Kelp Essays

  • Kelp Research Paper

    593 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do you love the slimy,green,and gooey, flavor of kelp? Many people don't , not realizing how important it is. Kelp is one of the most healthy and beneficial plant. It provides many benefits to humans and the environment. It can reduce climate change, provide nutrients to humans, and provide food and shelter to many organisms. Kelp can reduce climate change. According to scientist Tim Flannery, “seaweed grows 30 to 60 times the rate of land based plants.” As plants grow they absorb carbon

  • Biogenic Habitats

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    structurally complex habitats are diminishing across marine environments, across multiple spa... ... middle of paper ... ... does the loss of kelp forest canopy, and the spatial scale over which it occurs, influence the dynamics of the associated community in the canopy? (2) How does the alternative undisturbed habitats (undisturbed canopy or the subcanopy kelp habitats) buffer the invertebrate community after a disturbance? (3) Does the timing of habitat loss influence how the dynamics of the community

  • Essay On Keystone Species

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    Keystone species Initial keystone species concepts: Keystone species are such species that has an excessively large effect on its environment relative to its abundance. Such species are described as playing a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological community, affecting many other organisms’ inane ecosystem and helping to determine the types and numbers of various other species in the community. A keystone species is a species that’s whose impact on its community or ecosystem

  • Impact of Sea Otters on Community Ecology

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    marine ecology. The interaction between sea otters, sea urchins and kelp forests has been studied as a model for the impact of predator-prey interactions on community ecology. Sea otters are keystone predators, whose presence has a far-reaching influence on the marine food web by affecting the populations of sea urchins, which indirectly affects the populations of kelp forests & other marine organisms. There has been a steep decline

  • Research Paper On Sea Otters

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are marine mammals indigenous to the North Pacific Ocean (Larson et al., 2015) and are members of the weasel family (, 2016). They are a keystone species in the kelp forest ecosystem (, 2016). Sea otters are considered an endangered species under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list (Doroff and Burdin, 2015). At their highest point sea otter populations ranged from several hundred thousand to over a million (Defenders

  • Keystone Species

    2169 Words  | 5 Pages

    producer (Mills 1993). Sea otters, which typically live in tidal areas off the western coasts of the United States and Alaska, are a common example of a widely studied keystone species. Sea otters, or Enhydra lutris, are keystone species to kelp forests because of their importance in maintaining the food web structure. They are top marine predators that are easy to observe because they live close to the shore (Laidre and Jameson 2006). Sea otters have low reproductive rates and have fragile

  • Sea Otter: Keystone Species

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    few in number, have created large impacts in the ecosystem in which it inhabits. Their main choice of habitat lies in kelp forests due to the kelp’s effect on the reduction of wave action and their closeness to rocky shores which provide habitat for otter prey (Schiel and Foster, 2015). Sea otter impacts can be seen through the phenomenon of trophic cascades. Within the kelp forests, otters are the dominant predator, consuming many species of invertebrates such as sea urchins and abalone (Schiel

  • Brown Pigment: The Brown Pigment

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    of starch, is produced in brown algae. Examples of Brown Seaweeds 1. Kelp Sea bamboo (Ecklonia maxima), the spilt fan kelp (Laminaria pallida) and the bladder kelp (Macrocystis angustifolia) are three common species of kelp found in the west coast of South Africa. The stipes or stem of Kelp has the strengthening tissue and tubular cells to transport the food through the plant. To deter herbivores, the blades of the kelp have a protective outer layer, starch and tannin containing storage tissue

  • Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Case Study

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    Hyde. To compare Jekyll and Hyde to The Nutty Professor, Professor Kelp is the exact antithesis of Buddy Love, just as Dr. Jekyll is the moral antithesis of Mr. Hyde. one of the similarities between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Nutty Professor is that they had the desire to change themselves. Both Prof. Kelp and Dr. Jekyll had motives for assuming their alter egos: Jekyll wished to separate his good side from his evil side, while Kelp wanted strength. Some other similarities include how neither the

  • Sea Otters Decline

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sea Otters are critical to ocean life, but their population is decreasing. Oceans today are home to thousands of creatures. With so many different species, could you imagine that one of them would be a part of the weasel family? The Sea Otter is that animal and it is critical to oceanic life. Unfortunately, their population has been declining for many years. Sea Otters can live on land, but their main habitat is in the water. Sea Otters are the biggest animal in the weasel family, but the second

  • Sea Otters Essay

    1339 Words  | 3 Pages

    by sunrise, and usually are resting by mid- day. They are a threatene... ... middle of paper ... ...w after the fur trade it's taken them about 200 years to slowly repopulate. They are one of the most diverse species and lucky for Seagrass and kelp habitats, sea otters have been making a big comeback. Cambria California has and will continue helping sea otters. Also, the Canbria SMCA will continue so. And the biggest help of all is the Endangered Species Act. They and the Sea Otter fund continue

  • Sea Otters Research Paper

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    Killer whales are feeding on otters because of the absents of their prey. The lost of sea otters have effect on organism is Alaska’s sea otters decline the affects health of kelp forests and diet of eagles. Sea otters play a private part by keeping the kelp forest a healthy balance. By eating sea urchins-- the biggest threat to kelps forests--sea otters control sea urchins numbers and kept the ecosystem in balance. This ensured that these underwater plants could thrive and reach their maximum height of

  • Persuasive Essay On Tomato

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    Want to Have the Best Tomatoes? Put These Things in The Holes before Planting them When dealing with gardening and planting all of those fruits and veggies, the greatest satisfaction of every gardener is to see the final outcome or the product at the end of the process. Juice fruits, healthy plants and delicious crops will be the biggest gift of every single person dealing with gardening. However, this is not always the case. Many factors can influence your plants’ growth and sometimes you’re left

  • The Impact of the El Segundo Hyperion Plant on the Surrounding Environment

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    The Impact of the El Segundo Hyperion Plant on the Surrounding Environment The current El Segundo Hyperion plant is 144 acres of glass, concrete, and pipe. It is the end of the road for sewage from over 6,000 miles of sewer system maintained by the city of Los Angeles. (NORS S-1) The Hyperion plant is the environment’s best and last line of defense against the over 500 million gallons of wastewater produced in the area a day. The sheer volume of this waste most of which is being released into

  • Overfishing Research Paper

    724 Words  | 2 Pages

    Overfishing is a problem on the global scale. Overfishing depletes resources such as reduced numbers of a certain species for example trout, salmon, and tuna are heavily overfished. Overfishing can take place in lakes, rivers, ponds, and the ocean. Countries mainly overfish to assist in feeding their people but that is the short term solution. In the long run that ecosystem may eventually crash and the areas fish population will have a dramatic drop from what previous years were at. The United Nations

  • Sycamore Tree Analysis

    1105 Words  | 3 Pages

    different aspects of our lives. Artist Andy Goldsworthy has a very specific style, creating mostly temporary art using nature as both his materials and his setting. His works range from gold leaf covered rocks to a photo of him throwing a string of kelp into the sky for it to contort into some seemingly random shape. This paper, however, will discuss Goldsworthy 's work “Sycamore Leaves Edging the Roots of a Sycamore Tree” which shows the base of a tree lined with a yellow gradient fading into the

  • Should Children Go Out Without Adult Supervision Essay

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    fact from NY Times. I also used pathos by saying how it can negatively affect a child’s future. In reason 2, I used pathos by saying how a child can get hurt without adults. I didn’t use any other KELP strategy. I used pathos in paragraph 3 by saying how a child can join the wrong crowd. I used no other kelp strategy. But children may

  • Breathe Underwater Essay

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    through the mountains (reefs). Myriads of colors, the textures varied and unusual sights to behold on the floor below. Curious fishes swimming by lazily in their coast of many colors. Stripes, dots, iridescent shining skins. The bright green, tangled kelp forests, rich with nutrients, are safe from larger predators. As we sway with the current we quickly check our compass to be sure of direction, recheck the gauge on our air, dive depth confirmed. Clear our ears of the pressure. Downward, we continue

  • Whaling Essay

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    these animals, as well as their importance to the tropic systems surrounding our coastlines. Many individuals do not realize, for instance, that Sea Otters are a keystone species in kelp bed habitats, and without them, kelp forests would dwindle in numbers and the health of those ecosystems would decline rapidly. Kelp forests provide habitat for over a thousand species of animals, many of which are important for fisheries and without those forests, fish abundance would fall as well.

  • David Sedaris Analysis

    718 Words  | 2 Pages

    sentence several times and analyze its meaning. The way he writes is like having a conversation with him. He also uses literary devices well, such as hyperbole, metaphor, and parallelism to enhance his writing and to engage the audience. He also utilizes KELP very well. Sedaris is a world-famous writer and a millionaire through his writing. Unlike most famous and wealthy writers, he avoids complication and using large vocabulary. He isn’t trying to use the biggest words or sound like he’s very smart, he’s