the choices he has made. He learns many things along the quest to find his treasure, but it is indubitable that the most important thing he learns is to stay faithful to his own dreams. Santiago knew from the start that his dreams were important

  • Santiago's Journey In The Alchemist

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    Out of all the decisions and choices life presents itself with, which one will be a stepping stone to inner happiness? The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, is an adventure filled story that answers this question by letting the reader experience the journey of a shepherd boy named Santiago. Throughout his journey, Santiago meets an alchemist who guides him through the desert while teaching him many skills and values along the way. As he traveled, he experienced many different symbols; like Santiago's flock