John Patrick Shanley Essays

  • Doubt, By John Patrick Shanley

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    Doubt, do you doubt yourself? In the play “Doubt” by John Patrick Shanley portraits the life of people in a uptight religious school in the 1960s’s. The doubt of the story is weather a priest has molested a child or not. Altering sides of the story can be easily seen weather Father Brendan Flynn committed the crime or not. Based on the evidence in Patrick Shanley's play, Doubt: A Parable, I can conclude that Father Flynn is innocent because people are innocent until proven guilty. Especially in this

  • Doubt, By John Patrick Shanley

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    (James 1:6). Doubt is something that everyone experiences but it is the way you handle doubt that changes everything. Those that see doubt as an obstacle to overcome are better off than those who see it as a setback. In the play "Doubt" by John Patrick Shanley, we see a conservative nun, Sister Aloysius, at St. Nicholas' Catholic school who has many doubts about the legitimacy and dignity of a certain priest, Father Flynn. Doubt is a strong theme present throughout the play and the ending reveals

  • Doubt John Patrick Shanley Essay

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    told by John Patrick Shanley in his play, Doubt: A Parable, doubt requires more courage than conviction does, and more energy; because conviction is a resting place and doubt is infinite (Stanley ix). Doubt: A Parable is about a priest named Father Flynn who is being shamed by Sister Aloysius for sexually assaulting a young boy, Donald Muller. Donald Muller is black and also gay. The play causes the reader to question whether or not Father Flynn is guilty. Based on the evidence in Patrick Shanley’s

  • Doubt: A Parable By John Patrick Shanley

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    In Doubt: a Parable, John Patrick Shanley sheds light on the subject of gender inequality. In the play, Sister Aloysius holds a position of power as the principal of St. Nicholas School, but within the church structure, that power is relinquished to the men based on the structure that the church dictates. Men hold higher power where women have submissive roles. The settings of the different scenes, particularly the rectory, become part of Shanley’s critique of gender roles within the context of the

  • Doubt John Patrick Shanley Analysis

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    Imagine someone being accused of something horrible where both sides, innocent or guilty, have equal evidence and no one can decide what to believe. This is what the book Doubt by John Patrick Shanley is about. Doubt is about a religious school called St. Nicholas. In this school there is a new African American student with little to no friends, and is completely alone. The father of the school, Father Flynn, takes the young African American boy named Donald under his wing. One of the sisters is

  • Doubt John Patrick Shanley Essay

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    Steven Feit EN 102-1313 Title Doubt, by John Patrick Shanley addresses group behavior by exploring the polarized perceptions of social change during an era of civil unrest and uncertainty. Set in 1964, Doubt revolves around winds of change that scours St. Nicholas, a Catholic school in New York City. Father Flynn, a prepossessing priest, hopes to guide the school away from its strict roots. When a younger nun, Sister James brings attention to Father Flynn’s coddling of one particular student

  • Doubt By John Patrick Shanley: Play Analysis

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    Often times a struggle for power causes people to go against their own moral standards and negatively affects others. In the play Doubt by John Patrick Shanley, the characters Sister Aloysius and Father Flynn engage in a power play seeking the upper hand in the Catholic Church in which they are clergy. Sister Aloysius is more clever and effective than Father Flynn in their constant struggle for power. Sister Aloysius and Father Flynn have a major impact on Donald Muller with Sister Aloysius’ actions

  • False Accusations in Doubt by John Patrick Shanley

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    The play “Doubt” by John Patrick Shanley began with a sermon by Father Brendan Flynn, a well liked and enlightened neighborhood priest, who says, "Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty". (Shanley 6) Sister Aloysius Beauvier is a strict traditional nun, who was declared to protect and secure St. Nicholas Church School. Father Flynn seems to be the protagonist in the play and Sister Aloysius is the antagonist. The whole play, sister Aloysius Beauvier suspected Father Flynn of

  • Gender Struggles in Doubt a Parable

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    Gender Struggles in “Doubt: a Parable” In the preface to “Doubt: a Parable,” John Patrick Shanley describes a significant factor to consider when reading his play: “I’ve set my story in 1964, when not just me, but the whole world seemed to be going through some kind of vast puberty” (Shanley viii). During that period in time, America experienced vast growth across all areas of life- from the home, to schools, to politics. Even the Catholic Church seemed to be embrace this time of change with the

  • Analysis Of Doubt By John Patrick Shanley

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    presented to sister A includes, meetings with Father Flynn, alcohol on his breath and many others. However in my opinion I see Father Flynn as righteous and just man and that is what I’m going to argue in this paper. Early on in the book John Patrick Shanley provides us a hint at Father Flynn’s innocence with his peculiar nails. While teaching the boys how to play basketball in the rectory he stops after noticing some of the boys with dirty nails. Thus he begins to share the state

  • John Patrick Shanley's Doubt: A Parable

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    The world in which people live today is composed of hungry predators, forcing the innocents to shield by any giving power they get. In the play by John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt: A Parable, the principal of St. Nicholas school, Sister Aloysius, is trying to protect a fellow student from the hands of a possible sexual predator who is believed to be Father Flynn. Sister Aloysius feels worried about the situation and tries confronting Father Flynn but the lack of authority she has in the parish motivates

  • Literary Analysis: Combining Culture and Tradition

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    Three classic authors accurately portray culture through setting and tradition in order to affect the reader’s view toward the characters and the authors themselves in Zora Neale Hurston’s “The Gilded Six-Bits”, Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”, and John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt: A Parable. Zora Neale Hurston uses setting and tradition to further the reader’s understanding of African American culture and the characters in “The Gilded Six-Bits.” The setting in “The Gilded Six-Bits” is “a Negro yard around

  • Doubt: Comparing the Play and Movie

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    opinion about certain characters and situations in the story. Though the differences are few one would agree that at least one of these differences are game changers or at the very least they get you thinking and having doubts of your own. John Patrick Shanley creates a movie as a whole I feel was more informative than the play. In the play you have 4 characters Sister Aloysius, Father Flynn, Sister James, and Mrs. Muller. While the movie introduces a few other characters, for instance the children

  • Father Flynn in John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt

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    It is difficult to make the decision if Father Flynn is innocent or guilty. In John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt; a parable, he eclipses the truth very well. The scenes about the toy, the camping trip and the undershirt cause much confusion; causing the audience to go back and forth in their minds and doubt Father Flynn. Law says that people are innocent until proven guilty although; realistically, everyone knows that people are guilty until proven innocent. It is very possible that Father Fynn is only

  • Doubt Shanley

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    Freudian(Psychoanalytical) Literary Analysis of Doubt Doubt by John Patrick Shanley is about a nun who is entirely convinced that a priest had done something inappropriate with one of the students and taken advantage of the fact that the student (Donald Muller) is an African-American. Sister Aloysius Beauvier, the nun, concluded that Father Flynn, the priest, had been forcing Donald Muller to drink wine and molesting him. With the help of a naïve nun named Sister James, Sister Aloysius attempted

  • Doubt By John Patrick Shanley: Play Analysis

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    person…” (vii) John Patrick Shanley’s Pulitzer Prize-Winning play, Doubt, says and is these words that hook us to the doubt of knowing that every person hides a secret. Set in 1964 when The Liberal coalition took control, the play carries a dilemma of the reputation of a priest, Father Flynn, where is unknown if he has had any improper relationship with a black student Donald Muller, in a solely white Catholic School. However is hard to interpret the truth of the story because Shanley maintains a secret

  • Issues In The Movie Doubt

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    The 2008 film Doubt by John Patrick Shanley centers around a controversial principal of a Catholic school who has suspicions about the school’s and church’s priest concerning his honesty and purity. Sister Aloysius, the principal of the school, strict and traditional principal who is very set in her ways. While Father Flynn, the priest, has a very progressive and unorthodox nature approach to his priesthood. The central conflict within this film is Sister Aloysius’s suspicions about Father Flynn’s

  • Doubt: Movie Analysis

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    Subsequently, the Director John Patrick Shanley who is also the screenplay writer created the film Doubt, and I believe the film was made to shed the light on individuals who abuse their powers. In the film Doubt we see the possibility that Father Flynn may have abused his powers, and took

  • John Patrick Shanley's Doubt

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    viewers' imaginations.In order to be entertained by literature or art, the viewer needs to feel that they can use their imagination and not be confined to a plot that reveals all. In the parable Doubt, the controversial topics presented by John Patrick Shanley sparked differing views that the reader was torn between..It introduced a storyline revolved around a nun accusing a pastor of partaking in inappropriate engagement amongst the alter boys. Si... ... middle of paper ... ...der further than

  • Why Do Father Flynn Commit The Unspeakable Act

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    DOUBT In Doubt by John Patrick Shanley is a short play that takes place in a catholic school. The main characters of this play are Father Flynn t the priest at the school. Sister Aloysius Principle of the catholic school and the head nun. Sister James a young nun and teacher at the catholic school. Lastly Donald Muller the first black student to enter the catholic school. The conflict that arises is if Father Flynn is having sexual relations with Donald Muller. Sister James is worried