Kannada literature Essays

  • Themes and Techniques in the Plays of Girish Karnad

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    Oxford University Press, 2009. 7. Karnad, Girish: “Boiled Beans on Toast”, New Delhi, OUP, 2014 8. Karnad, Girish, “Yayati”, New Delhi, OUP, 1961. 9. Karnad, Girish, “Hayavadana”, New Delhi, OUP, 2012. 9. Sharma, R.S: “Studies in Contemporary Literature”, New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2000. 10. Naik, M.K & Mokashi-Panekar, S: “Perspectives on Indian Drama in English”, Chennai, OUP, 1977.

  • Drama As A Form Of Drama

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    Drama is an integral part of Literature of any language. Dictionary.com defines drama as “a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage.” Of all fictional forms, drama comes closest to virtual record of speech. It relies on imitating the language of everyday speech as well as the encounters and interaction of speech: lying, confronting, prevaricating, concealing, admitting

  • Analysis of Triveni’s Sharapanjara

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    2006. 5. Stam, Roberts et al (Eds), Literature and film: a guide to the theory and practice of film adaptation, Blackwell Publishing, 2005. 6. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Film adaptation 7. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puttanna_Kanagal 8. www.ourkarnataka.com/kannada/movie/review_sharapanjara.htm 9. www2.fiu.edu/~weitzb/WHAT-IS-FILM-ADAPTATION.htm 10. www.indianetzone.com,women writers in Kannada Literature. Secondary sources: • Harrington, John. Film And/As Literature. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1977 •

  • The Art Of Characterization In Indian English Literature

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    During the last 40 years, there has been a great deal of experimentation in the use of the English language in Indian English Literature. A few writers who wrote novels in English in the early part of twentieth century used the language carefully, with stiff correctness, always aware that it was a foreign tongue. In the 30s one notices a sudden development of Indian English Novel

  • Creole Identity In Samuel Selvon's Identity

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    Selvon’s fiction unfolds the diversity of cultures and he does not compel people to assimilate blindly, but at the same time, he considers all the follow citizens as equal. Selvon portrays all the characters in a humanistic way. Migration (Caribbean Literature in English, 1) Many of the Caribbean nations gained independence from Europe in the 1960s although some of the territories of the Francophone Caribbean, such as Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana (French Guyana), still remain colonies of France.

  • The Dress Lodger, by Sheri Holman

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    The Dress Lodger, by Sheri Holman, is a novel that express the connection between poverty and illness, and how poverty and illness impacted a 15 years old girl named Gustine and her fragile baby boy. Holman attempts to use different writing styles into developing the novel based on poverty and illness in the old periods of time. As Holman started to do that through out the novel, it allowed me as a reader to see the different writing style that would impact the way of me responding to the novel itself

  • A Student’s Exploration of the Kibyoshi: An Examination and Appreciation of the Genre of Literature

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    A Student’s Exploration of the Kibyoshi: An Examination and Appreciation of the Genre of Literature Due to the geographic location of Japan and China as well as the association between both cultures, many early works of Japanese literature were heavily influenced by Chinese figures and Chinese culture. Because of this intimate relationship between Japan and China, the majority of Japanese literary works up to the end of the early modern literary period (ending around 1868) was dominated by

  • The Symbol of Sin: The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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    provide great meaning to a story and this symbol of sin is what Nathaniel Hawthorne is trying to convey through his literary work. Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “The Birthmark.” Rpt. in Michael Meyer, ed. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. 9th. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012, pp. 344-354 New International Version. Bible Gateway. Web. 04 Dec. 2013.

  • Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

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    Zora Neale Hurston was a remarkable woman and writer of the early 20th century. Her works were thought provoking and radical for a woman of color in the early 20th century. Her works evoked a sense of control for women of color. Hurston’s work did not go without ridicule; some of the ridicule came from her fellow African-American counterparts, such as Alain Locke and Richard Wright. These two ridiculed the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and her place in the literary canon. Over the course of

  • The Poems of Niyi Osundare

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    passage of times. Although African literature in its written form (as against the traditional oral form) has a relatively short pedigree, it has not failed to constantly renew itself by evolving, principally in its social functionality, either as an avenue to demonstrate a cultural point of view or a satirical vista. Consequently, this attribute is responsible for the peculiar aesthetics that particularizes the literature. Given the peculiarity of African literature and other reasons critics in this

  • Alice’s Dreams and Thoughts in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

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    becau... ... middle of paper ... ...Twayne's Masterwork Studies 81. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. Sigler, Carolyn. "Introduction." Alternative Alices: Visions and Revisions of Lewis Carroll's Alice Books: An Anthology. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1997. xi-xxiii. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Marie C. Toft and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 139. Detroit: Gale, 2004. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. Susina, Jan. "Educating Alice:

  • The Magician of Drollery: Ogden Nash

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    personal preferences. Unfortunately, this style would be regarded as humor without validation if it was not for the authors before paving the way for waggery. Ogden Nash, a highly respected poet, established an new form of light verse impacting both literature and society. Ogden Nash is a great American author, best known for his “pithy and funny light verse” (“Ogden Biography” 1). New York Times refers to him as America’s “best-known producer of humorous poetry” due to his buffoonery verse style. Born

  • The Inestimably Subtle Man of Letters’

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    Today, Thomas Hardy’s position as a poet is as secure as his position as a novelist. Critics and scholars have started approaching his creative genius in the two different literary genres differently. It would be unreasonable to trust anyone who may still believe that Hardy, the novelist, was more Victorian than Hardy the poet, who allegedly was closer to the moderns. It has been established that Hardy had started writing poems even before he tried his hand at novel writing. Indeed, even when his

  • The Formalist Critics, by Cleanth Brooks

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    about criticism that formalist critics encounter and tries to show these arguments from his point of view and even indicates common ground with other literary critics. Cleanth Brooks argues that we lose the intrinsically obvious points of works of literature if we view the work through the different lenses of literary theory, however we are always viewing the literary work through a subjective lens, since the author and the critic cannot subjectively separate themselves from themselves and in making

  • Stream of Consciousness in Faulkner’s Barn Burning, All the Dead Pilots, and Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye

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    and West for Salinger’s Catcher.” Bloom’s Literature. Facts on File, Inc. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. Quinn, Edward. “Interior Monologue.” Literary and Thematic Terms. New York: Facts on File. 2006. Priddy, Anna. “‘Barn Burning.’” Bloom’s Literature. Facts on File, Inc. Web 30 Sept. 2013. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. New York: Bantam, 1951. Print. Faulkner, William. “All the Dead Pilots.” Random House, Inc. New York City: 1959. Language and Literature Resource Guide. United States Academic Decathlon

  • Literary Legends: Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain

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    Literary Legends Literature has played a large role in the way we perceive the world and it can affect the way in which we think about things. Edgar Allan Poe along with Mark Twain are two of the most influential authors that our world has ever seen. Their descriptiveness and diction has had a huge impact on their readers for centuries. Poe’s gothic style of writing was very enthralling and suspenseful; it left you wanting to know what was going to happen next. Whereas, Mark Twain was a very humorous

  • Analysis of Antigone by Sophodes and Jean Anouilh

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    Context undoubtedly plays a major role in both the creation and the interpretation of literary works, as it dictates how the author and the audience relate the entities within the literary work with those in reality. Two versions of Antigone, each written by Sophocles and Jean Anouilh, exemplify the influence of context on the literary works; although both depict Antigone’s struggle to bury her brother Polynices against Creon’s edict, each version revolves around slightly different topics and is

  • Heron Essay

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    “A Poem for the Blue Heron,” a free verse poem written by Mary Oliver, focuses on and observes a blue heron making the decision to begin its southern migration. The speaker is awestricken by the pulchritude of the magnificent creature and admires the annual migration it must take to survive. The excerpt from “Cold Mountain”, a historical fiction novel by Charles Frazier, focuses on the discovery of a heron by a girl from across the river. The tone prevalent throughout this excerpt reveals the speaker

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    write a story that can make reader to enjoy the detail, and how to provide an evidence to help the reader to believe the article is a reliable one. As an independent writer, the first is the need to have good language basics, includes language, literature , writing, writing and other aspects of a solid foundation. For example, pronunciation, grammar , rhetoric and other basic knowledge to be able to master the use of vocabulary than the larger, writing skills must be very strong . Again,...

  • Naturalism Research Paper

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    Naturalism in Literature Naturalism is the literary movement that directly followed, and was born from, the Realistic Movement. Unlike Realism, which focused on the middle class, Naturalism focused on the lower class. The characters of naturalist writers were usually poor, disenfranchised, living in impoverished conditions and struggling to survive hardships. This is how naturalism is explained according to The American Novel, “While it is strongly associated with realism, in the shared emphasis