Joseph L. Mankiewicz Essays

  • Mary Orr's All About Eve

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    “The Wisdom of Eve” in the International Cosmopolitan Magazine based on real life events. After Joseph L. Mankiewicz read the story, he immediately fell in love with it because it was his way of “settling a lot scores [with the theatre]” (Crowther). He bought the rights to the movie and began casting. According to Mankiewicz, casting for Margo Channing was the hardest; after a lot of thinking, Mankiewicz chose Claudette Colbert as Margo, but two weeks before shooting began Colbert was on bed rest due

  • Comparing the Dramatic Presentation of Act 3 Scene 2 in the 1953 Film Version with Shakespeare's Text

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    written. The techniques used by both characters are distinctly different; they employ a variety of tactics, which can be interpreted in various ways. Within this essay, I will be analysing the 1953 film version of the play, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Brutus and Antony are both seeking to control the citizens of Rome. Brutus needs the crowd to support him and believe he killed Julius Caesar for 'the good of Rome', otherwise there would be chaos and the citizens would revenge the conspirators

  • We Were Soldiers Once, And Young: A Review

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    The New York Times Bestseller We Were Soldiers Once... And Young was authored by Lt. General Harold G. Moore and Joseph L. Galloway. In November 1965, Lt. Colonel Harold Moore commanded the 1st Battalion, 7th cavalry at the Ia Drang Valley-one of the bloodiest battles of Vietnam. He eventually retired from the Army in 1977 after thirty-two years of service. After his military career, Lieutenant General Moore resided as executive vice president for four years at a Colorado ski resort before founding

  • Motivation and Manipulation in Julius Caesar

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    cause and effect, and word and deed, using the symbols of hands and hearts. Throughout the play, the characters Brutus and Marc Antony express their different understandings of this relationship rhetorically. In his 1953 film interpretation, Joseph L. Mankiewicz demonstrates these characters’ understanding through both the play’s original dialogue and his own interpolated action. It is interesting to see the different effects of spoken rhetoric, as we experience it in the play, and the visual rhetoric

  • The Contrast of Character Between Cleopatra and Octavia

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    and Cleopatra there exists a "moral contrast" (Bree 110) -a conflict of Roman ideals and Cleopatra's foreignness. Throughout the tradition of Cleopatra, authors, including Plutarch, Shakespeare, Dryden, and Fielding, as well as filmmakers such as Mankiewicz, have separated Cleopatra from Rome and Octavia because of her combination of political power and sexuality: "The notion of Cleopatra that we have inherited identifies her primarily as being the adversary, the Other. Her otherness is twofold. She

  • Guys And Doll Play Analysis

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    Joseph L. Mankiewicz is the director of Guys and Dolls, and the head authors of the screenplay are Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows, who wrote the screenplay based upon the play Guys and Dolls. Joseph L. Mankiewicz has directed in total 22 films; he is known for All About Eve (1950), Julius Caesar (1953), Guys and Dolls (1955), The Quiet American (1958), and Cleopatra (1963). The lead screenplay author, Jo Swerling, has written in total 68 screenplays; his more well known are The Whole Town’s Talking

  • Empowerment of Women through the Film Cleopatra

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    One main message Cleopatra is presenting to society in the 1960s is the empowerment of women. Although Cleopatra is depicted in many different ways in other films and plays, the 1963 film portrays her as a ruler who tried to bridge gaps between men and women. She overthrew her brother’s power and exiled him and Cleopatra wanted to be seen as equal by both Caesar and Antony. This reflects the women’s movement of the 1960s when women mainly stayed at home and took care of children. On December

  • All About Eve Film Analysis: All About Eve

    1301 Words  | 3 Pages

    All About Eve is an American drama from the 1950’s about a woman named Eve Harrington who manipulates her way into the life of Margo Channing, a Broadway star. The implicit meaning of the movie is the plot of Eve working her way into the light of fame. The explicit meaning of the movie, however, is exposing people’s obsession of fame, ambition, and stopping at nothing to get there. My viewer expectation is that I would not be interested in the movie because older movies are tiresome to me, especially

  • A Comparison Of 'Julius Caesar And Hail, Caesar?'?

    1914 Words  | 4 Pages

    The two film posters I will be discussing in this essay are Julius Caesar (1953) and Hail, Caesar! (2016). Julius Caesar is a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film adaptation of the play by Shakespeare, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, who also wrote the screenplay, and produced by John Houseman. The film stars include Marlon Brando as Mark Antony, James Mason as Brutus, John Gielgud as Cassius and Louis Calhern as Julius Caesar. Hail, Caesar! Is a 2016 American comedy film written, produced, edited and directed

  • Cleopatra: The Natural Nemesis of Rome

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    Cleopatra could do nothing to gain their acceptance. Works Cited Butts, Mary. Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra. Sun & Moon Press, Los Angelos: 1994. Carter, John M. The Battle of Actium. Hamish Hamilton, London:1970. Cleopatra. Dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Perf. Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and Rex Harrison. Twentieth Century Fox Productions, 1963. Cleopatra. Prod. Robert Holmes Sr. With Leonora Varela, Timothy Dalton, and Billy Zane. ABC, 1999. Huges-Hallet, Lucy. Cleopatra: Histories

  • The Role of Cleopatra's Children in Defining Her Character

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    The Role of Cleopatra's Children in Defining Her Character Abstract There are few roles that Cleopatra has not been made to fulfill. She is queen, goddess, lover, whore, wife, witch. Yet it is her role as mother that most defines how she is to be perceived, and which of these other roles she will take on in a given work of literature. Cleopatra's children, or the absence of them, play a definitive role in characterizing Cleopatra. When Cleopatra is childless, she acts like a child herself,

  • Cleopatra's Beauty

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    Cleopatra's Beauty Was Cleopatra beautiful? This is a seemingly straightforward question but there are many characteristics of beauty and all must be considered when applied to Cleopatra. Firstly, what is beauty? Beauty is different for every person and every time period. The old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder remains truthful today. It is not only the person that dictates what is beautiful; the time period during which beauty is portrayed must be taken into account as well