Kristen French Essays

  • Serial Killers: The Homolka Case

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    her husband and partner in crime, Paul Bernardo. Without her testimony, there would not have been enough evidence to convict him. In 1991, Homolka took part in the rape-murder of 14 year old Leslie Mahaffy and then the rape-murder of 15 year old Kristen French in 1992. Bernardo was convicted on 2 charges each of kidnapping, unlawful confinement, aggravated sexual assault and first degree murders and then on one count of dismemberment. He was also found to be the Scarborough Rapist, who sexually assaulted

  • Karla Homolka Research Paper

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    Karla Homolka is a prime example of a person who has committed a violent crime. The story of who Karla Homolka is and what she had done is very well known, not just in Canada but all over North America. After hearing the story of what her and Paul Bernardo did many people would wonder why, why and how could two people commit such violent acts. There are many theories that criminologists could use to try and explain the reasoning behind the actions of Karla Homolka, one would like to believe that

  • Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka: Canadian Rapists/Murderers

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    aggravated sexual assault, two counts of forcible confinement, two counts of kidnapping and one count of performing an indignity on the human body.  On September 1, 1995 Paul was convicted on all the charges against him regarding Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French..  He also faces a trial in the death of Tammy Homolka and the serial rapes. The couple are still blaming each other for the murders.  Paul Bernardo’s appeal is set for 2000. Under Canadian law, he can apply for parole after 25 years but it

  • Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

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    Speak Essay Melinda was an outcast and loner in high school who was overwhelmed, fearful, and confused with her life and her environment at school. She was always silent in class and afraid to speak in front of people. Many students today might feel the need to fit in with other people so they wouldn’t have to be looked down upon. As we take a look at Melinda’s life we’ll be able to see how she handles her daily conflicts. In the book, Speak, Melinda Sordino, an incoming freshman at Merryweather

  • Kristen Stewart in "Speak"

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    I'll admit this now. I absolutely adore Kristen Stewart. I think she's one of the most uniquely beautiful woman in the world, with so much more about her, then Twilight. I unfortunately hadn't been able to get a copy of Speak, I couldn't seem to be able to find it anywhere. Thanks to an online movie watching site, I managed to find this gem. I can honestly say, Speak is a film, that toyed with my emotions, like no other film has done in some time. This is very much like my high school was. Full of

  • Theme of Bravery in Today's Literature

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    The element bravery is reflected in the literature and movies of today. This is evident in the book Summer Sisters and the movie Twilight. Bravery can be defined as the condition or quality of being brave; courage (Random House). Bravery is evident in today’s literature as shown in Summer Sisters. In the book Summer Sisters, Vix goes to stay with Caitlyn and her family for a summer. Vix’s bond with her summer family forever reshapes her ties with her own (Book Browse). The summer she fell passionately

  • Bridesmaids Film Analysis

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    my second media critique, I chose to focus on the 2011 film Bridesmaids. Bridesmaids is a comedy written by Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, directed by Paul Feig. With grossing almost $300 million worldwide, 44 nominations, and 11 awards won, Bridesmaids has been a relevant film in popular culture over the last three years (“Bridesmaids”). Bridesmaids centers around six female leads: Kristen Wiig as Annie, Maya Rudolph as Lillian, Rose Byrnes as Helen, Melissa McCarthy as Megan, Ellie Kemper as Becca

  • Character Analysis of Mr. Freeman in Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

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    Speak, is a novel written by Laurie Halse Anderson, about a girl entering high school, for the first time, with a heavy secret weighting on her. Melinda Sordino begins freshman year at Merryweather High School, being a complete different person. Over the summer, Melinda and her friends went to a senior party, where Melinda ended calling the police. This caused her friends and the people at the party to socially reject her, even though they didn’t knew that before the phone call, Andy Evans raped

  • Twilight - A Thrilling and Enthralling Read

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    Twilight is an absorbing, rapid moving read written by Stephanie Meyer. It was her first book and an international best seller. It follows Isabella (Bella) swan, a seventeen year old girl as she moves to the small rainy town of forks to live with her dad Charlie. The first day of her new school she meets the Cullen’s, a mysterious inhumanely beautiful family, “they were faces you never expected to see except perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine. Or painted by an old master as the

  • Freudian Concepts in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight

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    In this essay I will apply some concepts of Sigmund Freud in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. First I will discuss about Oedipus complex,which consists in the son’s desire to possess his mother and to be closely aligned to her.This idea derived from Oedip,who killed his father and married his mother. This concept I will apply to Edward Cullen,whose mother died before he became a vampire,because of Spanish influenza.He is tormented by the ideea that she left him so quickly,and Edward Cullen lost his fulcrum

  • Twilight Bella Swan and Edward Cullen

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    Is love at first sight possible? Is love and discontent possible at first sight? How can two people that have such discontent for each other fall in love? In the book and film Twilight Bella Swan and Edward Cullen both certainly did. They were drawn to each by curiosity and beauty. Curiosity drew them together, but they did not like each other very much in the beginning. They both ended up having a deep longing to be with one another and could not imagine being apart. In the book and movie

  • Life Lessons in The "Twilight" Series

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    Is true love worth risking everything? That is the question I found myself asking as I began reading Twilight. At first some may chose not to read the books or see the movie because they feel a story based on vampires and werewolves is a little unbelievable. Twilight is about more than fictional characters and that is what attracted my attention to the series. It takes us on a journey of discovering that when true love is amazingly strong one can overcome any battle. Since discovering these series

  • Isabella Swan, And Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight'

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    Stephenie Meyer released one of the best books I have ever read in 2005 called “Twilight.” Although this book was viewed as a typical love story, it set an example of a perfect couple to me as a reader. Throughout the book, the two main characters were Isabella Swan (Bella) and Edward Cullen. As the book began it sets a feeling of displeasure or disgust that Bella seemed to have thought Edward had for her, but as the story went on his feelings were different than she thought. He was definitely obsessed

  • Character Analysis Of Mark Zuckerberg In The Social Network

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    having to endure such a wildfire of ridiculousness. At no point is American Ultra clever or witty. It attempts to be cute, but only patronizes, although that was going to come with the territory right from the start as soon as Jessie Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart landed starring roles. Granted, they’re both talented in their own right, though rarely on a scale worth measuring (a statement that will remain true, even despite Eisenberg’s upcoming role as Lex Luthor). In the end, American Ultra is a

  • Symbolism In Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

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    An image of a dead skull indicates that a substance is poisonous because it happens to be a symbol. Throughout our lives, symbols are used to interpret meanings in an easier way. Similar to how trees represent life and death. They are a constant source of renewal. In Laurie Halse Anderson’s novel Speak, Laurie uses the power of symbolism to expound Melinda’s progress and growth throughout her bildungsroman story by using Melinda’s art class’ project: trees. At the beginning of the novel, Melinda

  • Mavis Gallants Bernadette

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    like realities, ideas of loneliness and death enter the picture as comprehensible thoughts and views of the future. These issues make up the foundation of the Mavis Gallant story "Bernadette". In this story we are presented with the image of a young French Canadian girl, who finds herself pregnant and without a husband. The context of the story explores the relationships between the members of the household in a fear associated manner. The relationship between the Knights and Bernadette is the base

  • Slavery

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    The issue of slavery has been touched upon often in the course of history. The institution of slavery was addressed by French intellectuals during the Enlightenment. Later, during the French Revolution, the National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which declared the equality of all men. Issues were raised concerning the application of this statement to the French colonies in the West Indies, which used slaves to work the land. As they had different interests in mind, the philosophes

  • Rousseau

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    French deistic philosopher and author; b. at Geneva June 28, 1712; d. at Ermenonville (28 m. n.e. of Paris) July 2, 1778. His mother died at his birth, and his father, a dissipated and violent-tempered man, paid little attention to the son's training, and finally deserted him. The latter developed a passion for reading, with a special fondness for Plutarch's Lives. Apprenticed first to a notary and then to a coppersmith, he ran away (1728) to escape the rigid discipline, and, after wandering for

  • Jean-Baptiste Lully

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    and music; he played violin and guitar. In March of 1646 he moved to France to tutor Mlle de Montpensier in Italian. There he studied composition and harpsichord. Lully was able to hear the King’s grande bande perform, witness balls where the best French dance music was played. When Mlle de Montpensier was exiled from Paris, Lully was released from her service and gained the attention of King Louis XIV. In February 1653 he danced in “Ballet de la nuit” with the King and less than a month later was

  • French Essay

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    French Essay Bonjour! Je m'appelle Gwen et j'habite à Londres avec mes deux sœurs, mon frère et mes parents. J'ai quatorze ans et mes passe-temps sont la lecture, jouer à l'ordinateur et jouer de la musique. Ceci est un journal des vacances de Noël en France pour une semaine. Vendredi 20 décembre Aujourd'hui, c'était la dernière journée de collège. Les cours ont fini à douze heures et j'ai reçu des cadeaux de Noël de mes amies. Le collège était très amusant- voilà qui