Jersey City, New Jersey Essays

  • Description of a Trip to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey

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    Description of a Trip to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey When deciding on a place for my science trip, I knew the perfect place would be the Liberty Science Center, located in Jersey City, New Jersey. I went there often as a child, so I already knew that there was a great deal to learn there. What I didn?t realize was how much it had been updated since I was there last. There are so many advances going on in science and technology, it?s all so amazing. What surprised

  • Transformational Leadership: New Jersey City University

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    “Transformational Leadership” Leadership Model Paper Madinah Kelley New Jersey City University "I have included all of the required components as outlined in the syllabus." The transformational leadership model is most known to be associated with a “vision to setting directions; restructuring and realigning the organisation; developing staff and curriculum; and involvement with the external community”(Burns, 1978). From this, seven discrete leadership practices

  • An Essay About Ellis Island

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    “They asked us questions, ‘How much is two and one? How much is two and two?’But the next young girl, also from our city, went and they asked her, ‘How do you wash stairs, from the top or from the bottom?’ She says, ‘I don’t come to America to wash stairs.’” This is a quote from Pauline Notkoff, a Polish Jewish immigrant who came to America in 1917 and was interviewed in 1985. Ellis Island had a highly efficient institution to present the United States with a healthy workforce. The goal was always

  • Inequality In Jersey City Essay

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    was all looked upon through a large scale, but how unfair or unequal are things on a smaller one? Jersey City is one of the most diverse cities and is divided into smaller and easily accessible sections and so I decided it would be the best place to observe the realities around me. Since the concept of inequality is existent, I decided to try to find where it was located in Jersey City. Jersey City is divided into several sections: Heights, Downtown, Journal Square, McGinley Square, Westside, Bergen/

  • Essay On Hurricane Sandy

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    struck the New Jersey area on October 29, 2012. Over 1,000 miles in diameter, the hurricane was the largest Atlantic tropical storm in history, and the second costliest hurricane in United States history, following Hurricane Katrina. In preparation for the hurricane, Federal, State and City authorities moved into emergency mode as the storm approached. On Sunday, October 28, 2012 President Obama declared a state of emergency in several states across the east cost, including New Jersey. This allowed

  • The Newark Riots of 1967

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    The Newark riots of 1967 were very extreme and terrible time in Newark, New Jersey, one of the worst in U.S. history. The riots were between African-Americans and white residents, police officers and the National Guard. The riots were not unexpected. The tension between the city grew tremendously during the 1960's, due to lack of employment for Blacks, inadequate housing, police brutality and political exclusion of blacks from government. In 1967, Newark's police force was 1500 members strong

  • Valley Forge: A Tragedy of the American Revolution

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    the last of true hardships of humanity during the war New York and New Jersey Campaigns Facts to know: • New York and New Jersey Campaign common name for a series of battles between the British and Americans in the American Revolution • British led by General Sir William Howe • Americans led by General George Washington • British landed on Staten Island on July 3, 1776 • British seized New York City • Americans pushed to New Jersey • Ultimately pushed into Pennsylvania • Washington staged

  • Analysis Of Helene Stapinski's Five Finger Discount: Case Review

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    called Five Finger Discount that has a lot of emotions in this book such as depressing, frightful that would really describe the book. Also, growing up in Jersey City she told the story of her life as a child, what she experienced as a little girl, and how crime and corruption were part of her life. Also, Stapinski’s experience of growing up in New

  • Benefits Of The National Basketball Association

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    from sponsorship deals. The two most valuable teams in the NBA, are towards the bottom of the league in performance over the past few years. Despite a 32-50 2015-2016 season, the New York Knicks are the NBA most valued teams at 3.3 billion dollars (Badenhausen). Starting in the 2017-2018 season, these numbers are

  • Blockbuster Video Analysis

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    The video rental industry was one of the more growing services retailers in the mid-1990s. However, due to Blockbuster, many rental video companies have failed to compete against this category killer. West Coast Video, Video City, and Hollywood Video, which are among the few and only large competitor’s of Blockbuster in the tri-state area. Many family-owned video rental stores could not compete against Blockbuster’s assortment of videos. Blockbuster opened its first store in 1985 and has grown to

  • Human Ecology

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    science. Looking forward to the next eight weeks and I wish everyone the best of luck with there studies. North Carolina is where I currently live; however, New Jersey is my birthplace. North Carolina is a nice place definitely a different pace from the city life. Aside from that, North Carolina has some good benefits that you cannot find in the city i.e. fishing and hunting to name a few. My employer is the United States Marine Corps, been in the service for about eight years now and love every minute

  • My Life With My Husband And Daughter

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    they lived, I have been doing what I can to adjust to my new life with my husband and daughter. I deal with missing the family and friends I left behind along with learning how to cope with humidity in the summer, below freezing winters, and pollen filled springs. New Jersey is culturally different to me as well, and even after eight years, I am still struggling with figuring where I fit in as a Jersey Girl. I never doubted moving to New Jersey would result in me missing being around the family and

  • Patience Wright: Artist or Spy?

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    Patience Wright. It is the small, yet important figures, including women that contributed to America’s victory in the Revolutionary War that we often overlook. Patience Wright, formerly known as Patience Lovell, was born in 1725, in Long Island New Jersey to a “well-to-do-Quaker family” (MacLean, 1). At that time in America, women were not allowed to own property or make any kind of salary; it was custom for women to carry out their duties to marry and raising a family. Fortunately for Wright, the

  • African American Flag By David Hammons

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    born in 1943 at Springfield, Illinois. He then moved to Los Angeles in 1962 to attend Chouinard Art Institute from 1966 to 1968, ultimately transferred to Otis Art Institute from 1968 to 1972. Eventually, he settled in New York City in 1974. He completed most of work in New York City during the 1970's and 1980's. David Hammons's work primarily expresses cultural implications; He uses materials that are outside the norm, including things such as bottles of cheap wine, chicken bones and elephant dung

  • Narrative Writing Homeless

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    I knew I was in Camden, New Jersey, when I saw the cracked cement of roads that had been left uncared for. The van grumbled as it stumbled over many scattered bumps and ridges along the light faded road, shaking us in our seats. I knew I had entered when the buildings began to press up against each other, no yard space, and their roofs would start to crumble. When more and more homes with boards covering up any source of life within them would appear between more normal ones, crumbled and shambled

  • Water in New Jersey

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    Water in New Jersey Residential, commercial and industrial development is the largest contributors to landscape change in the state of New Jersey. When buildout occurs in one region, development pressure begins in another, virtually insuring the Megalopolis concept of one huge urban corridor stretching between Boston and Washington D.C. Year after year, farmland dwindles, roads become congested, and more residents are left to compete for diminishing natural resources. Desperate measures and

  • Martha Stewart: A Study on Human Savagery

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    Dominic Harge AS English 2 Period 3 27 Oct, 2016 Ms.McCabe Witness Statement I’m Martha Stewart I was born in Jersey City, New jersey, and I own 95 percent of a cooking company with a networth of 12 billion dollars I am deemed fit to aid in this trial due to my controversial life story, I was very fortunate growing up I modeled, then worked on Wall Street after I graduated Barnard with a degree in European and Agricultural history Later, I was the author of the bestseller Entertainment and made

  • Farmland Preservation

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    that every person in New Jersey should be aware of. Our Garden State is quickly becoming too populated to hold such a title anymore. As more and more farms disappear, we are losing the precious land and culture, which initially made so many people decide to make New Jersey home. Everyone seems to want to move to the country and away from the city, but soon New Jersey may no longer have the attractive countryside landscape it was once so well known for. The people of New Jersey need to be made aware

  • Definition Essay: What Family Means To Me

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    Family means appreciation to me because me and my mom during February break went to New Jersey and on the way there we went through New York City. I told her that I would love to go to NYC on our way back through to my favorite state, Maine. Then we got to out of the tunnel under water in New Jersey and were getting on the New Jersey Pike. In the tunnel I asked her, " what if we saw the Statue of Liberty?" She then said, "get the camera ready just in case."

  • The Setting of Paul's Case

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    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Newark, New Jersey, and then on to New York, New York, the exact setting differs throughout the story. “…the dull dawn was beginning to show grey when the engine whistled a mile out of Newark” (Cather). At this point in the story, the main character, Paul, is on board a train which has departed from his hometown of Pittsburgh en route to the Jersey City Station. From there, he plans to make his way to the glamorous New York City, a city that he has always dreamed about visiting